View Full Version : So......

01-24-2011, 07:05 PM
Now that the Bears lost....I guess barry ain't actually Goin to the Superbowl...

Least now we won't have to watch the networks cuttin to pictures of him every 10 minutes. And we can actually Watch the GAME!!

STEELERS buy 10!!:cool:

As if u wouldnt fawn over the Pres if Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh was in the office. Give me a break, your transparency is even thinner than ussual.

01-24-2011, 09:25 PM
Actually, I'd like to see Chris Christy, or Herman Cain make a serious run.
NOT Romney or Palin. If they run, barry will probably win. Hopefully though...we'll take the senate in 12 so it won't matter.

BTW batshit,
all barry said was that if Chicago won, he would be goin to the game.
So, now he can watch it at the white house.:D

Ok, so lets make a friendly wager then, if the President loses I'll send you someting from Jersey that you cant get in Florida, like a 5 lb Pork Roll/Taylor Ham or a ring of Kielbasa or some real good New York Italian sausage. If he wins you send me some grapefruit or oranges, something of that sort. Is it a bet?

01-25-2011, 05:57 AM
Absolutely my friend.:cool:

Ya probably got the "edge" though....right now.

barry's gonna move Way "centerest" for the next 2 years,
Just depends on who we put up, and how bad barry screws up in the next 2 years. He sure ain't makin no "International" friends. He's blown off England, and just reciently, Israel.

Independants will be the key...as they were in his election, when they believed in all his "hope and change" bullshit. Does America Like the "Change"? We'll see....

Wanna make a "side bet"?
Even if barry does wins....Republicans take the Senate. Just throw in another ham, and I'll throw in another bag of Indian River Fruit...Fruit of your choice. I personally Love the Pink Grapefruit!

It will be interesting to watch for the next 2 years.

Ya got, a friendly wager my man.:cool: Hope we're both here to see how it plays out.

I'll take the side bet.......too.

01-26-2011, 12:13 AM
Now that the Bears lost....I guess barry ain't actually Goin to the Superbowl...

Least now we won't have to watch the networks cuttin to pictures of him every 10 minutes. And we can actually Watch the GAME!!

STEELERS buy 10!!:cool:

I'll take 10 points and wager some cheese and sausage to your fruit. :cool: Besides as Charles Woodson said after the Bears game "if the President dont wanna come see us in the Superbowl....then we'll go see him in the White House!"