View Full Version : Key safes.

bren guzzi
04-05-2012, 04:12 PM
I was talking to a few peeps on here about "saftey from the system" in my post on grounds.

Well this is how it works over here. Its mainly on transmission (towers) but is used on pole lines aswell.

When the enginer switchs out the line ( from the substation or pole switch) this is what happens.

He locks the switch OPEN with a unique lock that only has one key manafactured for it. Normally in the Sub station its inside a locked compound as well. He applys a caution notice to the switch to notify that its locked open "on purpose" ....

He then locks the key for this lock in a "KEY SAFE" inside the office. ( That's alarrmed)

When he issues us a permit to work on the line. Along with all the details of the line we are working on. Each permit holder gets a key to the KEY SAFE. Normally attached to the permit.

The key safe has 8 keys ..... ALL ARE REQUIRED TO OPEN IT.

So if he issues 5 permits he issues 5 keys to the safe and keeps one himself.

At the end of the job we give him the keys back and he can then remove the key to the lock on the switch.

I dunno how it works over "yonder" maybe you guys do something similar ??????

Its just one part of keeping us SAFE at work over here. SO I THOUGHT I'd SHARE IT WITH YOU GUYS.. "Its good to share". :)

04-05-2012, 05:52 PM
Ummmmmmmm similar to that . but sumtimes there is more than one craft involved. In that case each craft has a lock colored and numbered with only one key. If the lock is open the key cannot be removed.a record must be made in each crafts log as to what number lock was installed where, at what time and date. Only the crafts have the keys and when they are removed they must also be recorded into the log. Ummmmmm after alla locks are installed a clearance is given to each craft involved .......and when removed each craft must release it before it can be re energized. Its easy to tell who you need to contact to have locks removed by the color of the locks.

04-06-2012, 12:46 PM
I find the best way to get all those nuisance padlocks off is to use a simple lock picking kit like this:- :rolleyes:


Just a quick fumble and click, there ya go.

I actually bought a set of these for a friend as a joke, but within one minute he had picked his own bike padlock with it. :nightmare: