View Full Version : We are being shafted.

bren guzzi
08-29-2012, 04:00 PM
I know you Americans might struggle with this.... BUT TRUST ME ,,,IT'S HAPPENING

We ( us Irish ) are being forced out of our job over here... Due to sectarianism / racism ...

We've got a " new " line manager.... ( well new to be in charge of us..) He hates " us Irish "
Catholics... He's a staunch RANGERS fan... ( Protestant ). He's made no secret of the fact he wants us GONE....
So how do ya think you could get rid of men nowadays...

WELL here's his plan... Firstly do away with weekend working... So we can't do 10 days on 4 off.
Make us work , 5 days a week.
That doesnt sound to bad.... But this would mean flying home Saturday morning and back Sunday evening... Not much family life there.....

And then to put a final nail in the coffin.... Split us up.. Send each of us to a new crew. ( divide and conquer ) .....
Then dis allow company vehicles from going to the airport.... ( I've my own car over here but the other lads don't )

So our days are numbered.. :-( But I will fight tooth and nail against it... Maybe he will slip up and we will be able to get a court case up ....

Other than that. We are SCREWED...


08-29-2012, 04:11 PM
Ummmmmmmm I hate to hear that but Ummmmmmmm there are a lotta supervisors that cant lead. They only know how to intimidate the workforce. It just may be possible to go thru legal channels and prove him racist and have him held personally responsible.

08-29-2012, 04:18 PM

Unless anything has changed, we have an old arrangement called "custom and practice". I think it still stands but to be fair it's been a long while since I've been employed (I do the employing these days)

Anyway, if you've been 10on 4off for a long while, the little p**** can't suddenly change it because he wants to. I remember many years ago going from two man on call to single man and we done quite nicely out of that change.

Have a goggle for Acas and give 'em a call. The advice is free and normally spot on the mark


bren guzzi
08-29-2012, 05:03 PM
Ummmmmmmm I hate to hear that but Ummmmmmmm there are a lotta supervisors that cant lead. They only know how to intimidate the workforce. It just may be possible to go thru legal channels and prove him racist and have him held personally responsible.

I'm not one for BULLY'S ... And I always think the best form of defence is attack..
I will get the lads together mon morning... I propose writing a letter to express our concerns .
So we've written proof that " constructive" dismissal is happening... I will also email our concerns to the head of the company... At least we've a paper trail and not just our word against his...
By acting first " officially " at least they can't deny that we raised the issue...

And stu,s idea of contacting acas is also a good idea...

Custom and practise is all very well. But if they bring out new contracts.......... It might be a case of TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT...

Either way this ain't going away any time soon...

There's loads of work about at the moment... So at least we've a PLAN B...

I'm just not happy that people " any where " are still open to racial abuse....
The quality of our work has never been in question. And we should be judged on that ALONE !

08-29-2012, 05:28 PM
Good 2 have a plan "b" but most Irishmen I'm aquainted with, myself being a half breed, are fighters and would meet this piss ant head on. Hang in there Bren, out last his ass...

08-29-2012, 05:36 PM
Is this goof a head hunter for the company? Does the company hold the same views he has? That would be rather interesting news to have a big company practicing racism. Whoever hires a company like that is also part of a racist bent and it isnt good to have that sort of reputation now a days. I think he needs to watch his motives, and whoever hired him would want to protect their reputation.

Good luck Bren, to you and your crew.

bren guzzi
08-29-2012, 05:42 PM
Good 2 have a plan "b" but most Irishmen I'm aquainted with, myself being a half breed, are fighters and would meet this piss ant head on. Hang in there Bren, out last his ass...

Thanks for your support ....

Didn't mention plan C....

THAT INVOLVES ....... Well I better not say..... But I've friends in low places....
And although I would love to personally administer retribution ... With age comes wisdom...

And let's just say the out come is what's important ... ( and no DNA trail ... :) )

bren guzzi
08-29-2012, 05:53 PM
Is this goof a head hunter for the company? Does the company hold the same views he has? That would be rather interesting news to have a big company practicing racism. Whoever hires a company like that is also part of a racist bent and it isnt good to have that sort of reputation now a days. I think he needs to watch his motives, and whoever hired him would want to protect their reputation.

Good luck Bren, to you and your crew.

We all work for the same company....

He's run his teams over the east coast... For years...

He ain't stupid... He will try and make it look like we left of our own accord..

So by documenting every thing that occurs... And by writing our concerns about what " may happen" when he takes over.... ( we've already been tipped off by the guy he's replacing that he's gonna " sort us out ) We might be able to clip his wings ...
The company preaches SAFTEY. AND EQUAL OPERTUNITIES... But it's just lip service..

