View Full Version : Ladwp hands BUSTED

west coast hand
04-30-2010, 02:56 PM
Did everyone hear about the lineman from dwp that were busted for going to the stripclubs and drinking and driving company trucks???come on guys it makes all lineman look bad...drinking on a highline rightaway is one thing but to do it in the middle of LA is stupied...

Special ED
04-30-2010, 03:12 PM
From what I seen youd have to be wasted to work in some parts of LA.. What a $hit hole!

I agree though West Coast... It makes us all look bad.. Guilty by association..

04-30-2010, 09:54 PM
Here's the link:


you know....I could care less what people do on their OWN time!!!

But here's a classic example of a bunch of clowns laying down on the Brotherhood!!!:mad: Anybody reading this...remember...when YOU took the oath to the IBEW... you were taking an oath that was meant to be taken serious....FOR LIFE!!!!



These maggots did nothing more than make ALL of us look bad!!!

And it's bad enough they were lazy at work, now when they get fired from DWP, I'll be lucky enough to get one of those ass clowns on my crew...GREAT!!!:mad:

05-01-2010, 08:03 AM
come on guys it makes all lineman look bad...drinking on a highline rightaway is one thing but to do it in the middle of LA is stupied...

Drinking on a highline right of way is not acceptable either. Assuming he/she is supposed to be at work.

electric squirrel
05-01-2010, 10:28 AM
I'll be the first to call them "broke dick power company pukes",typical utility hand,now they WILL get fired and run to the 47 hall and get a job and suck a mean d*&%k to get and keep a foreman gig,,,,,,,BUT they didn't do anything Ted Kennedy didn't ever do , and everybody says how he was a "great" American!!!! :cool:

05-01-2010, 10:28 AM
Did everyone hear about the lineman from dwp that were busted for going to the stripclubs and drinking and driving company trucks???come on guys it makes all lineman look bad...drinking on a highline rightaway is one thing but to do it in the middle of LA is stupied... Wow thats just plain crazy... you're only supposed to do that at GOP fund raising parties!

west coast hand
05-08-2010, 02:43 PM
The lineman got 20 days off...not fired thats funny dwp needs lineman bad I guess

05-08-2010, 05:50 PM
The lineman got 20 days off...not fired thats funny dwp needs lineman bad I guess

Is this legit (the time off that is)? If so, thats a joke! They should have been fired!! Talk about idiots!

05-08-2010, 10:07 PM
Sounds like they got down on their knees and crawled under a desk or two, if they only got a 20 day lay-off!!! man, that's stupid, should have got run of the property and outta the trade for that crap!!!

05-09-2010, 11:00 AM
If that had happened to a Pike Lineman...THAT man would never have worked on a Pike job the rest of his life.

I've known Pike linemen that failed numerous drug tests but yet still gets a job time and time again. So I wouldnt act like Pike is holier than thou and would have fired them either. They would have knocked them down to a grunt and kept their pay right where it was.

05-09-2010, 03:54 PM
Ummmm One of the lcal contractors ( wont mention who) only requires they pass a drug test when initally being empolyed............ Once they get hired on there are no drug tests unless sumpin bad happens.

Special ED
05-09-2010, 04:48 PM
Ive seen plenty of folks get popped taking drugs that worked for pike.. Couple classes and "Welcome back!" like it never even happend.. Hell I even seen a GF go bail a guy out for one of their jobs.. I couldn't believe it...

05-10-2010, 04:55 AM
Ummmm One of the lcal contractors ( wont mention who) only requires they pass a drug test when initally being empolyed............ Once they get hired on there are no drug tests unless sumpin bad happens.

I've seen some not give drug tests at all.

west coast hand
05-10-2010, 05:11 PM
The reason they only gave him 20 days off is because dwp can't afford to fire any lineman they can't find anymore no one wants to work at that dump why do you think you always see them hiring???there system is shit and there equipments junk...

SwampRat JR.
05-11-2010, 08:27 PM
Yup.:cool:So SR., does this mean we are on the Pike band wagon again.:rolleyes:

"Come November MR'er's":mad:

west coast hand
05-12-2010, 01:19 PM
Yup.:cool:So SR., does this mean we are on the Pike band wagon again.:rolleyes:

"Come November MR'er's":mad:

OH LOOK JR'S A PIKE LOVER TOOOOOOO...Why would you have 2 profiles you really are DUMB???

05-13-2010, 03:25 PM
Wrong Federal mandate requires a random independant drug policy. If that is true they are breaking federal law.

PM me that company and I will make a nice reward? If you want to clean up the way lineman project themselves> Start There.

I worked for a year under Pike and was only drug tested when I first started.

I also worked for Sumter Utilities (owned by Quanta) and never got drug tested AT ALL!

RSI I got drug tested at the beginning, but never afterwards. I watched them hire a so called "A-class":rolleyes: as they called it and he burned himself not once, but twice before they drug tested him and the crew and of course he was fired. I refused to work a pole with him and quit them before going my own way to save my own ass from these dangerous assholes.

BUT the fact is, these LADWP hands SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED for what they done ON THE JOB! I dont care what was done years ago, anyone with sense should know better than that!

Special ED
05-13-2010, 09:03 PM
BUT the fact is, these LADWP hands SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED for what they done ON THE JOB! I dont care what was done years ago, anyone with sense should know better than that!

