View Full Version : Stupid question maybe??

08-07-2011, 12:16 PM
The local CO-OP here have this black plastic looking band around their poles that have transformers hanging on them. Does anyone know what purpose they have?

Here's a couple pictures of two different poles.

Highplains Drifter
08-07-2011, 12:18 PM
Radar detector to clock the speed of the man climbing that pole!

08-07-2011, 12:22 PM
The local CO-OP here have this black plastic looking band around their poles that have transformers hanging on them. Does anyone know what purpose they have?

Here's a couple pictures of two different poles.

That's easy, it's a cold apprentice stopping point. Or...... they mark where there gaffs need to be to work a shotgun. Or......??
My guess is it's to keep critters (Cats, Racoons, Squirrels, Drifters) from getting up in the primary, causing an outage.:D

08-07-2011, 12:40 PM
too slick for a critter to climb is my guess

Highplains Drifter
08-07-2011, 12:54 PM
The local CO-OP here have this black plastic looking band around their poles that have transformers hanging on them. Does anyone know what purpose they have?

Here's a couple pictures of two different poles.

Good one you got everyone looking at the plastic strip and no one noticed the second photo is a sectionalizer.

08-07-2011, 01:30 PM
critter guard was my guess.

08-07-2011, 02:04 PM
Ummmmmmmm Ittza pole coupling for when yer outta long poles n hafta put 2 short uns together. Or Maybe not

08-07-2011, 02:11 PM
Too funny Poot. . .it's wildlife protection

08-07-2011, 02:49 PM
Thanks for the answers. I thought it may have been a animal barrier but wanted to ask.

@Highplains - I have to admit that I seen and guard with something hanging on the pole and snapped a picture while driving down the road. I hadn't even noticed it was a sectionalizer... oops

That said if someone asks me what they are I'm using Pootnaigle's answer.

08-07-2011, 06:19 PM
maybe its the line that the electric company owns down to...No electric equipment below that?

08-09-2011, 06:22 PM
It's squirrel guard etc. Put up a bit of it. We called it slick wrap.

08-15-2011, 07:43 PM
Keeps coons, cats and what ever from climbing the pole.

08-19-2011, 04:04 PM
Works good too... AEP uses it... too slick for tree rats to climb and too wide for em to jump past...

08-19-2011, 04:19 PM
I'll tell ya if you can come up with a way or device to keep the power on now a days you will get rich. . . Used to be when the power went out due to wildlife a troiubleshooter would show up and plug another fuse in, come down, wink at the customer and drive off, no problem. Now with everybody on their computer and watching their stocks drop. . .when the power goes out now the customer wants to sue because there is such a thing as wildlife protection and why the HE double Hockey sticks didn't we have that on our system? And WAAAAAA WAAAAA WAAAAAA
I wish I was the guy that came up with those red plastic snap on arrestor covers going up now. . .they are about $25 to $50 each and you know how many arrestors are in our world? Now they put them on every third span in high lightening areas!. . . .I missed the boat. . .

08-22-2011, 12:43 AM
Yep for Squirrals

08-22-2011, 04:22 PM
Good for squirrels and coon.

09-14-2011, 03:49 AM
i guess birds cant land on the steel arm which seems grounded,and touch their beek on the primary,here we also use hardware cloth ,its something like chicken wire,to stop the woodpeckers from putting holes in the pole.