View Full Version : Enter At Your Own Risk: Update from LA

06-26-2011, 10:04 AM
Anyone like changes? I'm not one for change, but once I figure out that it's for the best, or that I have no choice, I try and accept it.

That's life for ya. It never stays the same. Right when we are in our comfort zones, it all blows to heck and back. And it's going to change some here.

The FBOD is working hard to impliment some ground rules and boundaries. Since we all have different hours being here, it's been a slow process.

I'm taking it upon myself to introduce a new change. We will be providing a forum that will be called, "Enter At Your Own Risk" What is this? It's what the FBOD and I call the CAGE.

It's like if you are in the bar, or a board room, crew meeting, and it gets all heated. Words fly and you are ready to "take it outside" or "let's take this to the shed" or ever how one calls it.

The EAYOR will be that place. We are thinking of sending some posts there if it gets bad in the threads or goes off topic. I'd rather us just steer the "off topics" ourselves if we can.

The place you can unleash the mad dog that has got to come out. No Holds Bar, if you will. If you trash too many threads and can't take it upon yourself to ask to take it to the EAYOR, then I'll have to send you one of those warning PM's. We are still implimenting the "penalty strikes" at the moment. Hopefully this forum, EAYOR will fix it. I hope so.

The FBOD and I will be watching these. I won't be doing anything without them. So, you might have to wait some for actions to take place. We want to be quick about them, but we have our lives, our work, and some of the FBODs are doing overtime this summer already and haven't been able to post.

I still believe in this FBOD idea. I'm already lovin' it. Mine are selfish reasons though. I no longer have to try and smooth things over, I can take it to the FBOD. I imagine I'll still be smoothing things over, I don't think I can change that quick! :D Plus there are many of you I want to stay. I've known some of you "back when" and well, that's a long time in internet years. :D

I wanted to start this thread, and I took it upon myself. I always have tried to be fair. I like keeping you all in the "know" to what's taking place. And I've noticed a change already here, in this forum, that has impressed me alot. I personally thank you.

Now, if you have any questions, I might not know them all, but I'll get the answers or have an FBOD say a few words. Anyway, I wanted to give you all an update.

As always,


Highplains Drifter
06-26-2011, 10:29 AM
Sounds to me like this board is going to continue with it’s childish ways. I was hoping when a board was elected that it would get on to being a True Lineman’s Forum for exchange of new methods of technology and updates and discussions of OSHA laws. Why is everyone afraid to step on a few peoples toes and make this a True Lineman’s Forum?

06-26-2011, 10:38 AM
I think its a step in the right direction and also the reason I'm back. you have to start somewhere and build from there.

06-26-2011, 11:54 AM
I'm hoping that many more will return too Groove.

I want to say this, I'm very thankful for all of the PM's that have been encouraging and so supportive. Some of you know I wanted to throw in the towel so many times. I still get that way. :D But dog gone it, I just can't let it die here. I can not give up. I am so thankful for you all going with the FBOD idea. It's a good one. I truly believe this.

If you put aside this forum, Political and BS, and take a grand look at what is "really" important to the Powerlineman site and what it stands for, then most get it. Most understand it and most are using these tools and most are giving their expertise. I like how you all communicate in the linework forum. I like how you work thru your day and bring it here to chat about. I like how you all try and help those wannabes. Answer their questions and concerns and with a positive light.

This forum is used alot, but after much research, me asking questions to some of you and the FBOD, I realize that this is but a small part...very small part of what this site is all about. And I also found out that you all like to visit and talk about other issues and hobbies other than linework. This is why you come here.

Some of you have a hard time understanding the opinions and likes of others that post here. I've said I like the differences and the different opinions. It's just too bad that we all aren't perfect and we don't all see eye to eye on some topics. That is once again what I like.

What I don't like is the calling of names. That's gotta stop. And the baiting. You all see the baiters, why don't you just ignore them? Put them on your ignore list. I know, I know. It's hard to do. I've also seen some of you do it in the last few weeks. So, I "know" you can do it.

