View Full Version : Uh Oh A GOP rising star imploads

02-10-2011, 10:45 PM
Chris Lee, House Rep from NY resigned in disgrase over this craigslist tyist
This moron is married with a child and decided to start an online relationship.
He claimed he was a divorced lobbiest living in DC ( he might be in a couple months:D) He also used his real name and claimed he was 39:rolleyes:

I can't be sure but I'm willing to bet this picture was taken in his private capital hill office bathroom. You'ld think our congressmen would be busy trying to get people back to work and improve the economy but instead they're more interested satasfying there sexual urges. I bet his wife is proud of him. Good riddens Chris Lee. The sad part is Carl Palidino got 61 percent of the vote last November for Govenor. Carl cheated on his wife too and had a child.

02-11-2011, 02:26 AM
nope, gotta agree there's trash on both sides. Its a god damn joke. In a way all politicians use wedge issues as a distraction and devide the people into political parties only to their personal gain. good riddens Chris Lee. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass. Too bad some jerk wads gonna take his place.

02-11-2011, 08:49 AM
1) I side tends to hang their head in shame and take out the trash.

2) One side says "It's sex, everybody lies about it" , "it depends what the meaning of id, is".

02-11-2011, 09:02 AM
1) I side tends to hang their head in shame and take out the trash.

2) One side says "It's sex, everybody lies about it" , "it depends what the meaning of id, is".
how come people like us aren't running around trying to stick our penis in strange things:confused: You'ld think the people we elect to do a job today would be so busy these days they wouldn't have time to pump one off

Boomer gone soft
02-11-2011, 09:22 AM
Ignorant Trash, republican OR democrat...will just take THEMSELVES out of office. Simple as that. There's "Trash" on both sides.

I'm sure you're smart enough to agree with that. We don't need to get into listin "Names" per party do we. Does Monica, ring a bell with you? And....he was the "President". He's still married too.:D

sure.....no calls for a "special prosecutor"? No "special hearings"?

I guess that's only necessary for Presidents who "happen" to be Democrat....

What about all of the GOP "outrage" over Edwards?


I personally don't give a rip where he wants to place his penis. I think the obsession over elected official's sex lives is juvenile and stupid.

I wouldn't get fired for an affair.

Neither would my boss. Hell, I wouldn't get fired for an affair WITH my boss. (He does have nice hair.):D I don't think it makes a rip that he is elected.

That kind of shit is between him, his wife, and his God.


All of these assholes need to get back to the work at hand-- GOVERN MY COUNTRY!

02-11-2011, 09:29 AM
sure.....no calls for a "special prosecutor"? No "special hearings"?

I guess that's only necessary for Presidents who "happen" to be Democrat....

What about all of the GOP "outrage" over Edwards?


I personally don't give a rip where he wants to place his penis. I think the obsession over elected official's sex lives is juvenile and stupid.

I wouldn't get fired for an affair.

Neither would my boss. Hell, I wouldn't get fired for an affair WITH my boss. (He does have nice hair.):D I don't think it makes a rip that he is elected.

That kind of shit is between him, his wife, and his God.


All of these assholes need to get back to the work at hand-- GOVERN MY COUNTRY!

Well said!

neil macgregor
02-11-2011, 09:42 AM
plonker of the highest order

02-11-2011, 11:15 AM
What a single man and women do is there business. Personally I feel once you make the commitment to get married and exchange wedding vows the hunt for red snapper is over. If you can't be faithfull to your wife, how can you possibly be faithfull to the people who elected you.
Sure in our jobs our private lives are private. For elected officials working for our well being and prosperity a cheating deuch bag has no business representing our interests. Don't ethics, family values and honor mean anything anymore.

Highplains Drifter
02-11-2011, 12:28 PM
I think there has been some research that rulers, kings and etc have a very high sex drive.

02-11-2011, 12:45 PM
Professional athletes, CEO's, wall street high rollers, actors, celebraties, politicians, ect. all seam to think personal and sexual gratification at the expence of their loved ones is perfectly OK as long as they don't get caught. You see them on TV preacing morals and family values. The importance of hard work and determination. The commitment to do whats right in a world thats far from black and white (everything seams to be shades of gray lately)
The bottom line is when we elect a public official to do a job, its not a 9 to 5 gig. Its a 24 seven commitment to make the difficult decisions that shape the direction of a country. They should be above reproach and held to the highest ethical standard. Watch what happens to chris Lee now. I bet the a$$hole gets a job on fox news or becomes a lobbiest.

Boomer gone soft
02-11-2011, 06:31 PM
What a single man and women do is there business. Personally I feel once you make the commitment to get married and exchange wedding vows the hunt for red snapper is over. If you can't be faithfull to your wife, how can you possibly be faithfull to the people who elected you.
Sure in our jobs our private lives are private. For elected officials working for our well being and prosperity a cheating deuch bag has no business representing our interests. Don't ethics, family values and honor mean anything anymore.

