View Full Version : Capacitors exploding

07-08-2012, 12:37 AM
Was it just my imagination or did anyone else notice, In the 80s as a helper/apprentice it was very common to have cap banks bursting left and right,it seemed to happen weekly......that capacitor oil smell ,I can still smell it almost....then after they replaced them with the non-pcb caps they seemed to slow down.Didnt see em going south as much it seemed.....has anyone else noticed and do you think it was cause of the pcb's.....I remember the nameplates to look out for,they were greenish in color.

07-08-2012, 11:56 AM
Your right,wished they had a delay on those re closures so ya could get away quick when you put it back on line.My foreman back in the day would say there's one bad thing out there and that's capacitors.Testing them before they go on line is a really good idea.Have not really had any bad caps in a long time,could be PCB related.