View Full Version : Age and Music...

09-01-2011, 06:16 AM
Isn't that Dillon? Nice drawing Swamp.

I grew up listening to my mom's records. I laugh now when I placed third singing, "Kay Sera Sera" by Doris Day on my mother's buisness/family picnic event back in '69 at the age of nine. Went up to the mic and sang it cold turkey. No background music and all by heart. http://ww3.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif My mom's group won first place singing, "Daddy Sang Bass" by Johnny Cash. Since there were over 300 people there, to this day it seemed pretty surreal to a young girl. Especially one that would sing in front of such a large group. Anyone remember Gold Kist? That's where my mom worked as a personnel secretary. Forgot about that memory. I remember my brothers and my father thinking it cool that Mom and I brought home winning prices. http://ww3.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif Not too many times were my brothers ever in awe of me. Heh.

I grew up listening as the music changed. Every generation listened to the changing of the music world. I guess we still do. There was music that my parents didn't like me listening to. My kids grew up listening to my music and there were some of theirs I didn't like. But, there are my music that they like. And the groups are still around! http://ww3.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

What would we do without music? I hope there is never a day the music dies.

09-01-2011, 06:38 AM
McClean I think... sung by many druncks after hours... "The day the music died" also called "American Pie"


09-01-2011, 07:34 AM
For me it was Loggins and Messina, Billy Joel, James Taylor, John Denver, Waylon Jennings, Emmy Lou Harris, Grand Funk, Bread. Jim Reeves, Marty Robbins. I was all over the place in music. Still am today.

09-01-2011, 04:17 PM
Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, Quicksilver messenger service, The Allman Brothers Band, Steppenwolf, The Chambers Brothers Band, Janis, the Doors, The Dead, CREAM, John Mayal and the Bluesbreakers......and I always liked the early temptations with David Ruffin and Eddie Kendricks. Alot mare than that, just a sampling.... oh and I cant leave out JIMI......!!

09-01-2011, 08:12 PM
Amazing piece of art Swamp! Im damn jealous.

I enjoy the classics I grew up listening to. Tommy James & the Shondel's, the Beach Boys, Zepplin, to the Grateful Dead, Janice, Moody Blues, etc.

Its not that I don't enjoy the classics but now I like some of the unheard of, blues and bluegrass musicians. Ben Harper, Ryan Adams, Amos Lee, Moe, to name a few. But like Duck mentioned, my taste is vast just depending on my mood I suppose.

09-01-2011, 08:24 PM
Start talkin Benny Goodman, then we'll start talkin music......

Highplains Drifter
09-01-2011, 10:04 PM
Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, Quicksilver messenger service, The Allman Brothers Band, Steppenwolf, The Chambers Brothers Band, Janis, the Doors, The Dead, CREAM, John Mayal and the Bluesbreakers......and I always liked the early temptations with David Ruffin and Eddie Kendricks. Alot mare than that, just a sampling.... oh and I cant leave out JIMI......!!

You forgot Robert Johnson and I feel young Jonny Lang will be enjoyed by a few future generations.

09-02-2011, 04:25 AM
Start talkin Benny Goodman, then we'll start talkin music......

:D Had a good friend introduce me to Benny. Heard the music a good bit watching old movies. Just never knew who he was. Great music. Now, that is classic! :D
