View Full Version : How many of you have a Pool

08-25-2012, 11:05 AM
Anyone here have a built-in Pool? Back a few years ago I wanted to get one,but the wife didnt,so that was that.Now Im glad that I didnt,just too much to maintain,kinda like buying a two story home,who wants to be going up and down all day.I noticed a few guys have ponds,now that must be nice,if its stocked with plenty of fish,plus they make great swimming holes if theres no water maccasins around.Any good pool stories?

08-25-2012, 01:38 PM
I have a inground 18' X 36' pool. I can run it on about $200. a year. I just replaced the liner after 23 years. I wanted to fill it in but I got out voted!

08-25-2012, 02:02 PM
UMMMMMMMMMM My son hazza inground pool and ittza major headache inna hind end. Last year it hadda leak n that took us a while to find n fix n this year the pump iz suckin air sumwheres n wont prime. The grandbrats enjoy it but ittza ton of werk. I spect a bove ground one would be way easier to maintain.

08-25-2012, 02:12 PM
UMMMMMMMMMM My son hazza inground pool and ittza major headache inna hind end. Last year it hadda leak n that took us a while to find n fix n this year the pump iz suckin air sumwheres n wont prime. The grandbrats enjoy it but ittza ton of werk. I spect a bove ground one would be way easier to maintain.

That tons of work statement scares me,Ive seen too many above grounds that dont last long,now some have,but If I got one it might be like the mexican guy I once saw.........he had a poor mans house,in the middle of summer he had one of those cattle tanks that you could buy from a cattle supply store.the old fashioned types in his front yard.He seemed happy and all the kids seemed happy.It might have been 20 feet across,so with a little beer he was in heaven...his neighbors must have thought he had money.:D

08-27-2012, 04:19 PM
Years ago we had a above ground 4' X 24' round. I installed it myself in a weekend. 2 buddies helped along with some beer. Above ground was easier to clean, etc. Then we had to add on the house and guess what was in the way. I took it down myself too!
I just now got out of my pool. I go in to clean/vacum it, I just thing it's easier that way, and cooler.

08-28-2012, 10:37 PM
Well climbed a pole in a ally one time. had a nice looking woman out by the pool. wasn't wearing much. She asked me if I liked what I seen? I told Her I sure did... Got to go home for 3 days..... It Wasn't worth that..But it is a pool story:D

08-29-2012, 12:37 PM
got one, nice to have after a hot day at work. down here along the the gulf coast it is a requirement. we need to have them to throw all our patio chairs in when a hurricane hits. :D they are a pain in the ars....

08-29-2012, 06:12 PM
I have had an above ground pool for thirty five years actually i'm on my third cost about $225 a year to operate {short season in ct June to Early Sept} and a real lifesaver after a long day in sleeves and gloves.

08-29-2012, 06:15 PM
Best thing I did with my pool was llevel it and plant grass........

bren guzzi
08-29-2012, 06:25 PM
I have one most days..

OH ! It's .."pool"


08-29-2012, 08:34 PM
I have had an above ground pool for thirty five years actually i'm on my third cost about $225 a year to operate {short season in ct June to Early Sept} and a real lifesaver after a long day in sleeves and gloves.

Any lillys ,any frogs :D

08-29-2012, 08:35 PM
I have had an above ground pool for thirty five years actually i'm on my third cost about $225 a year to operate {short season in ct June to Early Sept} and a real lifesaver after a long day in sleeves and gloves.

Any lillys or frogs?

08-29-2012, 09:18 PM
Maybe the title should have been,how many in New Orleans dont have a pool....interesting thing,large hurricane,large problems...small hurricane ,large problems.:nightmare:

08-29-2012, 10:48 PM
Ummmmmmmmmm NewOrleans was built below sea level and its basiically an island...... Its plum foolish to think flooding aint gona be a ongoing prollem and even more foolish to spend megabucks to replace what gets damaged just so it can be damaged agin and agin