View Full Version : A tragic legacy

Boomer gone soft
01-12-2011, 10:53 AM
It's funny that if somebody doesn't agree with the majority on here, he suddenly becomes the pariah.

It's always the same 4 or 5 "experts" replying to every thread jerking each other off.

You guys enjoy your jerk fest.....I'll be heading back to real life for a while. I'm going to thank God for being a power company puke and hug and kiss my family every night.

It's truly sad this site has never quite lived up to its potential. It could be a place where we could share ideas and experiences and make each other better linemen and better people. Instead, a few can't get past the macho bullshit and want to tear everybody down who they have determined are non-hackers.

Although I disagree with much of what he says, I've certainly gained a lot more respect for Swamprat for listening to so much of it for so long.

It's no good for me. I'm not the same guy I was in my drinking days. Making things personal like this is best left to you experts.

Boomer gone soft
01-12-2011, 04:28 PM
I guess I see it a little differently than you.

As for the bucksqueeze thread, I tried to ask a specific question and got way too much angry personal attacks instead.

That's just the World we live in I guess.....it saddens me very much that Brothers would rather kick each other than offer a hand up and give constructive advice.

01-12-2011, 06:47 PM
Where were you when "Steven James" was here?:rolleyes: Talk about a "brother kickin ya in the nuts!"

Hey man we all includin you have had our turn kickin each other? Some feel just as strongly against the "wood pole fall restraint" as some do for it! I was told not every one could do this job when I got in and now that's for sure changin and just for one second stop and think how some of these ol timers feel after they made it all these years with out it and now it's like you're tellin them they were stupid or unsafe for climbin with out it! Let'em vent their 30 or 40 years of frustration out! It won't hurt!

As for the name callin I actually don't mind that at all! Its the sentences sometimes with their meanings that I don't like! What kind of apprenticeship ya go through? I was the biggest waste of time to every dam journeyman I had until I topped out. Just blew it off and did what they wanted. I think they just toughened me up. Now I get into "verbal disagreements" now and then (ok quite a bit:o) with my co-workers and I like it! I like twistin around what they say and comin up with new one liners or analogies to f$ck with their minds!:D Hell I'll laugh at their sh!t if it's funny! I always tell apps that I think are gettin full of the badgerin that "funny's funny!" Just laugh and it'll go away? Now I know you're not an app so please no offense meant!

Now threatening I don't like! Also I believe there's laws against that? We're all men (and women) and we can deal with opinions better than that?

Take care man! I'm off to play in the snow for the weekend! "You'alls" be nice now!!:)

01-12-2011, 08:42 PM
Yeah Mike.....Boomer doesnt know what he missed by not having the chance to exchange ideas with Steven James(aka Squealbitch)

I kinda miss the miserable ole SOB......well ok.....maybe not, but you have to admit it has been somewhat quiet without his nasty posts and all his enlightening ideas on women. It was kinda fun to "mess" with him though, I must admit.

Ya know ya have to look at some of the stuff on here as "therapy...." Life is tough these days.........it is too fast......too furious.......and even though many of us never thought the day would come that we could converse with each other, many of us strangers, through a little machine whether on your desk or on your lap......well here we are. We can yell and scream on here and say all the things we feel without exposing who we are. We are anonymous behind this keyboard, but still we are heard. If we have had a bad day......we can take it out on the words on a computer. It can enrage.......and at the same time it can "soothe the savage beast." There are a lot of egos on here, and they dont always "mesh".......but that is ok.......that is human......I bet if many of us were to meet face to face....we would get along just fine....Swampy pisses me off to the "max" at times....but even though he is a nutjob;), I am sure I would not wanna punch him in the face(in person) unless he started union bashing or politicing(yeah Swamp, I have a mean right hook)......anyways the point is....nothing said on here is anything to lose sleep over.........sometimes we all just gotta vent..........we are human......better here than at our family...........or friends.

It is a good website, if ya wanna take a shot and join in.....whether it be linework, safety, politics or just plain bull$hit.......just remember ya gotta be a little thick skinned....but most of us all have something in common....electricity, poles, wires etc.......just enjoy the commonalities and join in on the fun.......and dont be offended if the likes of Steven James tries to rip off your head and $hit down your throat....it is what it is.:)

Boomer gone soft
01-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Thanks MI.....I agree we shouldn't be thin skinned in this trade.

I just think sometimes it goes too far....especially the violent threats.

I'm all for calling a spade a spade; I just don't think it's necessary to make it personal. It wears on a guy sometimes.

I like the disagreements. I like the different opinions. Don't get me wrong. I think that's good.

As for line school, I never went. Started as a wood tick out of school and got accepted to MoValley based on that experience and was granted 2000 hours toward my apprenticeship.

Have fun in the snow! What kind of sled have you got? Yous must be one of them "uuuupers"?

Boomer gone soft
01-12-2011, 08:50 PM
Thanks EL. I agree with you as well.


We should also keep in mind the "thing" we're venting on is actually a Brother/Sister Lineman.;)

01-12-2011, 09:23 PM
Thanks EL. I agree with you as well.


We should also keep in mind the "thing" we're venting on is actually a Brother/Sister Lineman.;)

or meterman:D

but ya gotta remember Boomer.....we have all said things that are harsh to those we love too......friends, brothers, sisters, kids etc........I agree with you that we should try to keep in mind we are talking to other "people".........I always try.....sometimes unsuccessfully, but that is no different than what occurs in real life.......you try to be considerate......sometimes ya are.....sometimes ya arent.........I guess sometimes it is easy to get carried away when you arent looking at a face when you are expressing your opinions or ideas.

The one thing about interacting with people on a computer is you cant hear the tone of their voice, you cant see their facial expression, you cant read their body language........so you are not getting the whole picture, and without the whole picture we all form our own mental picture of what or why a person is saying what they do.........how serious they are.........how angry they are...or just what kind of person they are. That is the shortcoming of a computer.....but hey.....on the other side we get a chance to exchange ideas and opinions that without this "modern marvel" we would never have had the chance to cross paths with in any way shape or form.:)

I enjoy the heck out of it.

01-12-2011, 11:41 PM
Thanks MI.....I agree we shouldn't be thin skinned in this trade.

I just think sometimes it goes too far....especially the violent threats.

I'm all for calling a spade a spade; I just don't think it's necessary to make it personal. It wears on a guy sometimes.

I like the disagreements. I like the different opinions. Don't get me wrong. I think that's good.

As for line school, I never went. Started as a wood tick out of school and got accepted to MoValley based on that experience and was granted 2000 hours toward my apprenticeship.

Have fun in the snow! What kind of sled have you got? Yous must be one of them "uuuupers"?

Oh I wish I was a upper eh! No I'm what we call a flat lander. I always wanted to live in the U.P. but as much as I like winter it's just too dam long up there!

I just got a Skidoo Grand Touring Legend. Not fast but it'll pull a house off it's foundation! She tops out a 55 mph EXACTLY but gets there in a hurry say if the ice is crackin!:eek: It's a fan cooled 380 2 up. Just a little one but it's an "04" with only 350 miles on her and loaded like a caddy! Traded her for a zero turn mower I was askin $2200 for to a good fellow line hand up north! He's got a heart of gold and really gave it to me for the wife and kids. I'm plannin on gettin me a go fast one! Don't tell the wife!:D Had an ol Arctic Cat 580 I just got rid of but I sure like these Skidoos!

Take care Boom! Nice posts as usual E.L.:) How ya likin the snow?:p Never mind I already know!