That has no bearing whatsoever on a person's ability to govern.

Do you have any idea how many leaders have been adulterers?

Jefferson raped his slaves......all men and, apparantly, all snatch are created equal.:rolleyes:

02-11-2011, 07:15 PM
That has no bearing whatsoever on a person's ability to govern.

Do you have any idea how many leaders have been adulterers?

Jefferson raped his slaves......all men and, apparantly, all snatch are created equal.:rolleyes:So that makes it right? When you give your word and make a vow should'nt it mean something. Dosent it say something about your charactor and honor when you deceive
your loved ones? If the marriage isn't working there is no shame in a divorce, but to have an affare while married is dispicable.

Boomer gone soft
02-11-2011, 07:27 PM
So that makes it right? When you give your word and make a vow should'nt it mean something. Dosent it say something about your charactor and honor when you deceive
your loved ones? If the marriage isn't working there is no shame in a divorce, but to have an affare while married is dispicable.

I may not agree that it is morally ok.

I do not find it grounds for dismissal- from Congress or any other job.

Like I said, that is an issue between his wife, his self, and his God.....who am I to interject myself into his morality? He didn't make a vow to me.

BTW, by that logic anyone who has ever broken a promise is not fit to lead. By that same logic, I don't think anyone who has had a speeding ticket should be in congress-- they broke the law! I'll be damned if they should write laws when they can't follow them!

Give me a break.

Come off of the moral high horse-- or join the tea party-- they're full of people who want to legislate morality for the rest of us.

Highplains Drifter
02-11-2011, 07:32 PM
So that makes it right? When you give your word and make a vow should'nt it mean something. Dosent it say something about your charactor and honor when you deceive
your loved ones? If the marriage isn't working there is no shame in a divorce, but to have an affare while married is dispicable.

To me an emotional affair is far worse then the physical act of sex out of wedlock. That is my beliefs and it is way easier, to to run past asking forgiveness of my trespasses when I know what others have done to me, but it says, forgive me as I forgive them, so who can I judge? I need to sweep my own door step first, before sweeping theirs. I have yet to meet a man , who is without sin, after all these are shoulder blades and not wings. Now maybe he has been forgiven by his Creator and wife, but why is it society can't forget and forgive too?

02-11-2011, 07:48 PM
I may not agree that it is morally ok.

I do not find it grounds for dismissal- from Congress or any other job.

Like I said, that is an issue between his wife, his self, and his God.....who am I to interject myself into his morality? He didn't make a vow to me.

BTW, by that logic anyone who has ever broken a promise is not fit to lead. By that same logic, I don't think anyone who has had a speeding ticket should be in congress-- they broke the law! I'll be damned if they should write laws when they can't follow them!

Give me a break.

Come off of the moral high horse-- or join the tea party-- they're full of people who want to legislate morality for the rest of us.

saying a lie or getting a speeding ticket is a little different than an affair. I've never cheated on my wife and never will. I could never look my children in the eye knowing I was a cheat and a Adulterer. Hell I'm not even that moral either ( I'm a huge Howard Stern fan). But if your willing to risk your marriage and the love and respect of your children what else are you willing risk? Kind of says something about yourself too, don't you think? BTW I'm pretty sure many of those tea-baggers along with plenty of democrates and republicans
have had extramarital affairs too! Don't make it right. Not so sure they should be fired either but as voters, come re-election time a candidate's character should certainly be taken into consideration. Can't we elect politicians who are hard working honest people with integrety and moral character? Think about it... If some snake is willing to risk his marriage and children for some hot piece of ass what would he be willing to do for a lobbiest with a deal he can't refuse?

Boomer gone soft
02-11-2011, 07:54 PM
saying a lie or getting a speeding ticket is a little different than an affair. I've never cheated on my wife and never will. I could never look my children in the eye knowing I was a cheat and a Adulterer. Hell I'm not even that moral either ( I'm a huge Howard Stern fan). But if your willing to risk your marriage and the love and respect of your children what else are you willing risk? Kind of says something about yourself too, don't you think? BTW I'm pretty sure many of those tea-baggers along with plenty of democrates and republicans
have had extramarital affairs too! Don't make it right. Not so sure they should be fired either but as voters, come re-election time a candidate's character should certainly be taken into consideration. Can't we elect politicians who are hard working honest people with integrety and moral character? Think about it... If some snake is willing to risk his marriage and children for some hot piece of ass what would he be willing to do for a lobbiest with a deal he can't refuse?

Just a matter of degree not substance.....

Wrong is wrong. Breaking a promise is breaking a promise. Breaking a law is breaking a law.