I couldnt agree more!:mad:

05-13-2010, 09:18 PM
I would like to pull a couple random drug test on you. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites. Never a hang over. Ever? No alcohol in your system ever?????

Pull a drug test on him, he's 100% legit even though he's a retired Troubleman. I know him very well.

I dont think anyone here has said NONE OF US HAVE NEVER WENT TO WORK WITH A HANGOVER, or having alcohol in our system. I know I have and I'll admit it just like Trbl639 would if asked, and we both would tell you we DESERVED to get fired if we were tested!

I stay clean. When I was hurt one time I was piss tested, and had to take a breathalizer (sp?) and guess what? I was 100% clean dumbass!

If you think what these hands done were right (which includes going to a tity bar on company time, WTF?) then that tells me what kind of man you are.:rolleyes: We've all slept in the trucks when there was nothing to do, and to hide out and play cards all day while it rained. But as I said before if I was caught I'd take my punishment too. I wouldnt be telling a dickhead newspaper writer to kiss my ass while on company time.

Obviously they did something wrong as they've been punished. But it wasnt enough IMHO.

You want to talk witchhunt then look at the JEA crews who were followed all day because they were caught sleeping in the rain I think it was. I'm wanting to say some got fired (I hope not), but that was NOTHING compared to what these hands done.

Steve you never fail to amaze with the name calling. All that bitterness and cussing every other word will catch up to ya before you know it. Go to the doctor and ask for Valium, maybe that will help ya.:cool:

05-13-2010, 11:19 PM
Are you kidding me? Sleeping on the job is not okay! If you sleep on the job, anywhere, you should be fired. Holy shit.

05-14-2010, 02:17 AM
Are you kidding me? Sleeping on the job is not okay! If you sleep on the job, anywhere, you should be fired. Holy shit.

Not really fair. We've worked 40 straight and was told to wait to get a room or sleep in the trucks by the Supervisors. We were still getting paid as we were still on the site, but the hotel was still hours away.

Holy shit thats amazing huh?

05-14-2010, 01:28 PM
I would like to pull a couple random drug test on you. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites. Never a hang over. Ever? No alcohol in your system ever?????

I'm not gonna sit here and lie to ya, working with about alcohol in the system, or coming in with a Hang over, but I will tell ya that I never tested Hot on a Random, for blood alcohol or drugs, and believe me the outfit I worked for pulled em daily............and still do!

I've turned down call-outs when I'd been in the bottle, and got called in on the carpet for it, and told Management they were full of it for calling me in...cause I was off and on my time when they called, and they couldn't stop me when I was on MY time......I've had a few pole buddies fired and run of the property, given 10 minutes to get their crap and leave, cause they were popped on a Random, for blood alcohol (and/or drugs)......had 1 SR lineman, that lots of times when we were called back after quitting time for trouble, that I told to stay in the damn cab of the truck, till I told em to get out, cause he'd had too much to drink and came in when he shouldn't have!! that same guy got run off for it, a few years after I transferred out to a different control!!! Saw another T-man run off the property not for drinking on the job, tested clean, when they caught him, but was run off for having beer in a water keg on the truck!!!

05-14-2010, 11:31 PM
Call me a hypocrite all you want to Stevie, it doesnt bother me. I can take the heat.

Still doesnt change the fact these guys SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED. Give me one reason they shouldnt be?? Or can you?

05-15-2010, 11:43 AM
Self righteous? No, just common sense. We all (atleast us with common sense) knows not to take a company truck to the beer store and definitely not the tity bar.

We're not in Kansas anymore...

05-15-2010, 06:53 PM
I don't suppose, doing lines of crack on public is one of the NO NO's? Thats right. Hell Ruby and I was setting their enjoying the music and these clowns pulled out packets of crack and exposed us all to arrest. So I don't give a GOD_DAMNED what other people do as long as it don't hurt me. Like I said it ain't your place to judge these people since you don't know them, work with them Worry about your own back yard and who you are working with.

Those lines of crack? Adelanto, CA. The people? People I had worked with at one time or other for twenty years. Surprised? Your damn well better believe it. I was out of there in less than a minute. But I will tell you this. Noon Liquid Lunches are a tradition in some parts of the country. (but not KS). It will never stop, just because some want to be like you thinks it is bad form. Those people could give a SH!T what you hypocrites think.

I've seen idiots do the same (yes thats what they are) and after a Journeyman almost killed me after rolling Acid (I had no idea he was high) I NEVER worked around another Lineman that was high on the job.

Like I said Stevie I could care less what happened years ago and blah blah blah. Fact is liquid lunches and noon time snorts are DANGEROUS and can and will get people hurt or killed. WHETHER YOU THINK SO OR NOT. Thats not being hypocritical, THATS JUST HAVING A FU(KING BRAIN!!!

05-16-2010, 11:28 AM
You wouldnt have shit on me Stevie nor would have any authority over me. You might like to "think" you are the chit but you simply are not.

Should a lineworker be fired for drinking or doing drugs? Hell yes. Like I said it can get people killed. You're not much of a safety man if you let it slide as you are putting lives in danger yourself. I think that tells me enough about you, to let people slide while drinking and doing drugs. You put peoples lives in danger then come on here trying to make yourself feel good about it.

