View Full Version : Starting the 18th........

07-06-2011, 07:37 PM
On an Infrared Pole Line Inspection, on backbone feeders from the substa to the first protective device or other circuit tie!

Looks to be a 3-4 month possibly......... longer.........gig, here in Arkansas on Entergy property, something like 250+ Feeders, scattered all over the state! Looks like it will be a pretty easy and fun job, pay aint bad!

Been busy here lately helping a friend out with his Gravel/rock operation, cause he had to let some folks go, seems they couldn't pass a piss test been doing some electrical work on the plant, bush hogging and driving an 18 wheeler hauling rock, sand, and gravel..and of all things Tree bark!
Also got in a new deer lease close to the house, so been walking the woods..early, before it gets too hot, finding a good spot to set a stand....now gotta get some rest this next week, and get ready to go to work on the tater job!!

Still hearing of way too many contact accidents and fatalities...guys be safe out there!!

07-06-2011, 07:49 PM
Sounds like a great gig. I ran into a guy from Hot Shots awhile back. He had a infrared hi resoulution camera mounted on the roof of his pickup. He could controll the camera with a joy stick and zoom in and out. The camera was hooked to the computer and synced up with GPS. The pictures were amazing and showed the exact temperture of the bad connections in perfect resoulution.

07-06-2011, 09:30 PM
if you run into any hotspots, be sure and take extra care, did a few myself and on one had a cross phase, all we did was lift a hotline lamp and all you know what broke loose..take care..

07-06-2011, 10:51 PM
Yeah Top, sounds like it is going to be......we'll be using a Hand-held High Res. IR............

Glover..............All we are going to do is the inspection, no climbing, no bucket......if we find something that needs Immediate attention, we will report it to dispatch and they will handle it!! And yes, been there done that!!!

Going to feel funny, doing the Inspection and then not having to make any repairs or take corrective action, after all my years as a lineman/Tman!!!:D ...........This will be picture taking/visual inspection and then am sure we'll download it or return the camera card to them (Entergy engineers) for the download...........

07-07-2011, 08:46 AM
Ive done it a few times over the years, never for 3 or 4 months at a time though, it's a nice break, especially this time of year.........!

07-08-2011, 02:48 AM
Ive done it a few times over the years, never for 3 or 4 months at a time though, it's a nice break, especially this time of year.........!

Yep, done it a little when trying to track down gremlins with a complaining customer, but like you said, never for 3-4 months! Looking forward to it!!

sure gonna beat the pay I been getting and it's still gonna be hot, but can find some shade, where at that gravel plant, it's hard to find and dusty as hell...damn sure gonna beat bouncing around on that old ford tractor with NO cab bush hogging, or getting up at 0300 in the morning and making trips to 'get stoned', and then driving 2 hours to 'get my rocks off' (aka..getting a load of rocks, and then dumping them Hehee), doing 2 or 3 trips a day, or more, and then busting ass to get back to the pit to pre-load for the next day !!
But when friends need help and ask ya, what do ya do...ya help em!! also ran a bunch of UG and hung some lighting and receptacles for a new ATV and Truck Mud Race Pit the owner put in...made some good money on it, better than what he paid for the other stuff I've been doing for him!!

Highplains Drifter
07-09-2011, 01:00 PM
Yep, done it a little when trying to track down gremlins with a complaining customer, but like you said, never for 3-4 months! Looking forward to it!!

sure gonna beat the pay I been getting and it's still gonna be hot, but can find some shade, where at that gravel plant, it's hard to find and dusty as hell...damn sure gonna beat bouncing around on that old ford tractor with NO cab bush hogging, or getting up at 0300 in the morning and making trips to 'get stoned', and then driving 2 hours to 'get my rocks off' (aka..getting a load of rocks, and then dumping them Hehee), doing 2 or 3 trips a day, or more, and then busting ass to get back to the pit to pre-load for the next day !!
But when friends need help and ask ya, what do ya do...ya help em!! also ran a bunch of UG and hung some lighting and receptacles for a new ATV and Truck Mud Race Pit the owner put in...made some good money on it, better than what he paid for the other stuff I've been doing for him!!

Yes isn’t it nice to be employable after retirement! Bets being a computer bully:rolleyes:………..enjoy your self! :cool:

07-09-2011, 01:04 PM
Yep, done it a little when trying to track down gremlins with a complaining customer, but like you said, never for 3-4 months! Looking forward to it!!

sure gonna beat the pay I been getting and it's still gonna be hot, but can find some shade, where at that gravel plant, it's hard to find and dusty as hell...damn sure gonna beat bouncing around on that old ford tractor with NO cab bush hogging, or getting up at 0300 in the morning and making trips to 'get stoned', and then driving 2 hours to 'get my rocks off' (aka..getting a load of rocks, and then dumping them Hehee), doing 2 or 3 trips a day, or more, and then busting ass to get back to the pit to pre-load for the next day !!
But when friends need help and ask ya, what do ya do...ya help em!! also ran a bunch of UG and hung some lighting and receptacles for a new ATV and Truck Mud Race Pit the owner put in...made some good money on it, better than what he paid for the other stuff I've been doing for him!!

Do we need to start a fund to buy you a recliner to sit in when you're working?

07-09-2011, 01:30 PM
I KNOW you aint talking......haha

07-09-2011, 01:39 PM
I KNOW you aint talking......haha

Man, ya got me...........

07-09-2011, 03:15 PM
Hehe, figured you would enjoy that one;)