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Trying to find some shooters out there and there thoughts on the company proposal of the 12 hr shifts?? I think it sucks and plan on voting it down even if it means going back to the old 8 hr rotation. Central Shooter
Yes 4 nights 3 off 3 days 1 off 3 nights 3 off 4 days 7 off. What the co.wants is to take one of the night shift guys and put him into an 11 to 11 roatation to do away with most of our ot. That will also mean when working on the 7p to 7a shift there will only be 2 shooters working from 11 to 7 I find this to be a huge saftey issue, The company does not see it that way, or for that matter neither does local 94!! They are bringing the shift to a vote for the shooters to decide. So far it looks as if we are going to vote it down. But the co. is saying take this or go back to an 8 hr roatation.
thanks, what i want is just to keep the 12 hr shift as is!!! Love the time off also!! can always make money never have enough time off.
01-14-2011, 08:05 AM
Before I retired I/we worked a 3-2-2 shift. 12 hour shifts. Work 3, off for 2, then work 2, off for 3, work 2, off for 2. Then it starts over again. I voted against it at the start because it is straight time for 12 hours. But in the end I liked it! If you mark a calendar for a whole year with this schedual you will see that you work 6 months and are off for 6 months!
01-15-2011, 04:57 PM
Worked a 4-10's one year...........4 on-1 off...4 on 5 was good as far as time off, but made for lots of work, cause there were only 2 days a week when both Tmen were working..........
02-07-2011, 10:26 AM
Just voted in clifton. All shooters voted no on the11-11 shift. Union has no answer for what will happen if voted down.
good for you guys our vote is thursday sounds like we are going to vote no also....really starting to hate coming to work!!
02-09-2011, 09:39 PM
From what I heard Southern is no. Metro split Clifton no, Irvington yes. Palisades yes (not sure if I spelled that right). Anyway I hope you guys vote no. The union is really trying to sell the 11:00 to 11:00 shift. I thought the union was for us and not the company :rolleyes:
02-09-2011, 11:08 PM
We don't want to lose the 12hr shift. But its getting old with the company almost every year threating to take it away. One year for our location they did because of a couple of guys stupid mistake.That lasted 6 months. Then we went back to 12hr. Plus we thought with not taking a raise and having the 401 cut in half that they were suppose to leave the shift alone for 3yrs. It hasn't even been a year and they want to change the schedule to try and save money. Just tired of giving and not getting anything in return for it.
04-08-2011, 01:53 AM
WHAT a schedule Lood!!:cool:
In my workin days....I'd do anything for a schedule like that!!!:D
ME TOO! isn't that 84 hours in two weeks though? Is that built in overtime. Love those days off!
04-08-2011, 06:01 AM
ME TOO! isn't that 84 hours in two weeks though? Is that built in overtime. Love those days off!
No one week is 36 hours the next is 44. 4 @ OT. Reason is every other Monday is a 8 hour shift.
Another reason I voted against this is all your vacation weeks are converted to hours! Because now it takes 12 hours to get a day off! BUT, hold on before you say'freak that'. If you take the 8hr Monday and the 12hr Tuesday shifts off, useing 20hrs. You will be off for fri., sat., sun., mon., tues., wed., thurs. So besides working just 185 days a year you can parlay a ton of time off by useing your vaca time wisely!
04-08-2011, 10:01 AM
OK. I counted the 7 workdays times 12 hours. What working longer? How long does time& half last until double time starts? One more question..if you get a shift premium, how much is it?
04-09-2011, 08:11 AM
OK. I counted the 7 workdays times 12 hours. What working longer? How long does time& half last until double time starts? One more question..if you get a shift premium, how much is it?
I don't remember everything, sorry. I worked the 6am to 6pm shift and got a shift diff from 6am to 7am then again after 3pm to 6pm. Then the 2nd shift (11am -11pm) t-shooters cried and they took away my shift diffs and gave it to them. (long story) We didn't get a heck of a lot of double time. I also didn't work much OT anyway so I'm no expert there.
04-09-2011, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the reply
Scott McQuaide
04-18-2011, 11:23 AM
Hi Guys, Bob asked me if I could reply but I have been traveling and in school the last couple of weeks so sorry for late reply.
The 3-2-2 fast rotation was a schedule I stole from guys from Central Maine Power. This was a monumental shift in policy from both union and the company and took a long time to get passed. In fact my friend here voted against it at first but then came to like it.
The reason we had an 8 hour shift on Monday was the cost of the built in overtime to the company and it was a concession on our part to get it through the guy in charge at the time. You see the actual rotation is all 12's which creates a 48 hour week and a 36 hour week. With the built in 8 hours of OT (minus the 4 hours lost on 36 hour week) it was going to cost the company an additional $100K to go to this coverage. So by making Monday an 8 hour day we cut that extra cost to $25K. As soon as we presented it that way it sailed through. Other divisions within Ngrid that have adopted this shift have opted to go the 48 and 36 hour route as it gives them 24/7 coverage (the 44 hour option leaves monday from 7am to 1pm without a Tman which caused the company problems with getting switching done for the start of the week).
The shift is technically a rotating shift with each guy doing 2 weeks on each shift and a full cycle taking 6 weeks. However, I came up with the rule that if the 3 guys on each team (There is an A & B team, when one is working the other is off) agreed they could lock in the shifts and stay on days, middle, or nights. But knowing lineman as I do, i knew there would be guys that would get ummm cute shall we say and hunker into there shift.
Thus creating a rift of the day guy mad at night guy etc. so if one guy was not feeling like he was getting a fear shake he could say ok lets rotate! It had a funny way of keeping everybody honest.
There is a more to it but that is it in a nut shell and i don't have my files anymore as I was not computer savy at the time otherwise I would send you all the docs.
Not sure if I helped or made it more confusing but I would be happy to talk on phone if you really looking into it.
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