View Full Version : any meetings besides safety meetings

06-15-2012, 08:26 AM
What other meetings do you still have,besides safety meetings? We used to have somebody from downtown come to our location every year,explaining changes in benifits,they were good to have....most could answer any questions the employees had...adding or subtraction family members,stock questions,before taxes and after taxes questions and the like.......they seemed to kind of fade away,it was like they didnt want you to know anything about any changes.......then there were a few meetings where I walked out wondering why they had one in the first place,it was like a everyone wanted to see each other scratch their ass meeting,well we did have free cokes too.

06-15-2012, 10:11 AM
Years ago when I worked for utilities we had meetings for safety, awards ceremonies, training, and a couple of what I called feel good meetings. That was were the company would want to tell us how good they did the year before and feed us a line of propaganda. We would have preferred breakfast or lunch and a great big Thank you instead. There was one place, that I worked as a rental lineman, that did have a big breakfast for the fellas, and nice Thank you gifts too. It was one in a million though. The contractor I work for now will treat the foreman to a Christmas dinner and give them a nice Christmas gift.

06-15-2012, 10:38 AM
I dont know how I forgot the awards meetings....ohh yea those that gave you stickers that you could place on your hard hat....with the amount of years without a lost time accident......they even had a 25 year ceremony for those that worked @ the company for 25 yrs.....they would present the employee with a nice watch.......but that also came to a halt.....too expensive I guess........I always enjoyed the meetings where they would bring in somebody totally un-known...he would say things like change is good,and how you were lucky to work for the best company,he had all the solutions it seemed.

06-15-2012, 11:00 AM
We have an all-employee meeting the first Wednesday after our board of directors meet. All departments give updates, the GM talks about the board meeting and employees ask questions.