I'm not a quiter. If I was, I would have left years ago. I think that might be considered as stubborn. I am that. :D

06-26-2011, 12:07 PM
Let me briefly explain,There has been a lot of name calling, threats, distasteful arguments,etc going on throughout every forum.Many find it distasteful enough to leave and never return.Each time that happens the entire site loses a part of our collective knowledge.This New forum is where that kind of stuff needs to be done,The title says it all- ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you are thin skinned dont go,But if you wanna get down and dirty This is where it needs to be done.If those few that seem to be the root cause of the problem persist in doing it outside of this forum then there will be some toes stepped on.If for instance someone posts his or her opinion in the linework forum and gets attacked it is inappropriate. Same for all other forums. If baiting is an issue it may be relocated into the EAYOR forum( just in case it gets a few bites).If your intention is to bait it needs to be done there not in the politics and BS forum.Name calling, threats, verbal attacks, and any other non civil behavior have no place in our other forums.We wish to have a free exchange of knowledge, ideas,regulation, industry news,new technology, and all other areas of interest , without any disrespect. Its okay to disagree with any or all posts, But it isnt Ok to mount an attack on the poster.

Highplains Drifter
06-26-2011, 12:20 PM
Let me briefly explain,There has been a lot of name calling, threats, distasteful arguments,etc going on throughout every forum.Many find it distasteful enough to leave and never return.Each time that happens the entire site loses a part of our collective knowledge.This New forum is where that kind of stuff needs to be done,The title says it all- ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you are thin skinned dont go,But if you wanna get down and dirty This is where it needs to be done.If those few that seem to be the root cause of the problem persist in doing it outside of this forum then there will be some toes stepped on.If for instance someone posts his or her opinion in the linework forum and gets attacked it is inappropriate. Same for all other forums. If baiting is an issue it may be relocated into the EAYOR forum( just in case it gets a few bites).If your intention is to bait it needs to be done there not in the politics and BS forum.Name calling, threats, verbal attacks, and any other non civil behavior have no place in our other forums.We wish to have a free exchange of knowledge, ideas,regulation, industry news,new technology, and all other areas of interest , without any disrespect. Its okay to disagree with any or all posts, But it isnt Ok to mount an attack on the poster.

So why would the board start a section that manifests anger? I just don’t see the logic in this move. Why not do away with Political and Religious threads and see how smooth and pleasurable this Forum could be. Why not have a Chat Room where anything goes, I think it wouldn’t go over cause most of the folks here type with one finger and couldn’t keep up in a chat room.

Let this forum not promote anger but the trade, we are on the edge of lots of changes in line-work and one of them is going to be the biggest numbers in deaths in this trade.

06-26-2011, 12:31 PM
If you have anger, why not have an outlet for it? Some of us work it off by exercising, or taking a bike ride, talking to a friend, or even leaving the forums for a while.

The FBOD has been working on the best solutions and pretty much it was all agreed upon. The FBOD is a work in progress with those we have here.

I'm the one that threw this out there now because I like to keep the information out there for you all see and digest.

Any other comments or suggestions?

Highplains Drifter
06-26-2011, 12:33 PM
Why not be democratic and have a vote on it.

06-26-2011, 12:36 PM
Why not be democratic and have a vote on it.

Another Poll Drifter? :D

How about one that is for "political/religious" or against having it? Yes, we want to keep Politics and Religion and No, we don't want it?

Highplains Drifter
06-26-2011, 12:40 PM
If you have anger, why not have an outlet for it? Some of us work it off by exercising, or taking a bike ride, talking to a friend, or even leaving the forums for a while.

I don’t have an anger issue and know how to vent it healthy. You just don’t see the big picture of your new section. They yell and call each other names and get their tempers flying and then when one posts some where else they are quoting each other to try and get the other to vent.

I am being stalk right now as I write this. Why should I have to leave since you are afraid to tell someone that is not in line-work to take a hike?

06-26-2011, 12:48 PM
I bleve it is completely democratic. The Fbod was elected, and they are agreed that this is one of our better options. True there could be censorship but once again we think that is not a good way to proceed.I dont think Byron is in favor of it either.All we are trying to do is make the other forums more civil for members like yourself.

