View Full Version : I thank...

11-10-2011, 11:25 PM
those men and women who gave some, and remember those who gave all on this upcoming Veterans Day.

With deepest regard and respect! I stand in awe of your bravery and dedication to the cause of "freedom" here and abroad, in the past up to present day.

11-11-2011, 07:30 AM
Let me join in to thank all those who fought and remember all those that died. Today being Remembrance Day lets all take time out at 11:11

11-11-2011, 07:56 AM
A solute to all those that gave their lives, those that have served, and those that continue to serve to keep us safe. God bless you all.

11-11-2011, 08:27 AM
We owe them so much!

11-11-2011, 09:39 AM
Amen to all of the above

11-11-2011, 09:47 AM
Did anyone watch the Vietnam documentary last night on the History Channel? It's one they combined and made recently. It was very good. I'm sure it will be on again. I've not looked.

11-11-2011, 10:48 PM
Today, is a celebration of AMERICAN Vets, And our CURRENT American MILITARY personel.... and AMERICIANS Service to OUR Country Of AMERICA.

I don't appreciate the fact that you have tried to turn AMERICAS VETERANS Day....into a "global" thing.

It's NOT.

It's AMERICAS "VETERANS DAY". We don't need or want your input.

Now go ahead....trash this thread again with a response.

This is AMERICAN VETERANS day, Not ANYBODY ELSE's veterens.

You are a very hateful man sr....so that I get this straight.....our neighbors in Canada, who are all very aware that it is Veteran's Day in this country, are not allowed to make a comment on the fact that their Veterans are on their mind on this day also. What did you find offensive? I know, you did not like the fact that the American and Canadian flag were shown together at the bottom of the post. People like you propogate the image of ALL Americans as arrogant and ignorant....and I am offended that you used this thread to further that misconception.

arkansas traveler
11-11-2011, 10:54 PM
listen, i'm damn tired of seeing your bs on this site. i flew 94 missions '67 to '68. what did you do? any man who served deserves our honor. u.s. or canadian, i'll honor them. just shut tfu you turd with legs. i'm embarrassed they even let you post. you don't speak for me or bros in arms. pull your frigging head out your rectal orifice. stay the fu(k out of something you know nothing about.

11-12-2011, 12:10 AM
We have been honoring as we call it remembrance day on Nov 11 since the end of the WW1 as the armistice was signed on Nov 11 at 11 am I believe 1918. I think you will find that most if not all of the countries that were allies also honor there veterans on this day as well as the veterans of all subsequent wars.

11-12-2011, 08:32 AM
I'm getting the forbidden error when I try and click on the second page. I'll report this to the TechGuy.

Now, since I hit reply, I can read what has been posted on the second page and I'm not happy. This was a thread to thank our vets and to honor them. I personally didn't think anything wrong with CL's posting also in this thread. If any of our Canadian neighbors want to post on their Rememberance Day, I don't have a problem with it. They are all honored Vet's in my eyes.

Now we are arguing on whose vet's are to be remembered on this day? As Americans, we should extend our thanks to our neighbors. After all they battled side by side on the same wars.

We, on both sides of the border, should try and get along. I never thought we had such contention between ourselves until I read it all here. Hopefully, outside this internet we all "do" get along. I sincerely hope so.

11-12-2011, 08:57 AM
No, CL......your post was fine, I started this thread to thank living veterans and remember fallen ones.........nothing you said was inappropriate nor unwelcome(except by certain hatefulled members on this site)....

11-12-2011, 10:54 AM
Today, is a celebration of AMERICAN Vets, And our CURRENT American MILITARY personel.... and AMERICIANS Service to OUR Country Of AMERICA.

I don't appreciate the fact that you have tried to turn AMERICAS VETERANS Day....into a "global" thing.

It's NOT.

It's AMERICAS "VETERANS DAY". We don't need or want your input.

Now go ahead....trash this thread again with a response.

This is AMERICAN VETERANS day, Not ANYBODY ELSE's veterens.

Then what's the British flag for in your previous post if it's only about "Americans?"

Thanks to the Veterans of this great country AND those from other great countries that helped!!

11-12-2011, 01:18 PM
Today, is a celebration of AMERICAN Vets, And our CURRENT American MILITARY personel.... and AMERICIANS Service to OUR Country Of AMERICA.

I don't appreciate the fact that you have tried to turn AMERICAS VETERANS Day....into a "global" thing.

It's NOT.

It's AMERICAS "VETERANS DAY". We don't need or want your input.

Now go ahead....trash this thread again with a response.

This is AMERICAN VETERANS day, Not ANYBODY ELSE's veterens.

give it a rest man you really need help, Jeez!!

11-12-2011, 08:36 PM
I have looked through some old posts, SBATTS said he has taken lives in the service, and then saved some.... so did you select certain people to administer first aid to during peace time? because it appears you were a nurse in the army during peice time?

So how is it you took lives and then in the next hand saved them??? Are you a liar or are you just embelishing your service to this country to gain undeserving respect from some of the members of your clique'.?