View Full Version : Any one here work for So Cal Edison

03-07-2010, 06:49 PM
Hello everyone,

Have a question about Southern California Edison. I have tested and interviewed for a Groundman position about a year and a half ago,and I received a letter from them stating that they would contact me when positions became available. I was curious if anybody knows when they are going to be calling for groundmen because i'm really eager to start working for them. Or with the way the economy is right now does that have anything to do with why it is taking so long to here from them. If anyone has any info I would greatly appreciate it.

03-07-2010, 07:18 PM
I know of a couple of ppl that have been hired by SCE w/e the last yr. So if you wasnt hired its most likely because they desided to hire them over you. Just because you pass a test and have an interview with a company doesnt mean you will get hired. You have to stand out of the crowd when you interview because there are alot of canidates competing for a couple of opening!! I know 1 person that just interviewed with them Monday for groundman 3! I do know Edison is planning on having alot of transmission work and thats why they been hiring alot of groundman3 all in transmission.

03-07-2010, 07:58 PM
Ya I understand that just because I interviewed doesn't mean I got the job. The letter I have received said that I passed test and interview,so I thought I did pretty well. The position I applied for was groundman A-1 maybe they are looking for A-3. Thanks for the info man.