View Full Version : Backyard line

Hemingray Insulators
09-30-2005, 05:21 PM
At Swamprat's request I'll post a few pics of the backyard powerline I have at my grandparents. He thought it'd be interesting to see.

Little background info: It runs off a breaker in the breaker box, and is 120v to ground and 15A. I used cutouts and arrestors and tried to build it as best I can to replicate an actual line with the exception they are not wood poles, a lot of the poles are doubled up 2x4's set in the ground, and 14' to the top. lowest wire is neutral at 8' above ground with a secondary leg a foot above that and the "Primary" (120v) is 12' high. It does actually run by a transformer betweer "Primary" and secondary with a ratio of 1:1, inside a painted and enamled coffee can with the bushings being electric fence insulators.
I wish the sun would have been more cooperative, but the pics were either too dark, or too bright as to where you couldn't see anything, so for now I'll post the best pics.

10-02-2005, 12:36 AM
Very cool!

I have never seen such a mock-up.

As a lineman, I can apreciate the effort.

Keep it up, kid, I hope you reach your goals in linework.

10-02-2005, 03:27 AM
You Need To Get A Girlfriend Dude!!!

Hemingray Insulators
10-02-2005, 08:22 AM
Thanks Linetrash, It means a lot coming from a guy who does it for a living already.

10-02-2005, 10:12 AM
You have way too much time on your hands!
J/K It looks pretty good.

10-03-2005, 09:29 PM
Thanks For The Pics Dude!

10-04-2005, 10:21 AM
looks good, but how did u put it all up? You didnt climb 2 2x4's put together did u?

Hemingray Insulators
10-05-2005, 07:40 AM
I first bolted the 2x4's together, dug the hole using the 10%+2ft rule, set the poles, tamped, drove ground rod about 3' out from the pole, put in guy's, and then I put one end of the 3/0 Al in the deadend clamp and put the knot, rolling bend on the other end, and put it on a chain hoist, and when it was pretty tight I teminated in a deadend clamp. and hooked up riser, and "came hot" after closin cutout preceeding inspection of line.

10-05-2005, 01:58 PM
dam, really went all out. have you began climbing yet?

10-06-2005, 08:52 AM
yeah, i bought a cheap pair of hooks off of ebay for like 16 bucks or so, dont have the right kind of boots though. Ive gone up to the neutral and back down. Umm my boots arent real hard in the middle where ther hooks actually go, so when i kick the hooks into the pole, after 7 or 8 "steps", my feet start to hurt real bad right in the middle. Its not as easy as it looks. Plus im sure my cheap hooks and not using the right kind of boots has alot to do with it...

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 10:34 PM
grandma made me move the line, she decided she don't like it crossin the yard, yet it's been that way for 6 years :confused:
well, heres phase 1 of project.

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 10:40 PM
heres one of the poles using ITE skytone spool and 7.2kV pintype insulators, and theres a plastic hendrix insulator on the pole pin. heres some of the sagging operation.

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 10:45 PM
rolling bend used to secure conductors which were 4/0 Al, and #4Cu.

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 10:54 PM
closer up of middle pole.

Swamprat, I think I'm really getting this picture size thing now, at least this time they are a bit bigger.

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 11:05 PM
One of the terminal riser poles which is going to be substation exit cable riser, as a model substation and model 46kV line is in the planing. Not actually 46kV though, just a 120v model of a 46kV line.

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 11:09 PM
heres the other end, before I added the second crossarm for cutouts and arrestors.

Hemingray Insulators
10-27-2005, 11:17 PM
one of my first poles in 1999 when I was 9, how ya like them cardboard cutouts?

10-28-2005, 09:15 PM
hey leave hemingray alone i have seen his girlfriend and she is hot hot hot he is just dedicated to line work keep up the practise dude one day you will make a fine linesman

10-28-2005, 09:31 PM
I like them work pants and boots. :)

Hemingray Insulators
10-28-2005, 09:35 PM
oh, you mean the shorts + sandles?

Hemingray Insulators
10-29-2005, 04:35 PM
heres the light, now all I need is a pole mounted photocontrol :)

Hemingray Insulators
10-29-2005, 04:38 PM
Another view of light.

10-29-2005, 06:08 PM
I'm sure you could rob a light off a lineman if you catch him at the right time.

Ever open a photocell? They are kind of neat and simple. If you do get a real yard light off someone remember that they have a transformer inside them that has voltage greater than 110 to the light bulb. I've seen pictures of what it can do to a hand.

