View Full Version : this ones for you swamprat

10-05-2011, 11:36 AM
once again ,thanks for almost calling me an oldtimer,you stated something about my profile,i never thought about that,maybe ill get to that sometime,just havent been feeling that well,since i got a flew shot from the va.hospital a couple weks ago,if i could feel like shit that would be great,thats how bad ive felt,but im doing better i think.enough about the medical shit,heres one that is interesting,maybe even laughable,first i need a favor,pray for me,due to the fact that i personally know ex-centerpointlineman,hope that gets you going.i havent seen any of his post lately,but i can say this ,hes a good hand,lineman,he has his ways but id work with him,anyday.he got a raw deal when he was let go,but i think hes doing ok,just some pride lost.interesting to see what people think on this website,and some interesting subjucts,been with 5 companies,some good some not.seen the by the book lineman,and alot more.as for me ,im not doing linework now,but looking for a sweet deal,if you know what i mean.like teaching other guys the trade,you know the sometimes simple tricks you pick up.but not a type that wants to teach in a class,the mathmatics,and all that.not the rodeo type either,never been to one,except the live animal rodeos.kind of a joker,which most lineman are but serious when need to be,used to be quite a drinker,which is normal but have slowed down to water and cokes,lol.i guess im a looker,or a thinker,always watching or thinking of different ways thing can be done,lately ive seen alot of lineman pass away,you know age,this or that,but a few were only in there40s,and i think passed away due to alcohol-liver problems,which is a bummer,it happens,knew of an real oldtimer that was rolling up some pea-vine while the crew was re-conductoring the circuit,the old wire had tons of splices,this guy ,i think was about 64 or 65 back in the 80s,while the other guys on the crew were in the buckets,and doing there work.luckly they had the primary spreaded,had most things done right,had lineguards on some of the pea-vine,and such,well a phase broke,went donw and landed on the oldtimers shoulder,guess what happened? when the wire went down,the guards also slid down the wire,the guarded wire is what saved that oldtimer,aint that some shit.alot of stuff i dont think of,but posting some of what ive seen might help others,seen some funny stuff along the way,you know the kinds of things that happen,its a good trade,if the right people teach and the right guys want to learn it.ive enjoyed it ,saved money,and took vacations with that money,california,canada,new york,colorado,ect,knew one guy that saved everything,had well over a million saved up,savings,stock and all that good stuff,passed away a couple weeks ago,never enjoying his savings,left it to his adopted son,theres millions of stories out there,some bad,some good,how many companies have most of you guys worked for,it sucks sometimes to leave your hometown,and other times it can be good,guess i can say that now that im divorced.next time i post ill tell you about the lineman that had 3 service poles to set,and 3 holes to dig,well he just set 2 poles,figure that out.

10-05-2011, 12:00 PM
I remember CenterpointLineman, That was a crappy deal he got. I couldn't imagine getting hurt at work by someone elses carelessness and than let go. I guess there's folks in management with a broken moral compass.

He hasn't posted here in years, Wish he'ld come back.

But in anycase , welcome bro, Its a pleasure having you here.

10-05-2011, 01:58 PM
Sorry you're feelin bad. I've never taken those damn flu shots. I've heard good and bad, both ways on em. Did use to take my mother in law down for them every year. She seemed to think it was necessary.

How come you ain't doin Linework no more? 50 years old is bout top of your game I'd think.

I always enjoyed CP. We had some good conversations. Very religious dude. He actually posted a couple posts back in August, but he's been gone for quite awhile before that. His picture is still in the thread Powerlineman.com the Crew. He's on page 3.

Got to lookin in that thread....brought back alot of neat memories from years back. Lot of guys there we haven't heard from in quite awhile.....

yea im at the top of the game brain -wise but not the 23yrs old-28-or 33 years old body,lol,looking for something but not too hard,but ill get back into it,hard times for different reasons,that ill state about at a later date,as for c-point,he has a good game somewhat religious.but hard to figure out at times,i made a mistake telling him a few years back that he was one of the remaining prophets,if you get what im saying,guess he took me serious.well this is what i wanted to say,it surprised even me,about the story i told you about the old timer rolling up the wire,when the energized primary,12kv fell on him and the guards slid,saving his life,about an hour after i posted that,i was online and found out that the guy died,monday ,he was 85 or 86,ill most likely go to his services friday ,his name is floyed,john,kiminski and the info is on khou.com,obits,interesting guy,alot of things he did that i didnt know about.