View Full Version : US Navy/Marine lineman

06-15-2010, 01:15 AM
Do you guys consider "civilian" lineman that work for the government rats/scabs? Do u consider them lineman at all? I don't know if they have an apprenticeship but there are different levels from helper to journeyman. The Dept of the Navy lists them as High voltage electricians but their duties on the military bases are the same as lineman on the outside.

06-15-2010, 03:34 AM
Do you guys consider "civilian" lineman that work for the government rats/scabs? Do u consider them lineman at all? I don't know if they have an apprenticeship but there are different levels from helper to journeyman. The Dept of the Navy lists them as High voltage electricians but their duties on the military bases are the same as lineman on the outside.

Well, in the 70's we considered them lineman, at least in the Air Force, I worked with some civilian lineman that were Union and some that were not, at least they were before they came to work on the military side, and the ones I worked with were pretty good lineman, and I earned a lot from some of them!!! The Union, non-union deal didn't matter to the Government!!

From 72-75, I was a Tech Instructor at the USAF Line school on Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls , TX.....we trained USAF lineman, Navy Lineman (SeaBees), and Army lineman, but primarily USAF, and we had several civilian Lineman/Instructors, who were top notch hands..........When I got out of the service, in 77, USAF had Electrical Powerline specialists (lineman) and electricians (narrowbacks), 2 seperate career fields, I understand now that they have combined the 2 career fields into one, and you may be a narrowback one day and lineman the other, but I'm not positive on that........

06-15-2010, 06:19 PM
Ummmm No sir I dont cornsider em rats or scabs. I recon they aint got much say so in the matter one way or anudder. I spect the govt owns em lock stock and barrel jus like ever other recruit. I've met a few that were excellant hands after they got out and some that were Ummmmm good story tellers. Its like everthin else if ya wanna be the best ya hafta try n be the best an while ya may never actually be the best least ya wont be the worst cause ya tried.

06-15-2010, 11:50 PM
[quote=Trbl639;82293]From 72-75, I was a Tech Instructor at the USAF Line school on Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls , TX.....we trained USAF lineman, Navy Lineman (SeaBees), and Army lineman, but primarily USAF.quote]

You might be surprised, but the basis for the Training I was involved in for young, new saudi linemen....was based on that exact course and cirriculm.

Ain't that some shit! Was a 16 week course when i went thru it in 70 and when I went back to teach it, it was cut to 13 weeks and were talking cutting it to 11 weeks!

Did ya'll use the airfield Lighting stuff too? We maintained all the runway/taxiway/approach/airfield lighting, and it was also the UG part of the course........weren't no 3M Quick splice Kits, like today......all were tape and or Resin Injected, didn't do lead, but made a many a injected splice/pothead and man what a pain!!!! Of course back then, UG was kinda in it's beginings compared to today!!

We had a couple of Special /Advanced courses.......Rubber Gloving and Hot Sticking.....I got to teach them too, but I had to go thru it before I could teach it!! We gloved up to 5KV, and sticked everything over that.......most bases had both 2400/4160 and 7200/12470 or what ever the local utility had (in the states) where I was stationed , it was usually 7620/13.2, supplied by the local power company...except remote Alsaka and we generated our own.2400/4160 out of 1 powerplant 7200/12470 out of the other..........

We also did all the Clearance lighting work on the bases, on radio/com towers etc, and all the Cathodic Protection, and also the 'Beams' (as we called them) the Intrusion Alarms, and traffic signals on Base......but I've forgotten 99% of that stuff!!!

06-18-2010, 02:58 PM
The USAF rolled some of the high voltage stuff into a combined MOS with the inside guys a few years ago. I worked with some Air Force vets at FPL... all were good hands

I worked with a Navy trained guy at the REA...Dave was top notch. He spent most of his service on ADAK in the Aleutians.

From what I understand... the ARMY has some "climbing" MOS's... but they really stay in communitcation and "electrician" types of tasks.

They aint "rats" as long as they keep it on the base or in the theater.

06-18-2010, 09:42 PM
So ...Swampy went through the exactly the same course the USAF teaches... except different... then taught it himself.

Did he ever adress the question originally asked? Are DOD high voltage - line folks rats or scabs?

06-18-2010, 10:11 PM
Not a scab till you cross a picket line.

06-18-2010, 11:05 PM
Babe.... there are only so many laws of nature... and electric is a natural thing.

When you set a pole the top goes over the bottom etc etc etc.

I dont care "who's" course you went through or wrote or instructed... the "basis" of all and any of them is what it is. There are just so many facts in the universe.

Now have another beer and make sure you have enough 'Depends' to make it over night... hate to see ya heading out to Walmart this time of night.

Fiberglass Cowboy
06-21-2010, 01:48 PM
The U.S. Army Reserve has the ONLY lineman only position in the military. I know because I am one. Changing from a 21 Quebec to 12 Quebec, the MOS is Powerline Distribution Specialist. We do nothing but overhead linework. We are part of the 249th Engineering Battalion (Prime Power). And the position has always been reserves only, the idea being most of us are linemen on the outside. Just flew back from 1 week of training last night. Also every one of us that are linemen on the outside are union, either IBEW or UWUA. :D