It wouldnt be fuking up their life, THEY would be doing it. If they cant accept that then they shouldnt be drinking or doing drugs on the job. Thats a SIMPLE FACT. And Stevie I've worked in every state in the Southeast so I've seen my share bud. Still doesnt change the fact ITS DANGEROUS!

It becomes OUR problem when they are working on the same pole I am or anyone else is. But I guess since you say its ok we should all overlook it and let everyone snort some lines during the tailgate and drink a few during lunch:rolleyes:

05-16-2010, 04:24 PM
I not going to argue with you your A GODDAMNED wannabee.

This so called "wannabe" sure has your old ass fired up. This sorry piece of shit has you drooling all over your keyboard. Might want to go change your diaper now Stevie.



Stevie, Stevie, Stevie. You're going to have a stroke if you dont stop. I've worked with many dumbasses like yourself, who think you are God's gift to linework. There is no wannabe to it Stevie, I'm a lineman and I know it chaps your ass but you cant DO A DAMNED THING ABOUT IT. I dont go to work hungover, and I damned sure dont do drugs at work. I like to keep a safe work zone unlike you who just pats the druggies on the ass and tells them it will be ok to drink during lunch or snort a line even though it endangers EVERYONE there but yet you act like you are some safety guru. I'll give it to you that you know your shit, but you are a fu(king moron when it comes to anything else. You obviously suck ass as a safety man or whatever you think you are. Stay in that big metropolis known as Kansas because thats where your dumbass needs to be.

BTW, the South is by far better than a piece of shit state such as Kansas especially your town. Talk about podunk. So keep walking around like you are King Shit and everyone will continue to notice you are a complete idiot to let guys work high and drunk. This is as funny as reading your political bullshit because you just blabber and drool on yourself and shit your britches when someone doesnt agree with you. It would take more ignorant MF'ers than you to run me off. You're not in Kansas anymore Toto when you come down South. But we'd rather keep your crew of piece of shit coke snorters and drunks in Kansas as we work safe down here, not high as a kite or drunk as skunk like you let your guys run around doing. You might have control over dumbasses like that in Kansas but here you are just another brokedown piece of shit Stevie.

Special ED
05-16-2010, 11:19 PM
Sorry to interrupt the penis measuring contest... But plain and simple you do drugs or alcohol on the job or come to work under the influence you should be fired plain and simple no questions asked.. I've been guilty of the comming in hungover but that was when I was a grunt. And I tell you what they should have fired my ass quicker than shit but they didnt.. No I dont drink on work nights and even if I just had one drink I wont take a call out. You do drugs or alcohol around me at work or come in with it still in you well you can bet your ass your gonna be getting tested under resonable suspicion and if your test comes up hot your kickin rocks. Same for me if I came up hot on a test (which I know wont happen) I would accept the consiquiences for my actions and take it like a man..

Now you may resume your penis measuring contest. Thank you.

05-16-2010, 11:24 PM
Kansas as you put it worm is one state out of fifty.

I worked most of the time every place but KS I started in Houston, and know damned well every part of line work punk. Every worked 600 DC? Sounds strange. But Houston had 600 volt DC circuits feeding Downtown. That sh!t was on stand of knobes and just as dangerous as any primary. Very unforgiving. Every climbed through 4 circuits if 4,160 to get the the 7,200 bucket truck punk?
Every work live 345kv that had your skin feel like it was being rubbed with sandpaper you goddamned wannabee. Ever had to sand with your feet in open secondaries, because of the damned poor @$$ed clearances on the poles? No your a damned bucket truck baby to scared to even fill out a profile. Every glove 7,200 off the pole? 33 out of a bucket? Ever stick KV or 138kv? Hell did you ever even stick 7,200 off the pole months at a time????
I am telling you this non profiled puke. Most of the retires on this site got to retirement with major incident, because we were the fuking best. There might be some I don't remember, but every damned apprentice I remember in Houston was killed on the pole at Houston Light and Power or after they left and went construction. Fill out a profile or shut you wannabee punk mouth to me.

Like I said I worked Texas, Louisiana Arkansas Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma, New Mexico, California, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Montana, Colorado and Pennsylvania.
Different systems different rule, sometimes climbing all day ground to ground in rubber gloves, so don't tell me about the punk @$$ed south.

One last thing punk did you ever have a guy die on the pole just below you because he didn't listen to a dumb@$$ like me????

Damn! After all that I thought for sure Detroit would be on that list? Didn't do the 33, 138, or the 345 BUT WE HAD THE COKE HEADS!:D

Just a little humor fellas! Kumbaya...Kumbaya!:rolleyes:

05-16-2010, 11:57 PM
Sorry to interrupt the penis measuring contest... But plain and simple you do drugs or alcohol on the job or come to work under the influence you should be fired plain and simple no questions asked.. I've been guilty of the comming in hungover but that was when I was a grunt. And I tell you what they should have fired my ass quicker than shit but they didnt.. No I dont drink on work nights and even if I just had one drink I wont take a call out. You do drugs or alcohol around me at work or come in with it still in you well you can bet your ass your gonna be getting tested under resonable suspicion and if your test comes up hot your kickin rocks. Same for me if I came up hot on a test (which I know wont happen) I would accept the consiquiences for my actions and take it like a man..

Now you may resume your penis measuring contest. Thank you.