I wonder if I was more obviously ( of a different race ) would we have a better case.... I think so.

As I said before,,,,,, I've worked all over the world. And been the " minority " all my working life..
But have never experienced sectarianism like up in Scotland.... And I include working in northern Ireland in that statement... :( SHAME !

08-29-2012, 06:13 PM
Thanks for your support ....

Didn't mention plan C....

THAT INVOLVES ....... Well I better not say..... But I've friends in low places....
And although I would love to personally administer retribution ... With age comes wisdom...

And let's just say the out come is what's important ... ( and no DNA trail ... :) )

Sounds like a plan "c" I would endorse......

08-29-2012, 10:49 PM
Is this the same guy that said you don't need water or a working crapper sounds like a real piece of work, we've a rule of sorts that has been upheld by numerous arbitrators called past practice that says if there isn't specific language in the contract about a work practice then past practice is the rule you go by. It's to bad you couldn't record the piece of s*** on a rant about your or any bodies ethnic background. Keep the faith.

bren guzzi
08-30-2012, 12:41 PM

Unless anything has changed, we have an old arrangement called "custom and practice". I think it still stands but to be fair it's been a long while since I've been employed (I do the employing these days)

Anyway, if you've been 10on 4off for a long while, the little p**** can't suddenly change it because he wants to. I remember many years ago going from two man on call to single man and we done quite nicely out of that change.

Have a goggle for Acas and give 'em a call. The advice is free and normally spot on the mark


Rang acas today... And they put me straight on a few " legal requirements"

Your right in so much as our rota is now a CONTRACT. due to the length of time we have been on
It . We have proof of ticket purchases etc... They have to give us three weeks written notice of a change of contracts.... It has to be re negotiated.. ( can't be take it or leave it ). If we fail to agree and they try to inforce it on us .... That's " harassement "
If they try any THREATS... Then we can point to the fact that we are a minority group within a large company... Most of the people that left in the last 2 or 3 years were ( let's call them " non rangers supporters" ) and we're replaced by rangers fans... NOW THAT IS A STATISTIC THAT CAN EASILY BE MEASURED..... Our little group could be the last of " our type"

This would be very bad publicity for a Scotish company that is in the process of trying to get a foothold in the Irish electricity market ....

neil macgregor
08-30-2012, 01:23 PM
sorry to hear that crap ben hope you get it sorted
i left SSE for the same reasons would gladly back you up
pm me if you want

bren guzzi
08-30-2012, 02:03 PM
sorry to hear that crap ben hope you get it sorted
i left SSE for the same reasons would gladly back you up
pm me if you want

Thanks for that Neil... I ain't getting bullied.. By any one...

They will have to carry me out in a BOX. Watch this space.. ;) We've a meeting on
Monday ...

Every man shall stand behind the men behind the wire... ;)

paul maxwell
08-30-2012, 03:03 PM
hi bren,would like to pass on my support to you and the guys eh.this little worm cannot be allowed to get away with this, he gives all that i love and hold dear(scotland & glasgow rangers)a bad name and we DO NOT NEED HIS TYPE in either scotland or as a true supporter of rangers. i myself work and have for some time worked with alot of guys from ayrshire who frequently go to southern ireland and also support celtic and this has NEVER been an issue when at work we are all linemen who watch each others backs and i would trust them whole heartedly.this little parasite must be dragged out into the light and squashed for his bigoted attatiued,good luck mate.

bren guzzi
08-30-2012, 03:16 PM
Thanks Paul that means a lot ....

We all Like a bit of P.ss taking. It's part of being in this job... Wind ups etc..

But when it goes beyond that... Then you've got to Draw a line in the sand..

All his winches, trailers, etc etc.. Are red white and blue... That stuff don't bother me.. But if ya look at the amount of guys that left over the past 3 years... At least 90% have been " non rangers"
And if I can do the math... A tribunal should be able to see a patern...

We love the Scotish people we've met and worked with,, and we know this bad apple ain't typical.
But eventually a bully has to be stopped.... AND NO BETTER MAN , THAN MESELF.

08-30-2012, 08:12 PM
Sadly Glasgow is rife with hard-core sectarianism. I can recall that at my first interview I was asked to attend with my dad and he was asked which church he went to. That was Hugh M Fultons. They were totally sectarian.

If the other guys on the forum want to see how bad sectarianism is in Glasgow then they just need to search on YouTube for - Glasgow orange order - to see their sectarian marches through the streets of Glasgow. Shameful that it can happen in this day and age. They're nothing more than alcohol fuelled bigots. The mood in Glasgow is nasty for EVERYBODY when these scum take to the streets.

