06-10-2012, 09:59 PM
Where did you attend your apprenticeship,was it through the company or through the union,was there any part that you thought could have been done better?The way it was done here,is that the first 6 months you went to another and arrived in a classroom,so there was classwork and time spent in the field...setting poles and pulling wire,framing and all...this was done by the company.....on a rain day it was class,if you arrived back early from the field it was class time,,,there was a couple of weeks where we would build banks...that was done in a yard,it got old after the second week......but that was when the economy was booming,so the company loved to use us fore construction.........after that 6 months you would be sent to a center that was low on apprentices,,,,,if you were low on seniority like I was,you might be traveling kind of far......the next 2.5 years you would attend night classes twice a month.........on your own time,,,every 6 months you would be tested.....if you failed a test ,that was a free ticket to the i know the unions classes require you to attend on weekends,or at least here they do........what isnt clear is how non-union contractors do it,so is there anyone that can help on that part?