Ahh I'm done with the senile assed old man. Anybody that would take up for hands drinking on the job is just stupid or crazy. Like you said I'd rather be safe and go home each night than to claim I'm some line cowboy that seen all my buddies or apes/grunts die on the job and boast about it.

05-17-2010, 03:31 PM
Sorry to interrupt the penis measuring contest... But plain and simple you do drugs or alcohol on the job or come to work under the influence you should be fired plain and simple no questions asked.. I've been guilty of the comming in hungover but that was when I was a grunt. And I tell you what they should have fired my ass quicker than shit but they didnt.. No I dont drink on work nights and even if I just had one drink I wont take a call out. You do drugs or alcohol around me at work or come in with it still in you well you can bet your ass your gonna be getting tested under resonable suspicion and if your test comes up hot your kickin rocks. Same for me if I came up hot on a test (which I know wont happen) I would accept the consiquiences for my actions and take it like a man..

Now you may resume your penis measuring contest. Thank you.

Well put !!!

west coast hand
05-18-2010, 12:22 AM
You guys are getting carryed away if you have never seen guys drinking on the clock you have not been in the trade that long I don't drink myself but on highlines I have seen 2 cooler one for beer and the other for water and sodas it doesn't make it right but it's linework and yes I've been to strip clubs on the clock but we never got CAUGHT like them???

05-18-2010, 03:18 PM
Wasn't no goddamned boast fool. Just the goddamned fact. We didn't have all the safety sh!t punk @$$ bucket babies like you have now. So let me tell you puke. I pulled peoples sh!t out of the fire more than once. One died on the pole after I told he to buckle off and stay low. That is tough, But you bucket punks and all your sleep walking safety don't mean sh!t. You just go through the motions letting some college puke tell you how to be safe. I am damned glad I don't have to work around piss-ants like you.

You dont know anything about me old man. I spent my years in hooks (I will admit not enough as you, I've never said you didnt know your shit) but I damn sure aint no bucket baby. I see you're about to have a stroke so I'll let you be old man. I'm damn sure glad I wouldnt have to work with a know it all like you too.

@westcoast yes we've been there and done that (w/the beer). But its wrong when you're drinking on the job and going to tity bars on the job. Thats just asking for termination and it would be a just firing.

Special ED
05-18-2010, 04:15 PM
You guys are getting carryed away if you have never seen guys drinking on the clock you have not been in the trade that long I don't drink myself but on highlines I have seen 2 cooler one for beer and the other for water and sodas it doesn't make it right but it's linework and yes I've been to strip clubs on the clock but we never got CAUGHT like them???

Did you work for pike also?

Drinkin on the job or doing drugs then or now is wrong.. If I came across such conditions it would be the last day I spent with that particular company. Plain and simple I dont want it around me at work. I value my life way too much. I enjoy seeing my family at the end of the day. You have a responsibility to yourself and your fellow co workers to look out for yourself and them and sitting idle while that shit goes on in my opinon makes you just a guilty..

west coast hand
05-18-2010, 09:00 PM
Did you work for pike also?

Drinkin on the job or doing drugs then or now is wrong.. If I came across such conditions it would be the last day I spent with that particular company. Plain and simple I dont want it around me at work. I value my life way too much. I enjoy seeing my family at the end of the day. You have a responsibility to yourself and your fellow co workers to look out for yourself and them and sitting idle while that shit goes on in my opinon makes you just a guilty..

Did I work for pike haha no I did an apprenticship unlike you that worked rat and tested out??? been IBEW since I was 18 started a week out of high school and have never and will NEVER WORK RAT so don't come on here talking sh&t to me saying I worked for pike like you did I have more pride in myself then to work rat EVER unlike you...So Shut your mouth white ticket...And as for being as guilty for not turning those guys in I'm not a snitch if I don't like something I say it if someone don't like it then we can handle it period...

Bull Dog
05-18-2010, 09:39 PM
I have come to work and found the class man drunk and passed out in the front seat of the truck. Its easier to come to work about 2 am than to drive home drunk and have to get up early. So how did we handle this you may ask? We punched him in. Sat him up still sound asleep and drove to the job. Set up the truck and went to work. About 10 am the boss drove up so I hit the door of the truck with a five foot and he rolled out on the ground got up and grabbed a shovel. The boss didn't seem to catch on although our alkey looked goofy. We all had a good laugh when the boss left and chewed Stevie's ass for about a hour. We told him if you ever did this again we won't cover for you the next time. He didn't get the message and they fired him. Another company picked him up in a few weeks after he promised not to be a drunk anymore. He lied and they eventually fired him also. Last I heard he was stocking shelves at a grocery store. I don't approve of this but times have changed. At one time you had to be a drunk to get along with the other drunks. How things have changed. Oh I almost forgot we had the strippers naked in the hotel pool. Those were the days.

05-18-2010, 10:02 PM
Did I work for pike haha no I did an apprenticship unlike you that worked rat and tested out??? been IBEW since I was 18 started a week out of high school and have never and will NEVER WORK RAT so don't come on here talking sh&t to me saying I worked for pike like you did I have more pride in myself then to work rat EVER unlike you...So Shut your mouth white ticket...And as for being as guilty for not turning those guys in I'm not a snitch if I don't like something I say it if someone don't like it then we can handle it period...

Wow man he only asked if you ever worked for them, he wasnt implying you did.