06-26-2011, 12:55 PM
I don’t have an anger issue and know how to vent it healthy. You just don’t see the big picture of your new section. They yell and call each other names and get their tempers flying and then when one posts some where else they are quoting each other to try and get the other to vent.

Exactly, Enter at your own risk.

Highplains Drifter
06-26-2011, 01:08 PM
Exactly, Enter at your own risk.

I am glad I got to live the best years of line-work known to lineman. I was taught by a proud group of Journeyman and when there was a weak link they culled that man as to not weaken the trade. Then it seems like the standards were lowered on a few which keep breeding more and more lineman that really couldn’t cut the mustard but called themselves lineman. I look at this new thread a really lowering the standards of why you where elected and of this forum. Just my 2cw!

06-26-2011, 01:15 PM
I am glad I got to live the best years of line-work known to lineman. I was taught by a proud group of Journeyman and when there was a weak link they culled that man as to not weaken the trade. Then it seems like the standards were lowered on a few which keep breeding more and more lineman that really couldn’t cut the mustard but called themselves lineman. I look at this new thread a really lowering the standards of why you where elected and of this forum. Just my 2cw!

It was a vote. A fair vote. Let's please not attack those that are trying to clean it up here. It takes the whole group. RCdallas doesn't even come here to post. He is usually in the linework forums.

Highplains Drifter
06-26-2011, 01:20 PM
It was a vote. A fair vote. Let's please not attack those that are trying to clean it up here. It takes the whole group. RCdallas doesn't even come here to post. He is usually in the linework forums.

I apologize if my last post is taken as an attack. I was speaking as I would on the job. I always say the truth and if the truth offends someone so let it be. Drifter

06-26-2011, 04:41 PM
Can I mention that I'm on another forum where they ban two subjects. Politics and religion. I accidentally started a thread that bordered on religion and it was promptly and justifiably terminated and deleted.

That's just two taboo subjects that get deleted instantly. Politics and religion. It's very easy to detect a blatantly political thread even when it's disguised as a "union" thread. So how about the FBOD puts its foot down and makes a forum changing rule in that style.

If someone had the facility and patience to do so, it might be worth going over the history clearing out venomous threads and posts. That's going to be quite a time consuming task though. On the other hand, it would make it so much more welcoming to newer members, and also make the existing goldmine of good information easier to search.

06-26-2011, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the input Clive. Well, I started another poll. Now you all can decide if you want it here or not.

06-26-2011, 05:02 PM
If people want to avoid politics and religon, this site has several other forums in which to take part. The title of this forum is Politics and BS, why is anyone suprised about the content of the threads?

I've said it before, it's like turning the channel.

06-26-2011, 05:07 PM
If people want to avoid politics and religon, this site has several other forums in which to take part. The title of this forum is Politics and BS, why is anyone suprised about the content of the threads?

I've said it before, it's like turning the channel.

I totally agree DH. But, no one can seem to change the channel.

How many are posting in politic threads? Not many. There are only the regular members that even post here. I've really not seen any religious threads. Now and again someone will post a video or some poem. But, sometimes folks post in them and some don't. I don't think we've had any religious debates here in a long, long time.

My problem is the anger that just flat out turns into hateful posts.

06-26-2011, 07:12 PM
Ummmmmm The real problem is( in my tiny lil mind) that folks cant seem to ignore the obvious baiting and make a reply, falling directly in the trap set by our baiter and validating them at the same time.It only encourages more of the same. My advice all along has been ignore em, and they will quit or find greener pastures to ply their wares.There are a few that have no useful input in any forum other than Politics n BS, By replying to any of their posts we are begging for more because these people are attention whores.At least one of em says as long as people even read his stuff he will continue, so maybe we should just aviod em period.

06-26-2011, 08:15 PM
Perhaps change "Politics and Bullshit" to "other stuff" or "general chat"?

06-26-2011, 08:21 PM
There is another option.

We speak as men, referring to each other with the same respect we would like given to ourselves. The problem is however, as a whole we would prefer to act as children on a playground vying for the daytime's "biggest bully" award.

