10-19-2009, 03:49 PM
Can anybody explain the following senario to me?
Sunday night we had a 66kv insulator track and burn off the X-arm, on it's way down it clips the 11kv circuit running on the same structure. All is good repairs made and from previous experiences expect there to be some 11kv T/X's around with blown Lightning Aresstors.
Myself and college restored 11kv supply from Recloser (which for some reason didn't see the fault, protection settings???) after interrogating the recloser we noticed a lot less amps on C phase, obviously the phase the 66Kv contacted.
So I guess what I want to know is with all the T/X's on this 11Kv feeder, why did it choose only a certain few 3 Phase T/X's to blow the C phase arrestors on, and come to think of it all the Single phase T/X's on C Phase just popped the EDO fuses and went straight back in, no blown arrestor.
Could it be something to do with the integrity of the earthing at the T/X's with blown arrestos? or simply the EDO fuses were older/fatigued?
Any Ideas?:)
Sunday night we had a 66kv insulator track and burn off the X-arm, on it's way down it clips the 11kv circuit running on the same structure. All is good repairs made and from previous experiences expect there to be some 11kv T/X's around with blown Lightning Aresstors.
Myself and college restored 11kv supply from Recloser (which for some reason didn't see the fault, protection settings???) after interrogating the recloser we noticed a lot less amps on C phase, obviously the phase the 66Kv contacted.
So I guess what I want to know is with all the T/X's on this 11Kv feeder, why did it choose only a certain few 3 Phase T/X's to blow the C phase arrestors on, and come to think of it all the Single phase T/X's on C Phase just popped the EDO fuses and went straight back in, no blown arrestor.
Could it be something to do with the integrity of the earthing at the T/X's with blown arrestos? or simply the EDO fuses were older/fatigued?
Any Ideas?:)