On the rat issue yea me and him both learned about the rat/union issues. Here in the South the Union is not as strong as it is in other states. I had NO IDEA about Union or Non when I first hired on. It took me a year before I learned there was such a thing as IBEW. So to say that I'd say is out of line and me and him both got away from the piece of shit company called pike.

@special ed I agree. Its dead-on IMHO. I'm ashamed others think its ok. I still havent seen one legitimate reason on how its ok. I've seen bitching and moaning and me being called a bucket baby and pansy but yet the same idiot cant give me a good reason as to how its ok to drink or snort on the job. There is no good reason for it and they know it. Just more old "war stories" about how tough they are and how they seen plenty of people die and do more drugs and drink beer (like that is something to brag about). Its good to know we got people here with sense like you.

west coast hand
05-19-2010, 12:16 AM
Wow man he only asked if you ever worked for them, he wasnt implying you did.

On the rat issue yea me and him both learned about the rat/union issues. Here in the South the Union is not as strong as it is in other states. I had NO IDEA about Union or Non when I first hired on. It took me a year before I learned there was such a thing as IBEW. So to say that I'd say is out of line and me and him both got away from the piece of shit company called pike.

@special ed I agree. Its dead-on IMHO. I'm ashamed others think its ok. I still havent seen one legitimate reason on how its ok. I've seen bitching and moaning and me being called a bucket baby and pansy but yet the same idiot cant give me a good reason as to how its ok to drink or snort on the job. There is no good reason for it and they know it. Just more old "war
stories" about how tough they are and how they seen plenty of people die and do more drugs and drink beer (like that is something to brag about). Its good to know we got people here with sense like you.

it's like this I don't think anybody should be able to walk right in and test out I don't care how much experance they have if somebody wants to be union go through a apprenticship like alot of us did we earned are tickets we didn't just work for pike or irby for a couple years and walk in the hall and get a ticket and he was not asking if I worked for pike he was being a smart ass and I don't think it's funny or a joke that kinda stuff pisses me off my whole family is lineman brothers uncles dad and grandpa and all IBEW hands earned are tickets didn't buy them at some cheese dick local in the south that will give anybody a ticket for more dues, as for the drinking part that happened along time ago I remember when I was an app I had to buy my lineman and Forman a case of beer so they would fill out my app report that just the way it was and still is some places out here

05-19-2010, 12:48 AM
I didn't start out RAT..unless you call the U S Air Force RAT!!! Got my start there, but Dad was a Union Hand, started in '46, retired in '85, till he got into Management, and I can say that he never Forgot where he came from, and anybody that ever worked with or for him will tell ya the same, God Rest His Soul! I had 7 yrs as a USAF lineman, then hired on with a Co-op, for a couple years, and then got on with the old Arkansas Power & Light (Now Entergy/Arkansas), as an apprentice, did my time and earned my ticket, then 29 years Later I retired, and kept my Ticket, still pay my dues, not working, unless there's plenty of work, letting the hands with a family that need a paycheck get it now, if there is a big storm and there's plenty of work, I'll knock the dust off mine and do what ever it takes, but I'll tell ya this, it ain't gonna Be RAT!!! Once I got that ticket, there ain't no going back!

I can remember buying the foreman and Sr Lineman a case or two myself, but we never did drink on the job, and I've done 1 Real Life Pole top Rescue, the guy lived and as far as I know, he's still hooking!! We didn't have accidents like that, cause we all kept our heads screwed on straight, and played by the rules so we could all go home at the end of the day, just like we came to work, in ONE piece, with all our parts and pieces!!! Not saying we didn't have some close calls, but I worked with some of the Best in the Trade, and that's why we all went home at the end of the day, we loved the trade and loved our Brothers and we looked out for each other, we didn't pull the stupid shit that some folks have done, and some are still going to do...........It just wasn't worth it in the long run!!

west coast hand
05-19-2010, 01:21 AM
Any armed forces is not rat...and you not working unless there's plenty of work to let the guys with familys get the money that's what you call being a true brother right on man I wish there were more hand like you... And keep raising that boom as often as you can...

05-19-2010, 02:13 AM
Any armed forces is not rat...and you not working unless there's plenty of work to let the guys with familys get the money that's what you call being a true brother right on man I wish there were more hand like you... And keep raising that boom as often as you can...

Thanks West Coast!! I got a steady pay check and no more work than there is around here right now, people are hurting, and my Buddy that has a small Line outfit, is hurting too, used to work on the power company property, and most of his hands were good young hands, and some of us older company retirees, is hurting, cause word is a RAT outfit got the company contract...still don't know who it is, but would bet it's either Pike or Highlines.........Highlines has worked on the Louisiana side (non-union art of the company) for years and isn't too bad of an outfit, as far as working and doing it right, but depends on the crew, if ya know what I mean.........had some in my area, doing a reconduct, a few years ago, and after a year or two, I got plenty of OT from em, wrong bisquits/connectors showing up bad, but Pike....won't last too long here, I don't think, they'll have to conform to our Safety rules and don't think they can do it........it's so crappy now, it's hard for our own hands to keep from getting sent home!!!
Guys are getting sent home for not covering up 120V cable secondary to a street light, when working on it, out of a bucket, with a 10ft or longer arm, and they can't even reach it...........what used to take 10-15 minutes takes 30 or more, but hey we got paid by the hour:)

05-19-2010, 01:26 PM
Trbl you know me, would you say I'm a rat or Union supporter? I find it funny some here call me rat but I was once attached to a local myself AFTER I left pike.

