paul maxwell
08-18-2012, 03:32 PM
i was on a site wed,thurs this week,simple job erect totam pole(10mtr)with h.v fuses 100kva trannie,h.v cable then lv.cable.things were going great till around thurs at 2pm when a enw saftey auditer turns i am fine with this guy turning up coz i personaly dont mind being audited coz if i have(or my guys)have missed anything out then fair enuff&if no then it gives you a good my gripe with this clown is this,when we had wired the transformer the standered way this guy procceds to tell me to change the l.v nutreal lead to the cable to 70mm green/yellow?when i pointed out that only the h.v earth should be g/y & that it is correct the way we did it(double ins grey blue)he lost the rag and started to insist i leave site:confused:but i didnt and even when there own enw cable joiner pointed out that he wiz wrong did he calm down and go and make a phone call to a enw lineman now when he returns he didnt admit that he wiz wrong and tryed to pick other things wrong(after 20 mins of not finding anythin)he decided to turn his attention to the cablers and because he didnt find anything there either he just kinda stood there looking like a ****,but the thing that wiz his last thing to do was stand and watch the cablers shovel 1ton of sand(by hand) into the hole then tell them it was the wrong type of sand:confused:and this little **** made them take it all out again(you should have seen his face tho when my an the boys joined in to help them)he wiz well gutted coz he thought it would have been only the 2 joiners instead it ended up all of us working together to shift it was like that scene from cool hand luke when they laugh when shoveling to tar the road:Dthen this little hitler buggered of didnt even say goodbye:eek: