View Full Version : Posted Bridge Ratings

12-10-2010, 11:00 AM
Just a quick word of warning to everybody. This problem may be more of a Virginia problem than nationwide but I doubt it. In the current economy and tight state budgets Virginia has chosen to down rate the load capacity of numerous bridges instead of spending the more to repair them. In just one county alone they have derated 17 bridges below what our standard bucket trucks weigh. Some have been dropped as low as 6 tons. These are all bridges that we could legally cross with a line truck and pole trailer before the last inspection.
Just a reminder to actually read the posted weight limit on a brdge even if you have used it for the last twenty years.

Highplains Drifter
12-10-2010, 12:27 PM
Good point, thanks. I have seen some bridges where they only want one truck at a time crossing it.

12-10-2010, 01:51 PM
We have had a problem with the new apps driving under this one RR bridge! Two tries so far and no one has made it yet! It is clearly marked but the new apps can't read I guess.

12-11-2010, 01:50 AM
Good point!!

Haven't seen any of the derating around here, but a few bridges almost make ya pucker around here, especially in the oilfield!!!

Loodvig........years ago we had a JL try to take a double bucket under a 9ft railroad underpass:eek:.........didn't make it, said he was pre-occupied looking for a house address looking for a lights out........funny thing, he was born and raised here and knew the dang truck wouldn't fit!!:D