This option doesn't seem so popular with most, so the FBoD will make decisions that they feel are in the best interest of the site.

Where do you as members/users want to see the site go? If you steer it into the ditch then why complain to the FBoD for towing you out?

This is an interesting situation and we are working on making it a better site for all of us.

work safely,

Journeyman Div III

06-26-2011, 09:05 PM
There is another option.

We speak as men, referring to each other with the same respect we would like given to ourselves. The problem is however, as a whole we would prefer to act as children on a playground vying for the daytime's "biggest bully" award.

This option doesn't seem so popular with most, so the FBoD will make decisions that they feel are in the best interest of the site.

Where do you as members/users want to see the site go? If you steer it into the ditch then why complain to the FBoD for towing you out?

This is an interesting situation and we are working on making it a better site for all of us.

work safely,

Journeyman Div III

The FBOD was created and voted on to attempt to "clean up" the venemous acrimony that had become rampant, between a few individuals, on the site. The FBOD cant be expected to do thier job without pissing some people off. My advise to the board is to rule with the authority that the members have given to them. If the board bans a member for behavior that it deems improper, so be it, the only way to deal with someone who cant learn to act properly is with a stern hand. If they get upset, too bad, they deserve it......

06-26-2011, 09:21 PM
There are nearly twice as many threads on this forum than on Linework. Tha means more peopleost things here and respond to those posts.

06-26-2011, 09:26 PM
There are only three or four on this site that haven't yet learned how to behave.... and there anger is based soley on there political beliefs. So if the FBOD intends to ban someone that they feel is out of line in a thread they need to look at the whole thread and ban all that instigate the hatred.... not just the one that retaliates... because of the posters that disagree with them.

It's apparent that the love for some members, extends past the hatred that they themselves have contributed towareds other posters... and any one that denies that has there blinders on.... If you can't read another persons post and decide that your responce is only going to be hatefull and refrain from responding than you are no better than the man you are condoning....

I wouldn't want to be on any board in this forum and have to judge any man that posts on this board... because as far as I have seen most of us have partakin in the great " slam fest" at one point or another.... and to me, to have to judge onather.. would be at minimum, hypocrytical....

I don't neccesarily think that what is taking place is a bad idea.... but I can gaurantee that it won't go with out the criticism of the 3 amigo's whining and baiting until once again it is back to the usual BS.... Only because most of the FBODs feel that those 3 are the anointed ones.... and it's obvious by there responces in recent posts

06-26-2011, 09:30 PM
Yes and its also the prime cause of name calling, bashing, and problems.Seriously has any post from anyone ever changed your opinion about anything political?I respect your right to have any opinion you wish, but to see it displayed daily serves no purpose other than to incite those who disagree with them.

06-26-2011, 09:34 PM
The FBOD was created and voted on to attempt to "clean up" the venemous acrimony that had become rampant, between a few individuals, on the site. The FBOD cant be expected to do thier job without pissing some people off. My advise to the board is to rule with the authority that the members have given to them. If the board bans a member for behavior that it deems improper, so be it, the only way to deal with someone who cant learn to act properly is with a stern hand. If they get upset, too bad, they deserve it......

Yes sir,

Acrimony, very nice word, and well fit. The FBoD is a slowly growing process and we have been working it out expect changes soon...

LA has already made a post for our review.

I'm sure that there will be more.

Work safely,

Journeyman Div III

06-26-2011, 09:39 PM
Yes and its also the prime cause of name calling, bashing, and problems.Seriously has any post from anyone ever changed your opinion about anything political?I respect your right to have any opinion you wish, but to see it displayed daily serves no purpose other than to incite those who disagree with them.

That's true... but I disagree with about 50% of what I read on here.... yet I only repond to about 2%... It's called self control... unless I have been called out or have strong feelings towards the post I typically leave it alone... especially as of lately.

06-26-2011, 09:43 PM
Well...ANY topic that is posted by any person, can be considered "Baiting". Fishin for people that don't agree with that opinion. I thought that use to be called..."Discussion". When done, in a halfassed civil manner.

