View Full Version : Vast Differences in Countries; Population Overload

02-25-2012, 11:17 AM

My random thoughts came from the above thread in Linework. I didn't want to disrupt the subject of how Bren (Scottland) builds transmission lines cold turkey. That topic is interesting enough without bringing in other factors. Thanks Lewy that give Bren some more bannas to peel. :D

I imagine the population growth plays a huge part of the comparison between North America and Europe is a vast difference. Especially if you take into account of the periods in history when the growth accelerated in certain areas--(even manufacturaly, economically, etc.). And this isn't touching the cultural differences.

It's ashame when building our countries we didn't have the technology we have today. We might could have come up with the perfect goal for the rapid population we are all faced with today.

Look at the waste we all generate? There are so many areas we (meaning the whole world) have to fix where in the world do you start? It's mind boggling.

Technology is advancing at such a rate of speed the power lines that are being built today are 20 years behind schedule---maybe more. It just blows my mind. Not that it takes much to do that. :D

I mean really. How do you fix something that advanced this rapidly in just...what? Thirty years?

02-26-2012, 10:10 PM
We tend to wrestle with the problem all the time. In the more rural areas it isn't that hard to isolate a piece of line but sometimes it just isn't worth the effort. Much harder to do in urban areas. Now as a contractor we are only given just so much time to complete a job in, many times a job can safely be done live line and significantly reduce the time involved, time is money, the company has to make money to survive.