View Full Version : Belt and Tools Help

08-24-2012, 06:59 PM
Ok guys here is the here is the deal Im getting ready to go to climbing school, This is what is have Wesco boots, Klein Strap, Klein full floating belt, What hand tools do I need, and where do they go on the belt, how do I set up the belt for tools, Please if you could post pics of your belt setup it would be great the belt I have has 4 loops on the back for tools and a couple of clips but i dont know what goes where any advice would be great thanks. Forgot to mention this is for outside line construction Calnevjatc.

08-24-2012, 07:44 PM
Ummmmmm if you iz right handed your tool pouch should be on the right side so you can easily grab your kliens.Most linemen rely on a pair of 9" kliens( no cheap imitations) maybe some channellocks, a folding ruler, and maybe even a speed wrench or two. Them loops on yer body belt are fera hammer anna crescent wrench .Alla this stuff shud be inna place where ya jus naturally reach when ya needit.Ummmmmmmmm a ditty bag is kinda handy too but remember when yer goin in that yer gonna be wearing gloves and cant depend on feel fer when yer fingers latch onto sumpin in there.

08-24-2012, 11:24 PM
cool thanks for the info