Jesus said anyone that lusts has committed adultery already. (Matt. 5:28)

Shall we kick anyone out of Congress that has lusted?:rolleyes:

Here's a better idea:
Deal with the log in my own eye before I try to remove the speck from my neighbor's.;)

02-11-2011, 08:03 PM
Dem Publickans jist a bunch of sinners. Old Sen. Craig caught flogging his chicken in the airport. Dat one in La. consorting with hoes. What dis old USA gonna come to?

Oh hells bells, go back and do a little research. Plenty of our presidents and all kinds of lesser politicians done do all kinds of hanky panky. I've even heard of linemen doing crap. Camel humpers and all kind of kinky stuff.

02-11-2011, 08:14 PM
Yeah who cares what jesus said, after all was'nt his dad an un-employed carpenter who married a 14 year old girl named mary? You even believe in that majic man in the sky thing. Holy crap religion is the biggest scam ever invented. If God is so great how come he always needs money? Lots and Lots of monney to make the mirracles happen.
I believe in living your life with honesty and integridy and doing the best you can. I never cheat or steal. and when I say I'm gonna do something I do it. When you die... thats it, Game over! if they stick your corpse in the ground at least the worms will get a decent meal.
Like I said not sure if they should be fired but come re-election time their character should certainly be questioned. BTW I read in the news last week a teacher was fired because she went on vacation and had a picture taken while she was drinking a beer. The school had a zero tolerance policy and someone on the school board saw the picture on a facebook account:confused:

02-11-2011, 09:46 PM
Let it crawl Rev., let it crawl.

02-11-2011, 10:04 PM
remember as a boy watching the Flip Wilson Show (http://books.google.com/books?id=2Un2Nq2UvPQC&pg=PT2&lpg=PT2&dq=rev+leroy,+let+it+crawl&source=bl&ots=65Aq9VqngX&sig=BiEf2FGfSlt8sVmRQ3LGINutckY&hl=en&ei=QT4STeVZj7ixA6L10OYK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CDYQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=rev%20leroy%2C%20let%20it%20crawl&f=false) from time to time. There were times that the show would get turned off because of topics or characters were inappropriate, but one character and sketch I have never forgotten. The Reverend Leroy of the Church of What's Happening Now. In this particular comedy sketch, Rev. Leroy was telling the church that it has to progress (this is a popular topic in church isn't it...) I recently read this sketch in print (page xix (http://books.google.com/books?id=2Un2Nq2UvPQC&pg=PT2&lpg=PT2&dq=rev+leroy,+let+it+crawl&source=bl&ots=65Aq9VqngX&sig=BiEf2FGfSlt8sVmRQ3LGINutckY&hl=en&ei=QT4STeVZj7ixA6L10OYK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CDYQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=rev%20leroy%2C%20let%20it%20crawl&f=false)) and laughed as hard as I did when I saw it played by Wilson. I don't think (the character) Rev. Leroy was alway honest about his motives but this sketch showed more the reaction of those in attendance.

Rev. Leroy (Wilson) says "The church has gotta progress! First it's gotta crawl!" The congregation cries back with approval, "Let it crawl, Rev, let it crawl!" Then Rev. Leroy shouts, "After this church crawls, it's got to stand up and walk!" The assembly responds with enthusiasm, "Let it walk, Rev, let it walk!" Then with a lot of animation Rev. Leroy, poised to sprint, shouts "After this church walks, it's must run!" The assembly, with responded enthusiasm responds, "Let it run, Rev, let it run!" Then finally the "big sell comes" from Rev. Leroy: "And for this church to run it's gonna take MONEY." Then from the shocked, silent assembly, one person shouts out, "Let it crawl, Rev, let it crawl!"

02-12-2011, 12:40 AM
I don't know.... Maybe the native American Indians have the the best handle on it. Maybe there is a life force or spirit in us. And maybe that life force leaves the body and sorta gets absorbed by other living things? Maybe its that whole circle of life thing. I fairly sure there's no conscience thought of its previous existance. So enjoy everyday bro:D

Boomer gone soft
02-12-2011, 12:56 AM
Yeah who cares what jesus said, after all was'nt his dad an un-employed carpenter who married a 14 year old girl named mary? You even believe in that majic man in the sky thing. Holy crap religion is the biggest scam ever invented. If God is so great how come he always needs money? Lots and Lots of monney to make the mirracles happen.

Total George Carlin.....I love that guy.

My point was not to advocate religion. My point is nobody is perfect and who gives a shit where some politician wants to hide his penis-- as long as it's not in me or in my hiding spot.;)

I try not to judge anyone else's morality....I'm busy enough trying to keep my own ass in line.

I think symbols can teach us things that can't quite be captured in words. A common Masonic symbol is an eye with rays coming from it. The eye symbolizes God (whatever that means to you). The eye is unblinking. (S)He doesn't miss a thing. The rays symbolize that God's sight penetrates all things...even the human heart.

I don't have an all-seeing eye....judging another man's heart and morality is best left to his God.....I'm not qualified and it is WAY ABOVE MY PAY SCALE.:)