View Full Version : I need info on the Bug Zappers

08-02-2012, 10:53 AM
Usually flys dont mess with me,but this morning theres one that keeps bugging me and Im tired of his $hit.Ive been thinking of buying a Bug Zapper,they make different types but this one looks like a tennis racket...you put batteries in it,so when hitting a fly you dont have to hit it against anything like a counter,just swing in the open air and his little life should be over.So,has anyone bought one and if so do they work well? I hate spending 6plus dollars on something that doesnt work......by the way...........Clive,do you have any idea how many amps are used on those zappers,you can answer today,thanks.:D

08-02-2012, 01:10 PM
Ummmmmmmmmm the average Bug Zapper uses a transformer to step up the voltage to around 2000 volts. there is a gap between a grounded mesh and the energized mesh with a light inside the 2. when Mr bug passes thru the first mesh and make similtaneous contact with mesh 2 he is basicially vaporized. In terms of current I aint sure but it wouldnt take much current to do in a bug.
They are not good for Skeeters cause skeeters aint attracted to the light,like junebugs or flys .

08-02-2012, 03:51 PM
Skeeters are attracted to CO2 make a bug zapper with a light that releases CO2. Youd have a winner

08-02-2012, 04:11 PM
Ummmmmmmm the skeeters in texas kin stand flat footed n screw a turkey.

08-02-2012, 05:04 PM
Ummmmmmmm the skeeters in texas kin stand flat footed n screw a turkey.

I can kill any mesquito if I continue eating what I ate yesterday,even my eyes were watery,bad gas.:nightmare:

08-03-2012, 07:08 AM
The hand held zapper wands use a small step-up circuit to charge a capacitor. It's the stored charge on the cap that despatches the fly with a crack. Fun as a toy, but you'd be better with something that ran without you having to chase the flies. For indoor use the UV ones work fine (get a decent one though).

For outdoors use you'd be better with a mosquito magnet if you have a major issue. These burn propane or butane gas slowly in a catalytic converter to produce a plume of warm, moist carbon dioxide. Biting insects follow the trail to what they think is an animal and get sucked into a net. They tend to attract the female (biting) of the species, and with prolonged use will break the breeding cycle and reduce the number of biting insects in the vicinity significantly.