With the Union not strong in the South I never knew there was an electrical union when I started at pike just out of high school at 18. I had just turned 18 at that. If anyone wants to call me a rat for busting my ass and learning linework can do it, but I know the truth about me.

Still doesnt change my mind about letting guys snort coke and drink on the job.

Special ED
05-19-2010, 03:02 PM
Did I work for pike haha no I did an apprenticship unlike you that worked rat and tested out??? been IBEW since I was 18 started a week out of high school and have never and will NEVER WORK RAT so don't come on here talking sh&t to me saying I worked for pike like you did I have more pride in myself then to work rat EVER unlike you...So Shut your mouth white ticket...And as for being as guilty for not turning those guys in I'm not a snitch if I don't like something I say it if someone don't like it then we can handle it period...

Seriously.. Its been said elsewhere by others.. The union is not strong here.. in my local 369 there is roughly 120 linemen for the entire state... Pike and Elliot do a majority of the work. All the utility hands are out of 2100. Very few of em there too.. So for me to get in the trade learn what I do.. Yeah I even did an apprenticship.. Wasn't a formal one but I did on. Then I learned about the IBEW and seen the light. So I called up my local and guess what... My reputation spoke for its self in these parts and they were delighted to have a man like me come join the ranks after I passed the test. As for a white ticket.. Never carried one. I do carry a nice laminated yellow ticket with Jman Lineman on it though.. Oh and its an A ticket. Same thing you carry.

I was just crackin a joke about you being so used to the alcohol and coolers of it on jobsites.. Im sorry your tampon is due for a change and it pissed you off. But it was a joke. Get over it and get off your high horse.. We are both Union and both want the same things. My work day just dont involve a happy hour..

05-19-2010, 05:12 PM
Trbl you know me, would you say I'm a rat or Union supporter? I find it funny some here call me rat but I was once attached to a local myself AFTER I left pike.

With the Union not strong in the South I never knew there was an electrical union when I started at pike just out of high school at 18. I had just turned 18 at that. If anyone wants to call me a rat for busting my ass and learning linework can do it, but I know the truth about me.

Still doesnt change my mind about letting guys snort coke and drink on the job.

I know ya, and your situation, back then, before you saw the light, and now...........and you are not a Rat.........I understand why you don't have a ticket now, being crippled up, there's no sense in paying the dues!! I don't care what the guy says about, I'll still work a pole with ya anyday Brother!! If we can just get Smiley to grunt for us!!!:)

west coast hand
05-19-2010, 07:25 PM
Seriously.. Its been said elsewhere by others.. The union is not strong here.. in my local 369 there is roughly 120 linemen for the entire state... Pike and Elliot do a majority of the work. All the utility hands are out of 2100. Very few of em there too.. So for me to get in the trade learn what I do.. Yeah I even did an apprenticship.. Wasn't a formal one but I did on. Then I learned about the IBEW and seen the light. So I called up my local and guess what... My reputation spoke for its self in these parts and they were delighted to have a man like me come join the ranks after I passed the test. As for a white ticket.. Never carried one. I do carry a nice laminated yellow ticket with Jman Lineman on it though.. Oh and its an A ticket. Same thing you carry.

I was just crackin a joke about you being so used to the alcohol and coolers of it on jobsites.. Im sorry your tampon is due for a change and it pissed you off. But it was a joke. Get over it and get off your high horse.. We are
both Union and both want the same things. My work day just dont involve a
happy hour..

You may carry a yellow ticket that my say JL but you didn't earn it like I did unless it's through the IBEW it's not a apprenticship...you and mr brothers keep saying I let drinking and snorting coke go on.Not on my crew but it happens I have never snorted coke or any other drugs I value
my body to much shit dude I don't even drink ever all I do is linework and martial arts so I don't put anything bad in my body what others choose to do is there business Im good at minding my own business until it is brought to me I won't work with someone that's drunk or high... That one crew that I was on they only drank after we were done working no happy hours at lunchs...All Im saying is don't be popping off thinking your funny with the did I work for pike comments I don't think it funny especially when you came from there and there is plenty of place in the Midwest to work that's union so don't give me that sh&t I have worked out there so I know...

Fiberglass Cowboy
05-19-2010, 07:58 PM
Alright everyone, why don't we take a deep breathe and inhale from our nose, and exhale from our mouth. Inhale, ..... now exhale. Calm down. Feel better now ?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over ???

M.F. dudes, chill out already. :cool:

05-19-2010, 08:48 PM
yeah gotta agree with Batts I remember racing spacer buggies years ago.... you'd know your mark buy the beer cans in the ROW the grunt would stop ya 10 or 12 yards after he passed it... at every other tower or so when you bumped your buggie around and dropped you nosebags youd get 2 more sent up on the hand line one full of spacers the other full of brew...

hell there were times I was so drunk at the end of the day I'd have to tie of my buggies and let myself down on the hand line cuz I was to tore up to climb down....

Was it right...

hell no...

does it still happen today?

hell yes...

and it still aint right...