When done properly it is looking for information not looking for "discussion".

When done so properly it is not baiting it is a question. Those that respond are answering.

There are to many times on this site that baiting and trolling exist. We as a whole have lost our focus, lets get back to work.

work safely,

Journeyman DivIII

06-26-2011, 09:45 PM
Get a life. If ya can't run with the Big dogs...sit on the porch.:rolleyes:

I think you told me that when I first appeared here Swamp. :D I run with the dogs and then I go sit on the porch. :D Oh man. I can't help it guys. You all make me grin. You always have!

LA is right. No, not me, (although I can be right) LAMartin. We are all working on many avenues at once. What Martin is talking about is I'm posting a warning, sending the link to the MOD forum for them to review to make a decission or take an action.

You all are not going to like all the decissions, but if you take on the responsibilities to conduct yourself in a proper manner, none of this will ever concern you. But, now you will have an avenue to vent.

06-27-2011, 08:06 AM
I have been on this site since 2000. My profile shows 2004 and that's because this site was hacked in 2004 and we all had to rejoin. This site has always been a great source of information for all, a great place to learn the different work methods from all over. As of late, the tone on here has changed, and I do agree that something had to be done. As I always tell my guys, "Be carefull what you wish for". The people on here that were pushing for change, got it, and now, they still aren't happy. Well, go with the change, or go away. If you can't participate here in a positive way, then you are the problem and need to go away. I will state right now that I will not participate in "politics& bs" again. It's a choice I've made because you won't change my outlook, and I won't change yours, so it's a waste of my energy. If you attack me anywhere else on this site, I will respond, harshly. It's just me, but I will guarantee it won't be personal, it will be fact based.

As my Father used to say...."Even the winner of a head butting contest still has a sore head."

So make the changes and let's get on with what this site does best......sharing all the knowledge that's out there to keep us all educated and safe.

06-27-2011, 12:38 PM
The problemns in this world all come down to the problems on this site. Too many people do not know how to respectfully disagree Look at the nastiness and name-calling. And it isn't just this forum. I've seen the same cast of characters do the name-calling and personal attacks on the Safety, Linework, Trouble calls and Union forums.

I mean really, we have people that think they have the credentials to determine if others can even have input on the site.

06-27-2011, 01:43 PM
I liked the idea of the board and I'm willin to go along with the EAYOR idea though I have my reservations also! But the reason I'm willin to support this is I believe the board will have the "authority" to take action against members abusin their privileges so if the bullsh!t spills over form the EAYOR then they should take quick AND FAIR action against ALL involved!! If it don't work then maybe somethin new after that BUT if it's gonna be a continual thing where people aren't gonna be happy with any of the new ideas and we're constantly tryin new stuff over and over then just get rid of the BS and political sh!t IN MY OPINION?

This is undoubtedly a "Lineman" site (hence the name!) and there are plenty of "political" and other "BS" sites out there one could join! Just because a few others have the opinion to get rid of the BS section doesn't make it worthy of bein labeled "censorship" with comments like "next we'll burn the books we don't like?" We need to remember it's a privilege to take part in this site cause of Byron wantin to create it! No one's "freedom of speech" rights are bein infringed here because of the fact you have other avenues to express your opinions! This is Byron's site and I believe he can decide what does or doesn't happen? You have the right to join and use this site under his conditions (which we all knew signin up!) and if Byron wants to change somethin then he can and we'll either have to deal with it or move on? Ultimately it's his decision what changes are made because he allowed the board to come into existence and not to put words in his mouth but I'm sure he has an idea of what he wanted this site to be and if we don't like it are we gonna cry about bein suppressed by the very creator? NO!

If ya come into my home and start doin sh!t I don't care for you think you'll get anywhere with "you're censorin me" when I ask ya to stop or leave? NO! You're gonna either abide or get out! What ever happens happens cuz of what Byron wants and we all have to either abide or get lost?

It just seems to me a few can't let go of the "this side vs that side thing?"