10-29-2005, 06:27 PM
I'll bring one back from the Sudan if you don't get one first. I'm going back in January for 2 months. I saw a box of them in the warehouse. I don't think we'll need them.


10-31-2005, 10:51 PM
yo from down under bud..

Do us lineys all a favour when u get older enough to become what you want to do dont become a liney..... This is not a dig.... But with the enthuisiam you have for this field of work get into design... we need somebody like u cobber who can think like a liney.. Maybe do your apprenticeship then f*%# off, the world is your oyster my young brother. A linesmans job is a great job but a dangerous one that is never paid enough for what we r worth... When you have kids and get married or maybe never you will realise.....

Hemingray Insulators
11-01-2005, 08:32 AM
I have wanted to be a lineman all my life. I suppose mabey after a bit of expirience move to troubleshooter, but I like to do the work, not design it.

11-02-2005, 10:52 PM
my hat is off to you
you are going to be a great lineman one day.
you have a very special gift for someone your age or any age for that matter.the gift to see your dreams and make them happen
that backyard line is really something to see . If I ever happen to be in your neck of the woods it would be my honor to see that line up close .
keep the pictures coming

Hemingray Insulators
11-03-2005, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the words of encouragement, and I'm sure you would like the line to see it up close. "Just doin what I love so to speak"LOL, "My work is my play."

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:29 PM
pic of pot head termination at riser.

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:33 PM
fargo automatic splice for #6 Cu, to replace the 2 splitbolt connectors I had.

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:35 PM
hot tap, and preformed deadend grip.

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:36 PM
The riser pole for the substation, which is still not finished.

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:38 PM
Middle pole, with the new crossarm and braces. and yes, I'm geting a photocell for the light :)

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:39 PM
Another angle of the middle pole.

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:40 PM
over view of the line.

Hemingray Insulators
12-06-2005, 04:41 PM
other end riser pole.

Hemingray Insulators
12-18-2005, 10:49 PM

Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 09:47 PM
heh heh, I told you all I WAS GOING TO BE A LINEMAN.
coming up is a photo timeline of my line, I know i have pictures pre-99, but I've not found them yet, and haven't found any pics for 2002 or 2003.


Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 09:53 PM


Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 09:55 PM


Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 09:57 PM
I love the frosted insulator and wires lol

Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 09:58 PM

live line work

I like this pic, the glare made it look like something blew up (nothing blew up)

12-19-2005, 10:01 PM
you got to be kidding.stay in school and get off the drugs.

Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 10:06 PM
raised poles higer, no longer needed middle pole, live line work.



Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 10:06 PM



Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 10:08 PM


12-19-2005, 10:09 PM
I'm really impressed! You're really into linework huh? Can't wait to see how it looks with new poles. When the linemen come to help you have them teach you how to dig and set em by hand. It'll be work, but it'll pay off. You're gonna be miles ahead of other apes when you get your break.

12-19-2005, 10:09 PM
HI...great pics, love it and your interest in this trade. Sounds like you have some good friends in the trade already. From the looks of your backyard line it seems to me that you've been on the job more than a few times with them. Keep posting...love it...future squeek...sprouting right here in front of all of us. Be kind to this kid! woody

Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 10:13 PM
now for the disaters I've had :D
This happened around 2am, we had heavy winds, and I heard one of my poles snap, the wind took the pole down, and I went out there at 2am and fixed it, and much to my suprise the lightbulb didn't break, and everything was still hot, lyeing there on the ground. I just put in some ropes to temporarily guy it until mornig when I was more awke, and could fix it better. This was really the only disaster I've ever had.


Hemingray Insulators
12-19-2005, 10:16 PM


12-19-2005, 10:17 PM
HI, let us know if you get a belt and a set of hooks for christmas...if not let me know...Happy Holidays kid...work safe...hope your line does'nt have a storm hit it. woody

12-19-2005, 10:37 PM
You obviously have an aptitute for the work, my advice, stay in school, get a degree. Power engineering would be right up your alley. Its a great trade.....

12-20-2005, 12:00 AM
You must have hundreds of hours into this thing! Absolutly awsome. Im waiting for the new poles to go in, then itll look alot stronger, more realistic. And you get to get up there on a pair of hooks! Now I wanna rig one up... lol dont kill or cripple yourself from a fall before you even start working!

Hemingray Insulators
12-20-2005, 12:06 AM
I wouldn't be suprised at all if I had over a 1000 hrs into it, a few weeks ago when the linemen brought me all that stuff I worked on it from after school for about 4 hrs, for 5 days, then when we had school off cuz of all the snow we got the night b4, I worked on it from 10am to 9:30pm with only a few breaks t get warmed up, and for lunch and dinner. ya, I can't wait for the real poles either.
so, riverhog, hows school been for ya?

