View Full Version : fill us in

02-14-2012, 03:58 AM
We as lineman love to ask questions......none of us know all about linework,and none of us has been in all the situations that may occur in this trade..........but there is a need to know more about almost everything we can imagine...so here it goes.......its now or never.......as board members or moderators how do you all find the time to live your personal life and do what you do for this site........do you all kind of work in shifts,,,,,,,,,weekends,nights,mornings like Poot does.........i mean how does that all work.......do you apply............or are you asked..............is it what you thought it would be like......i bet not................when theres a new post ,how fast do you guys see it...........is your computer set up in a way that you instantly know when a post is posted..........how often do you communicate with your boss.........how do you rate the stress level........finally ...will I or wont I......yes I will ask.........is the pay ok?:D

02-14-2012, 07:45 AM
Ummmmmmm before you joined it got purdy bad in here. Lottsa name callin n threats n nastyful people. everbody reccognized it wuz the same peoples doin the bad stuff jusa bout alla the time. So there wuz a hole bunchha folks Nominated and a vote taken, 5 people were elected. to attempt to clean up this place n I wuz 1 of em. There iz no pay.... zero, zilch. Nada.
Ummmmmm I are retired n have lottsa time n enjoy readin this stuff enyways so I prolly spend the mos time on here. Specially inna winter cause I have growed to hate cold and wet. Onna Purdy day I mite hook up the boat n go fishin. But everbody checks in bout everday n if one of us sees sumpin bad goin on we call attention to it, form a huddle n decide what if enything needs doin. We dont always have the last werd Cause that blongs to the guy who owns the site. He iza Lineman also and his screen name iz Lineman. He iz the ultimate authority . He dont like gettin involved unless he hazta.So you prolly aint gonna see or hear from him much.
So we is basically jus Janitors tryin to klean up udder peeples messes n not make none of our own.Ever now n then sumbody will tell us good boy n scratch us hind the ear n evernow n then sumbody wants to kick us n holler Get.Aint no magic computers, Jus folks tryin to keep it civil in here n be fair wif everbody.

02-14-2012, 08:49 AM
I have been a webmaster on the internet since before Al Gore invented it and help moderate a couple websites myself and have seen some stuff over the years that will raise your hair.

I honestly think some people cannot handle anonymity with out acting like an ass hat.


02-14-2012, 08:54 AM
There is no pay involved except a few years of Efriendships here. :D And I count those that have supported Byron and myself up there as the exceptional friends. Probably usernames you have not even seen that are here.

I'm in education so there isn't a lot of time, however, we do have the occassional breaks like spring and winter. I'm not a teacher, so I work all year. I take a week's vacation in the summer. I'm here in the mornings, some in the evenings, and then the weekends.

Reppy, if you look at the top of the index page, you will find the button "What's New?" When you click on it, it shows you all the posts that have been posted in or started since your last visit.

I don't know everything there is to know on this site or in the past. I'm no computer guru. I've said this many times. If I don't know the answer, I ask Byron, or someone in the field that uses these sites and works on them. Yeah, I have a few friends that moderate or are Administrators/Owners of other sites.

As far as the owner of this site, he is one good man. I'll support him as long as he wants me here. When I was asked by him to moderate, I took that as an honor. Although for many years all I did was move a few threads if you guys asked, or posted pics. I can still help out and try and find out what the problems are----or atleast pass that information to Byron, the Owner.

Nothing is ever smooth sailing, even a lineman knows that. They also have folks to answer to. Management has folks to answer to.

Oh, and if you need any Poot translating, let me know. I've just about got all the decoding worked out. Just a few words here and there, that I have to stress over. :D :D :D

02-14-2012, 10:54 AM
Well like I said before I do not post a lot and I did quit looking at the site for a while cause it was a mess. I am glad some stepped up and took an intrest in the the site and made it better. I can identify with Poot on a lot of things, like his way of thinking. As far as lost art she is way overpaid with all the misery she put up with here and in the school system. Oh wait, how is getting up evey morning and putting you thumb in a vise payment?:nightmare: Keep up the good work all of ya.:D

02-14-2012, 11:43 AM
Ok,good responses................seems kinda like being a safety rep........the guy everyone loves to hate........its amazing how a few out-spoken individuals can wreck hovac...............make the simplest things hard........what is really crazy is these are not dumb people.........they just happen to take things a bit too far............seen em here,........misery loves company............and your my company..........................thanks again.:D

02-14-2012, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the responses dooghi and RH. Dooghi, glad to have you back. :D

Hey Reppy, I was always told if you don't ask, how will you ever know? And I sure asked my share of questions around here years ago. And most of you were pretty patient and didn't mind. I appreciate that.