06-27-2011, 03:54 PM
I agree with what you say about "your home". Same at my place. However, I assume Byron set up the various forums on this site. That is one of the reasons I don't understand why people complain about the topics in this particular forum. I can see why someone may object to the thread in the "Linework" forum about hobbies. It doesn't belong there. But if someone new to the site read the reactions of a few, they may decide to just stay out of this forum on the site. You are correct that there are many sites that have political and other various forums. This Lineman site has forums for various interests to linemen.

Why can't someone tell me why they just can't stay out of this forum if they only want linework. If a person doesn't like the post of one particular member, why read them? Just so you can have something to bitch about? That seems childish to me. I spent last week with my 3 year old granddaughter, I had to tell her a few times that she was whining. We shouldn't have to do that here. Make the choice to come to this site and stay out of this forum if you don't like it.

06-28-2011, 11:00 PM
I agree with what you say about "your home". Same at my place. However, I assume Byron set up the various forums on this site. That is one of the reasons I don't understand why people complain about the topics in this particular forum. I can see why someone may object to the thread in the "Linework" forum about hobbies. It doesn't belong there. But if someone new to the site read the reactions of a few, they may decide to just stay out of this forum on the site. You are correct that there are many sites that have political and other various forums. This Lineman site has forums for various interests to linemen.

Why can't someone tell me why they just can't stay out of this forum if they only want linework. If a person doesn't like the post of one particular member, why read them? Just so you can have something to bitch about? That seems childish to me. I spent last week with my 3 year old granddaughter, I had to tell her a few times that she was whining. We shouldn't have to do that here. Make the choice to come to this site and stay out of this forum if you don't like it.

I am willin to accept what ever the decision is everyone else? I was not just tryin to say if Byron decides to dump the BS then you, Swamp, and a few others just have to live with it? I was tryin to get through to both "sides":rolleyes: and say WHAT EVER the decision is WE ALL will have to live with it! If he keeps it then yes we who don't see the need for it will have to accept it? I was just givin my opinion and not really whinin, which I'm not sayin you were singlin me out either I just don't see a need for the BS section because of some of the comments more so than the topics? My opinion nothin more?

As for stayin out of it I don't like the BS cuz no matter what someone will allow themselves to carry it over WHICH if the board is serious and takes swift action against this NO MATTER WHO IT IS then I can live with the that! I'm just sick of bitchin carryin over into Line work threads and we all know it'll continue?

06-28-2011, 11:07 PM
[QUOTE=Swamprat;107519]You sanctimonious hypocrite.:rolleyes:

......and so it continues?:(

06-28-2011, 11:24 PM
Anyone like changes? I'm not one for change, but once I figure out that it's for the best, or that I have no choice, I try and accept it.

That's life for ya. It never stays the same. Right when we are in our comfort zones, it all blows to heck and back. And it's going to change some here.

The FBOD is working hard to impliment some ground rules and boundaries. Since we all have different hours being here, it's been a slow process.

I'm taking it upon myself to introduce a new change. We will be providing a forum that will be called, "Enter At Your Own Risk" What is this? It's what the FBOD and I call the CAGE.
It's like if you are in the bar, or a board room, crew meeting, and it gets all heated. Words fly and you are ready to "take it outside" or "let's take this to the shed" or ever how one calls it.

The EAYOR will be that place. We are thinking of sending some posts there if it gets bad in the threads or goes off topic. I'd rather us just steer the "off topics" ourselves if we can.

The place you can unleash the mad dog that has got to come out. No Holds Bar, if you will. If you trash too many threads and can't take it upon yourself to ask to take it to the EAYOR, then I'll have to send you one of those warning PM's. We are still implimenting the "penalty strikes" at the moment. Hopefully this forum, EAYOR will fix it. I hope so.

The FBOD and I will be watching these. I won't be doing anything without them. So, you might have to wait some for actions to take place. We want to be quick about them, but we have our lives, our work, and some of the FBODs are doing overtime this summer already and haven't been able to post.