I got a little older and (hopefully) a little wiser...
and realized how stupid it was... for me it was medical issues... they made me have to quit drinkin... and stayed that way for shit a long time...

but after I sobered up I realized how foolish it was...

there has to be a break point for shit like this...

some guys get others don't... but to end a career over it is awful... in this day and age it's almost impossible to get away with it a second time... so probation makes sence to me...

the way information is running around how easy it is to access... how easy it is to RECORD!

his or their career is MARKED like big time... this cat prolly ain't gonna be able to piss between the bin door without somebody watching and waiting to bust him for indecent exposore or wrecking the envorment or any countless types of new age shit...

samck the **** outa him rake him over the coals with all the polices and regs ya got make him known hes a marked man.... yes...

end his carrer... no...

For what it's worth,


05-20-2010, 02:01 AM
Union or nonunion? Never ever drank a beer, not even in high school on prom night or drank ever night. If you started in the Union because they are the only ones that are safe? I only went to work because I needed to make money. I guess I saw things different. To me I didn't care where you were from. Seemed to me the important thing was where you are now. This discussion could go on and on. I was never the kind of kid who thought I knew everything...still don't. I wasn't always on the best crews, taught by perfect people. Good thing for me? lol. I have learned a few things....... Just because we wear the same hardhat doesn't make us equal. I don't think because you do it different you are wrong. And the title doesn't make the man, the man makes the title.
As far as drinking and drugs on the job......no comment...it's simple.
But before I jump on this I think I would ask myself.... How many storms or all nighters have I worked? Have I ever said I was to tired and then let dispatch give me one more? Was I 100% after hooking all day for 2 weeks daylight to dark? If not did I stop and go home or go on the the next location? Is that a firing offense? Was I being responsible?
Thanks to all the lineman that helped teach me this trade. Union and Nonunion alike.

west coast hand
05-21-2010, 01:06 AM
I didn't mean I have never drank a beer ever but not in the last 10 year atleast.It taste like sh&t anyways,and I never understood why some guys drink 20 beers or more ain't knowbody that damn thirsty

Special ED
05-21-2010, 05:04 AM
You may carry a yellow ticket that my say JL but you didn't earn it like I did unless it's through the IBEW it's not a apprenticship...

All Im saying is don't be popping off thinking your funny with the did I work for pike comments I don't think it funny especially when you came from there and there is plenty of place in the Midwest to work that's union so don't give me that sh&t I have worked out there so I know...

West Coast.. Brother.. How many other brothers we got out in the fields like myself that came up non union and were orginized in like myself? A whole shit ton.. You should be happy we orginized cause thats less non union competition. Yes I went through an apprenticship. No it was not as good as the IBEW. I will give you that. But what makes a good lineman is his mentors in the field. I learned alot in the field both what to do and what not to do.

As for my joke.. Well Im sorry it got ya so flustered.. If I ever come out to the west coast on a fire or something Ill be sure to look ya up give ya a hug and buy ya a smoothie or some healthy drink.. Well, scratch the hug unless you just really need it.

Yes I came into the trade here in the midwest. Lots of places to work when I started out but there was none that kept me close to home at the time and I had to be home. Right before I got into the trade my pa IBEW 2100 member for 27 years became ill and due to hospital negligence was put into a coma which lasted a little over a year. So the travel that dont bother me I couldnt do at the time cause family comes first before anyone or anything. By the time it was all said and done and we put my pa in the ground I was well on my way to being a good lineman so I stuck it out till I topped out and moved on to greener pastures though again non-union. Cause I don't know if you know this or not but new widows and widowers sometimes have a hard time being alone after their signifigant other passes away and it would have killed ma if I had gone away to work on the Union side. She moved on and got back into her grove and I packed up and headed west lookin to better my self with the IBEW.. No work out in Arizonia to be had and money was tight so I did what I could and ended up in Texas workin for another non-union out fit till I got sick of it and called up the local here and they said they had work and wanted me to come in and test. Quit on a friday drove 20 hours and met with the BM on Monday.

What Im gettin at is know the whole story before you jump someones shit. Come down off your high horse.. Theres plenty of union work here but its all utility that wasnt hiring and union contractors weren't around cause LG&E loves pike.. When someone orginizes in and tests out or gets placed in the apprenticeship that came from a non-union outfit Im there to welcome them to the good side of the fence cause like I said thats one less lineman to compete with.. Not all non-union lineman have what it takes to become union and not all union linemen should even posses a journeyman ticket. Shit in one hand and wish in the other right? I got a lineman workin for me journeyman even... He went through Albat and guess what?? He dont know his ass from a hole in the ground let alone how to wire up a bank of transformers yet he holds a ticket.. Theres good and theres bad in everything so lighten up brother.

west coast hand
05-21-2010, 02:52 PM
Damn bro I feel bad now after hearing your story. At first I thought you were just being a smart ass I can take a joke but I get pissed off sometime and fly off the handle. I have seen alot of guys that come from non union and test out and run out here for the money and they don't want to climb or bitch and cry about it cause most of are work is in backyards or no bucket access so your on the wood alot,and any underground jobs I mean I know alot of guy don't know how to splice lead or epr cable but come on a basic elbow??? You know what I mean any guy that's a good hand right on welcome to the IBEW.sorry for bashing on ya and be safe brother...

05-21-2010, 05:10 PM
If I ever come out to the west coast on a fire or something Ill be sure to look ya up give ya a hug and buy ya a smoothie or some healthy drink..

