View Full Version : Wood pole substations

06-25-2012, 06:30 PM
Ummmmmmm back in the day Lottsa subs were made of wood. No steel at all.Anybody still have any of em around?

06-25-2012, 07:12 PM
we still have one sub that is wood construction, from the 50's, it is on our "to do list" but that list is pretty large so im not sure what number on the list it is.

06-25-2012, 07:20 PM
We had one that was around from the 50's as well. It was kinda in a rural area when it was built, but then the area took off with high priced estates and larger homes. 34kv/12kv. It just got replaced this past spring. I used to hate switching in there because everything was so old. One time I opened a set of 12Kv breaker disconnects, and the top disconnect insulator broke off. It started swinging and just missed hitting the phase next to it, which of course was hot. It was about 12' off of the ground.

06-25-2012, 07:36 PM
We had one that was around from the 50's as well. It was kinda in a rural area when it was built, but then the area took off with high priced estates and larger homes. 34kv/12kv. It just got replaced this past spring. I used to hate switching in there because everything was so old. One time I opened a set of 12Kv breaker disconnects, and the top disconnect insulator broke off. It started swinging and just missed hitting the phase next to it, which of course was hot. It was about 12' off of the ground.

i know all about that, i have seen several switch insulators break when opened over the years, no matter how good you look at them you cant allways see a crack.

06-28-2012, 10:24 PM
I cant recall seeing any ,unless racoon bend substation has them.