View Full Version : Dbi sala fall arrest for sale 250$

10-18-2011, 01:38 AM
Bought this while I was in college and used it for around 3 months, it is still like new, I bought it cuz I didn't like the bucksqueeze or miller, this was faster and easier to use going up, coming down and going around obstacles. You can youtube it and see how it works, I have pics but can't post em from my phone, you can call me at 254 421 00six six I'm located in gatesville texas and will ship at new owners expense, I paid 459 new for it so u are saving over 200 bucks thanks for looking

10-18-2011, 06:53 PM
So hard to buy without trying... looks way better than the ones at the school im using. Err... tempting.

10-19-2011, 12:07 AM
I hear ya man, I was in your same boat ass u when I bought it, hated the bucksqeeze, the miller was a lil better but I still wanted something better, I went ahead and ordered it and loved it, it grew on me but I got a job welding and am making good money on the line and just don't see myself ever using it, its well worth it tho I'm sure u will not be dissapointed if u buy it, look it up on youtube as well under cynch lok

10-20-2011, 04:32 PM