View Full Version : fly on the wall

08-25-2012, 09:33 AM
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when the supervisor had sombody in his office for doing something stupid....Like totally destroying a boom because he was pulling sideways or forgot to cradle it ,then driving under an underpass?I do wonder what kind of excuses a supervisor has to hear,and what some might say.....In the old days I can see a supervisor saying,,,,it wouldnt be because your a dumba$$ ,would it?

08-25-2012, 10:34 AM
Ummmmmmm when I wuz the union steward I usually hadda ringside seat Course there wuzza time er 2 when I had me a reserved seat

08-25-2012, 11:07 AM
Ummmmmmm when I wuz the union steward I usually hadda ringside seat Course there wuzza time er 2 when I had me a reserved seat

Did it get loud? Give us some details.....what was he in the office for?

08-25-2012, 11:40 AM
Ummmmmmmmmm It wuz spozta be an accident investigation....... I usually wound up in as much trubble as the victum when I told em it wuznt no investigation it wuzza inquisition.He wuz on the hot seat n bein questioned by A Group of folks that couldnt run a hobby horse race

08-25-2012, 12:18 PM
Ummmmmmmmmm It wuz spozta be an accident investigation....... I usually wound up in as much trubble as the victum when I told em it wuznt no investigation it wuzza inquisition.He wuz on the hot seat n bein questioned by A Group of folks that couldnt run a hobby horse race

That reminds me of the day that I was brought out of a field maneuver while I was a sergeant in the army....taken to a place many of miles away to attend a court martial of a fellow soldier,finding out that my assumption was right.He was guilty way before even that day,you think a regular court is something....a court martial is an experience that I wont ever forget.....then I,like you had the pleasure of meeting a Sergeant Major that had 39 years in the service,he was the most ranked Sergeant Major in the whole army at that time,I tried to change his mind on a topic,but that was like talking to a brick wall.He gave me a smile,knowing that I was right,and he smiled back.....it was one of those (I DO THINGS MY WAY SMILES)