And don't let false patriotism make you think they actually have a cause these days (or indeed ever). You might as well be idolising the IRA.

08-30-2012, 09:47 PM
Thanks for that Neil... I ain't getting bullied.. By any one...

They will have to carry me out in a BOX. Watch this space.. ;) We've a meeting on
Monday ...

Every man shall stand behind the men behind the wire... ;)

I like your style Sir...

08-31-2012, 05:30 AM
Go get 'em Bren, I'll stand beside you all the way. There is no room for that kind of crap in today's world. Over here I'm sure a lot of fellas would stand up with ya too. Good Luck and keep us posted on the turn of events>

09-03-2012, 01:07 AM
Any progress Bren?

bren guzzi
09-03-2012, 01:30 AM
Any progress Bren?

Heading in to work in about 10 minutes.... It's 6.30 am Monday morning over here Reppy..
We've been off this weekend...
But I've been very busy talking to folk and planing....

Best form of defence Is attack...

I will keep ya posted..

09-03-2012, 01:34 AM
Good luck Bren,we are all with you.

09-03-2012, 08:57 PM
Bren, I have been thinking about your situation since you first posted it on here. Just wondering how things turned out today? This reminds me of when Pike Electric brought out Y C Ballinger in the early 90's over here. Pike came in and cut every one's pay quite a bit (some as much as nine dollars an hour) and said "take it or leave it, you have no where else to go now"...... Anyway, Bren, let us know how things are going when you get a moment.....:)

09-03-2012, 09:24 PM
Ummmmmmmmmmmm Yeah Bren ya left us hangin how boutta update?

bren guzzi
09-04-2012, 06:42 AM
Had a meeting yesterday.... Was what we suspected.

They claim the contract we've been on "for two years" isn't what theyed agreed.

So we asked for a meeting with the bosses. So we aranged a meeting with all involved to clarify the situation once and for all..... That was the case untill this morning.

Now they are having a meeting on Thursday. And none of our team are allowed to attend . W.T.F.
Is that supposed to sort out...

But we havnt been idle... Made a couple of phone calls to linesmaen I know around the UK.

We can start work ASAP with a company in the UK. He's got our CV,S and will take the whole team on.... AT A LOT MORE MONEY.....

But we havnt given up on this place yet.... Despite the "threats"

2012. And this is going on..... Who,d be a linesman.. ??????

09-04-2012, 08:24 AM
sounds to me like you guys will be leaving the a$$hole,if in fact the new company is wanting to take the whole team with more money....open arms,cant beat that....good luck.

09-04-2012, 09:28 AM
I was under the impression that you guys have quite a high work yield, even in hostile owrk environments. I'd say it's their loss if you leave.

What range of work does the other employer do? Is moving there tempting in its own right?

bren guzzi
09-04-2012, 10:24 AM
I was under the impression that you guys have quite a high work yield, even in hostile owrk environments. I'd say it's their loss if you leave.

What range of work does the other employer do? Is moving there tempting in its own right?

We will be doing the same job down in Suffolk... ( To the left of birmmingham.

Its £6 per hour more. But less lodge money.

We don't build as much kmts up here as the guys on the east coast.

But we are beining compared to..... I thought the difference would be bloody obvious.

neil macgregor
09-04-2012, 02:51 PM
How the feck can they compare working on the west coast to the east
Theres barely a bloody hill on the east coast
Even rambo would struggle to live in the west

Ps waiting on nigsy to get back to me bren

bren guzzi
09-04-2012, 03:08 PM
How the feck can they compare working on the west coast to the east
Theres barely a bloody hill on the east coast
Even rambo would struggle to live in the west

Ps waiting on nigsy to get back to me bren

Thanks Neil... Every little helps.. :D

09-04-2012, 06:19 PM
Ummmmmmmmmm evidently these folks dont know that by getten rid of you guys that they will deal the bananna -industry a crippeling blow and it may well never recover. I bleve they need a stern talkin too......... but I kinda liked the friends in low places idea too

09-05-2012, 04:07 PM

The guy you're talking to wouldn't come from the same country as you and your team would he by any chance ??

Without mentioning companies or names on the forum I have half an idea who it might be


bren guzzi
09-05-2012, 04:32 PM
I've pm,d ya. ;)

09-05-2012, 04:57 PM
By the way, Suffolk is to the right of birmingham from where I'm looking (although I guess from Scotland it's to the left) :)
