View Full Version : Please Help

09-11-2011, 06:41 PM
We are all very fortunate to have good paying jobs.....homes etc.....if you could there are people here in PA and NY, NJ and all up and down the coast that were ravaged by the recent flooding.......

If you could we all can donate $10 toward the disaster relief by texting "red cross" to 90999. My daughter volunteered for the Red Cross this weekend in our area.....providing her therapist skills to those who have been displaced....she said the need is great.......The Red Cross has been a lifeline for many.

I will thank you for those who will never know your kindness........We can make a difference personally...... beyond working to restore power to the recent victims. The ones in true need will not be in the shelters, I am sure they can afford to go elsewhere.....the truely needy will be the ones the Red Cross is caring for in the firehalls, schools, etc.

this is our immediate area...northeastern Pa and the Binghamton NY area

09-11-2011, 08:27 PM
There is a chapter of the Red Cross for Susquehanna County that is currently working with flood victims.....but there are so many counties all over PA and NY that have been devastated that I am sure the Red Cross is helping as I see their vehicles all over these counties.........I am sure you could call the Red Cross and designate a location of contribution.....to be a Red Cross volunteer you must take a class with them....I am going to look into signing up so I can volunteer to help, hands on.......I will look into smaller orgs that are aiding the victims of this flood and post what I find. The problem is that the need is so widespread, I am sure there are smaller orgs. helping each different area. I choose the Red Cross because I dont care where my money goes as long as it is helping someone somewhere who is in need of help.

I understand what you are saying swamp....I donate to the United Way through a payroll contribution but designate it to go to the United Way of Susquehanna County......where I received a list of orgs it encompasses....one of which is the Red Cross of Susquehanna County. I will look into it.....We are not, by far, the hardest hit area....our neighbors in Bradford, Luzerne, Monroe, Wyoming, and Sullivan counties in PA and most especially Broome County NY, have largely been devastated.