I still believe in this FBOD idea. I'm already lovin' it. Mine are selfish reasons though. I no longer have to try and smooth things over, I can take it to the FBOD. I imagine I'll still be smoothing things over, I don't think I can change that quick! :D Plus there are many of you I want to stay. I've known some of you "back when" and well, that's a long time in internet years. :D

I wanted to start this thread, and I took it upon myself. I always have tried to be fair. I like keeping you all in the "know" to what's taking place. And I've noticed a change already here, in this forum, that has impressed me alot. I personally thank you.

Now, if you have any questions, I might not know them all, but I'll get the answers or have an FBOD say a few words. Anyway, I wanted to give you all an update.
As always,


Either Swamp didn't read the whole post or I'm wrong when I took it as it'll be a "forum" that hasn't started yet and she called this a "thread" to inform us and to ask questions about this idea?:rolleyes:


06-29-2011, 12:11 AM
The FORUM is Politics and BS. The THREAD... is "Enter at your own risk".
The Question is...."Is it open for business"...or Under discussion.

No, the thread is called "Enter At Your Own Risk: Update from LA!":rolleyes:

Just itchin aren't ya?;)

What's with the "Fox Noise" reply to my post? You really don't make it all the way through a post do ya?

Your enthusiasm for the EAYOR idea just shows how much you are PART not ALL of the problem? Why don't ya just try with me and a few (very few at the time?:o) to fix the problems here? You know dam well you have an agenda with all this "politics" and "Union" bashin BS and it has nothin to do with Line work!

06-29-2011, 08:13 AM
Well LA??

Is this "Cage" open? Or is this...still in discussion Mode?

If so...it was not really "Explanitory",
and, if need be... I appologize, if I just assumed, this new thread...
"Enter at your own risk"....was..."Open for Business".

I talked to Byron last night on the phone. He is working on it. It's not on here yet, but it is forthcoming.

I also want to add that this forum(EAYOR) is going to be a dumping ground. If you start your crap and go back and forth with each other(and you all know who you are), it's going to go to EAYOR. So, don't start it here. Call it a warning way in advance. If you spew hate and throw them Fbombs around, don't get upset that it went to EAYOR.

I'm going to see if I can just send the individual posts there. Yeah, it's going to be sorta edited by removing some of the ying yanging. When the thread becomes more about you and another person going at it, yours and that other person's posts will be removed from this forum (Politics & BS).

It's a great idea, and I'm all for it and so is the majority of the FBOD. From now on, if the readers and those participating in these political threads, they will have to visit EAYOR to see the dog fight. While the rest of us that want to participate in political views, and want to carry on a nice debate/discussion, can do so without having all the "type noise"

I'm also becoming a huge fan of our FBOD group. They too have different views, but I truly believe they all want the best for this forum. Things run slow here for most of you, but the FBOD and I have regular jobs too.

Except for me today. I'm finally getting my concrete poured today. :D

06-29-2011, 09:21 PM
Just letting you all know it's here.


06-30-2011, 05:27 AM
Yep, that's what it is Swamp. It is what it is.

Think of it as a "trash can" Swamp. All trash goes there. I told this to Byron and he wondered why we didn't just call it that; The Trash Can.

06-30-2011, 08:20 AM
I have to say I don't fully understand this "Enter at your risk" thing. But so far 771 people entered!

07-04-2011, 01:20 PM
I have to say I don't fully understand this "Enter at your risk" thing. But so far 771 people entered!

:D I guess some just love that kinda thing Loodvig. I don't know.

I will be sending any threads/posts that start up here "going south" over in EAYOR, that way they can 'go at it or have at it' over there. That's the least I can do for the rest of you that want clean reading. :D

07-04-2011, 04:03 PM
Ummmm we thunk about that.............. But that would amount to censorship n Bryon dont wanna n neither did we wanna go in that direction.It jus dont seem merican.

07-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Poot is right Swamp. If someone wants to trash your thread, they can. I'm still looking into seeing if I can split the thread. But, if you start "trashing" in your own thread, then I'm not going to bother. Hey, me and the FBOD ain't gettin' paid for that. As you all know, we ain't gettin' paid zilch. :D

07-04-2011, 06:02 PM
Oh wait. I see what you are saying Swamp. You are wanting to know if the redirect will always show up. Is that right?