View Full Version : Union Hall called today with a job offer..

05-11-2012, 10:47 PM
The hall called me today, Not 2 weeks after my interview, somehow now im having second thoughts though, Im blaming that on Pike Electric on that though... since they screwed me over so much... 3 months ago I woulda killed for the oppritunity now its not so much... what should I do?

05-11-2012, 10:53 PM
The hall called me today, Not 2 weeks after my interview, somehow now im having second thoughts though, Im blaming that on Pike Electric on that though... since they screwed me over so much... 3 months ago I woulda killed for the oppritunity now its not so much... what should I do?

Your post is not real comprehensible.

So... you are pissed at Pike? Did ya hire on with them, and now the "Hall" called ya today, and ya don't know what to do?

Sorry Tyler...I don't get your post. How did Pike "Screw You"???

05-11-2012, 11:28 PM
I dropped everything on a moments notice to go and work 4 hours from home at a moments notice for pike worked 60 hrs a week got paid for 40, and after bout 45 days I get let go .. and the only reason they would give me is ( we don't need you any more...) soon for the past 2 months I've had to move back in with my parents, sell valuable stuff, and start working for close to nothing just to get by... I drove to Indy a couple of weeks ago for an interview, and they left a Voicemail saying they have n opening and if id like to take it, now im having second thoughts because of what's happened in the past few months... I know being union that Cant happen but I've just had a pot of bad luck lately...

05-12-2012, 12:05 AM
That's pretty hard to believe Tyler.

Worked 60 hrs, got paid for 40. Pike may be ratty at times, but they don't do sh$t like that.
It's aginst the law.
And if they DID that to you then you have reason for a suit.

There's more to your "story" my man....
How old are you Tyler??

05-12-2012, 06:51 AM
My foreman wasn't the best in any way, read some of my previous post, wed leave the hotel @ 5 drive bout 20 minutes to the job site and wouldn't get back to the hotel until 9-10 and it was 4 days a week that's what I meant, I don't have anything good to say about Pike right now, besides the line of work, Im 21 and love linework

05-12-2012, 08:09 AM
ummmmmmmm a union job aint nuttin like werkin fer Pike. You are gonna get paid for what you worked and You can ask em up front how long they expect the job to last, and what the work outlook is for the next year or so. If you wanna be a lineman this is prolly your golden opportunity so Go for it

05-12-2012, 08:16 AM
I have to agree with Poot and the swamp....linework isnt easy,there will be some tough times,,,but when it gets tough that isnt the time to quit,,,its the time to dig in and go for it.

Special ED
05-15-2012, 07:20 PM
I have to agree with Poot and the swamp....linework isnt easy,there will be some tough times,,,but when it gets tough that isnt the time to quit,,,its the time to dig in and go for it.

True story there Tyler. Save when the work is good also. It will help with the slow times. Also get a good drag bag with comfortable handles. Your gonna need it to chase jobs all over the country.