I feel left out. Can I have a hug and smoothie? :D

west coast hand
05-21-2010, 09:34 PM
I feel left out. Can I have a hug and smoothie? :D

Only if you wear your kilt??? J/K LOL

05-21-2010, 11:44 PM
Only if you wear your kilt??? J/K LOL

and I'm piss the bed drunk...

Special ED
05-21-2010, 11:46 PM
Its all good WestCoast..

Clive if I ever hop across the big pond and visit the UK I'll look ya up and get ya a smoothie.

05-22-2010, 12:06 AM
West Coast.. Brother.. How many other brothers we got out in the fields like myself that came up non union and were orginized in like myself? A whole shit ton.. You should be happy we orginized cause thats less non union competition. Yes I went through an apprenticship. No it was not as good as the IBEW. I will give you that. But what makes a good lineman is his mentors in the field. I learned alot in the field both what to do and what not to do.

As for my joke.. Well Im sorry it got ya so flustered.. If I ever come out to the west coast on a fire or something Ill be sure to look ya up give ya a hug and buy ya a smoothie or some healthy drink.. Well, scratch the hug unless you just really need it.

Yes I came into the trade here in the midwest. Lots of places to work when I started out but there was none that kept me close to home at the time and I had to be home. Right before I got into the trade my pa IBEW 2100 member for 27 years became ill and due to hospital negligence was put into a coma which lasted a little over a year. So the travel that dont bother me I couldnt do at the time cause family comes first before anyone or anything. By the time it was all said and done and we put my pa in the ground I was well on my way to being a good lineman so I stuck it out till I topped out and moved on to greener pastures though again non-union. Cause I don't know if you know this or not but new widows and widowers sometimes have a hard time being alone after their signifigant other passes away and it would have killed ma if I had gone away to work on the Union side. She moved on and got back into her grove and I packed up and headed west lookin to better my self with the IBEW.. No work out in Arizonia to be had and money was tight so I did what I could and ended up in Texas workin for another non-union out fit till I got sick of it and called up the local here and they said they had work and wanted me to come in and test. Quit on a friday drove 20 hours and met with the BM on Monday.

What Im gettin at is know the whole story before you jump someones shit. Come down off your high horse.. Theres plenty of union work here but its all utility that wasnt hiring and union contractors weren't around cause LG&E loves pike.. When someone orginizes in and tests out or gets placed in the apprenticeship that came from a non-union outfit Im there to welcome them to the good side of the fence cause like I said thats one less lineman to compete with.. Not all non-union lineman have what it takes to become union and not all union linemen should even posses a journeyman ticket. Shit in one hand and wish in the other right? I got a lineman workin for me journeyman even... He went through Albat and guess what?? He dont know his ass from a hole in the ground let alone how to wire up a bank of transformers yet he holds a ticket.. Theres good and theres bad in everything so lighten up brother.

This is what i was talking about.....I NEVER judge before I see what a man can do. I don't fell pressured before the job starts because of where you are from....there are 2 kinds of people...Those i can teach and those i can learn from......doesn't matter which one you are... I will know soon enough....

younger linehand outa 111
05-28-2010, 08:21 PM
iv been around red and pike hands and iv seen them give the answers for there apprenticeships and drink beer on the high line jobs and kill people with there vechicles and still keep there job. ur so full of shit it ain t funny. I know of guys cutting lines with the gf's on jobs and climbing after and u want to tell me non union is all about. ur so full of crap the only work u must of done must of been in a church with them.

05-28-2010, 11:25 PM
iv been around red and pike hands and iv seen them give the answers for there apprenticeships and drink beer on the high line jobs and kill people with there vechicles and still keep there job. ur so full of shit it ain t funny. I know of guys cutting lines with the gf's on jobs and climbing after and u want to tell me non union is all about. ur so full of crap the only work u must of done must of been in a church with them.



05-29-2010, 02:17 AM
iv been around red and pike hands and iv seen them give the answers for there apprenticeships and drink beer on the high line jobs and kill people with there vechicles and still keep there job. ur so full of shit it ain t funny. I know of guys cutting lines with the gf's on jobs and climbing after and u want to tell me non union is all about. ur so full of crap the only work u must of done must of been in a church with them.

NO WAY! The precious pike he worked for was such a great company that everyone wants to retire from!!:rolleyes:

Like I said he's a true blowhard that earned his way up with his mouth instead of his hands. Thats the ONLY way to think pike is safe. I thought they were safe too until I read and seen what the IBEW and UWUA does with their apprentices. I was young and dumb and lucky I'm still alive as we had incidents that damn near killed us. But swampys pike would never cover up an accident or do the things I listed in one of these threads that he couldnt answer.

Then there's the joke that j. eric pike is on some OSHA safety committee. Money will buy you anything these days, just ask O.J.!!!

pike and safe does not go together.

07-07-2010, 07:06 PM
Wow that was exciting!! I saw the whole thing on youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCynl-_SyXg

I'm getting my climbing cert in sun valley, CA at LADWP's yard. It's also where they have the rodeo's. We heard about this right when it happened and we knew they weren't getting fired because there is such demand! You could get hired the first day you signed the Journeyman books down here. Local 18 pays really well but living here in Los Angeles isn't so great. Personally I've been sober for 2 years since my DUI. I hope when I'm an apprentice I don't have a Drunk Journeyman! Maybe I'll be on the next investigation! HA!