View Full Version : Do you QRZ? I am KC8YVE.

03-07-2012, 12:57 AM
I only got into it for Emergency communications because I know my station will be up and running while your fiddling with your feedline.:D

03-07-2012, 05:29 PM
I guess you left them all in the dust RH because no one is responding.:D

03-07-2012, 05:43 PM
Ummmmmm I kud reed it I figered everbody else kud too

03-07-2012, 06:20 PM
I guess you left them all in the dust RH because no one is responding.:D

I didnt want to admit it..........but I will............first I thought maybe KC8YVE was a ham operater term........then looking closer at the QRZ.............I thought maybe this guy is talking about square dancing..........which I know nothing about....................then it may be a x-ray tech. term....................Miss's ART..............Im also lost:D

03-07-2012, 06:48 PM
I was all signed up for a course then ended up having to go for eye surgery and eyes weren't going to recover in time so I had to withdraw. Still studying up for it though and hoping to be on the air soon. And reppy, if I'm corect that'd be his call sign, it's like his HAM name. And I think QRZ is code for who'm I talkin' to. And RH keep an ear out for VA7RNW, if someone doesn't snap it up before I get my cert that'll be me :)

03-07-2012, 07:09 PM
OH! It's all about that there divinci code stuff, huh? Well, I'm still back in the '70's with the breaker breaker one nine and where is your 10/20? And my handle was just mobile 22. Aaah...the memories.

Let me clear this channel. Over and out! :D

03-07-2012, 07:33 PM
I was all signed up for a course then ended up having to go for eye surgery and eyes weren't going to recover in time so I had to withdraw. Still studying up for it though and hoping to be on the air soon. And reppy, if I'm corect that'd be his call sign, it's like his HAM name. And I think QRZ is code for who'm I talkin' to. And RH keep an ear out for VA7RNW, if someone doesn't snap it up before I get my cert that'll be me :)

Ok now I can relax a bit,that helps alot.............now it seems halfway clear.................maybe Ill ask Poot about the square dancing..................if anyone would know ,it might be him..............I bet he has kicked up his heels a time or two................back to the left...............then to the right.........thats how we do it...........lets go again........round-em up...ect.:D

03-07-2012, 08:19 PM
Ummmmmmmmmm whut you thank the pootnaigle izza hillbilly purson? No I wiggle my hiney to the songs of Elvis n The sounds frum Creedence.Ummmmmmmmm n Musik from folks like Georgie Thourogood,

03-07-2012, 08:40 PM
Ummmmmmmmmm whut you thank the pootnaigle izza hillbilly purson? No I wiggle my hiney to the songs of Elvis n The sounds frum Creedence.Ummmmmmmmm n Musik from folks like Georgie Thourogood,

Yea.Poots..............i may listen to some Elvis later on Youtube.............dam good times.............didnt think you were a Don Mahoney and Jeanna Clare type........if you heard of thems.

03-08-2012, 03:46 PM
Excellent 94_sahara I am on 2 meters and 6 when its open and have used Echo-link to talk to other Hams all over the world. I even have an Echo-link Android App so I can communicate with W1CKD in Maine or KD8AVA back home.

My daughter wants to get her ticket this year she got on my 2 meter one night when I was looking for tornado's making sure I was OK. The fellas still tease me about the little kc8yve.

Lost Art I still keep an 11 meter rig in the motor home as there are still some good CBers on the road.