12-20-2005, 08:04 AM
A little advice, get that steel swing set out from under your line. If your line comes down, and your not there, some kid could get hurt.
It's still a good looking job all in all. Congrats!

Hemingray Insulators
12-20-2005, 09:44 AM
swing set hasn't been there since like this last spring cuz no one used it anymore.

12-20-2005, 11:25 AM
schools ok, last year! Im still trying to decide wether to apply to progress straight out of high school, or go to a community college for 2 years and then apply. I may not want to climb poles at 45 years old, and alot of my teachers are saying without any college under my belt I wont be able to go up in the company at all, such as a supervisor or something. Something to think about... And theres alyways night or computer classes for a AA degree. Im going th have to talk to someone who works for Progress Energy about it, they know how there company works. Anybody on here have any input?

12-20-2005, 05:11 PM
Way back (way, way back!) I was so desperate to get away from school and get started as a spark that I jumped the gun and got myself a job interview a year before I was even allowed to leave school. It was only at the end of the interview that the guy twigged I was actually too young to start.

It worked out OK in the end because the following year I got straight in with a company doing much heavier electrical engineering (with emphasis on the engineering bit!) so although the work was a lot harder, much more dangerous (and sometimes just utter stupidity!) it was a much better apprenticeship.

Try not to be too much of a geek when you get an interview. There is such a thing as "too keen". Likewise if you get knocked back from one company, just apply again. You might get intrviewed by someone different and they might be more sympathetic to enthusiasm.

Oh yeah. And when you get the job, don't be a geek. Most of your co-workers will be doing it for a job and won't take too well to being lectured or inadvertently grassed up by someone who's taking things way too seriously. ;)

12-21-2005, 12:16 PM
I know this might sound picky but when we hook up a fused switch the feed goes in the top and the load side in the bottom.One of those things ya learn OJT. Looks good though, and be carefull cause even the 120 can knock ya for loop !


Hemingray Insulators
12-21-2005, 12:27 PM
must be just the way your company does things, all the lines around here, if it's underground feed, the feed is on bottom so they don't have to go top feed bottom load, but they also have sign on the pole hooked up like this saying "bottom of switch may be live even if open". different parts of the country different ways I guess.

Hemingray Insulators
12-23-2005, 09:30 PM
got 2 street lights today, didn't even to need to rob them off a lineman, went dumpster diving, got a few more poly deadends (I need some to replace the hogs livers I had up, some more eye nuts, about 8 cutouts, and 2 porcelain arrestors and 3 poly arrestors and the streetlights, all in all it was a good day. the dumpster was there cuz they took down the overhead and put it underground, so the lineman I know said to "help myself" to whatever I wanted. heres a pic of the light in operation, just need a refractor for the 2 I got cuz all the refractors in the dumpster were broke, took all the photocells of the broken lights though.

12-24-2005, 12:01 AM
shit, that is so rad brian, you are definately gonna be a lineman!

Hemingray Insulators
12-26-2005, 12:52 AM
these last pics were taken a few hours ago at about 10. they aren't the best pictures, but I think some of them are kinda cool as a few look like infra red vision lol, but these are of me doing a bell changeout hot. I got a bunch of tools for Christmas, a set of Fargo insulated racheting box wrenches, some cutters for up to 500mcm, some insulated boltcuters, some 9"Kleins (jorneyman 2000 series, cuts acsr) but, no hooks, but i think mom and dad spent plenty on me for Christ,mas though, don't ch think? :D I was kinda eager to use my new tools so I went out and dd a bell changeout. my uncle came out and snaped a few pics of me. i also got the 4th season of Smallville from my grandparents, i love that show.
wow, that streetlight I put up sure lights up the worksite, you can see a few of my new tools on top of the "Line Truck" it's got insulator storage, bolt bins, some more tools, and a place to put rolls of wire. I sorta converted the old wagon into a tool/ supplies trailer.

heres a pic of me after I put the line in blocks, and have the new poly insulator on the eye bolt.

heres a pic of me puting the blocks on the pulling eye (at least i think thats what it is, the eye stick out the side of the saddle for the preform)

Hemingray Insulators
12-26-2005, 12:54 AM
heres a pic of me wraping the preform onto the wire.

Heres a pic of that sub i was building, but it's still not finished.

Lizzy Borden
01-01-2006, 01:11 PM
Wow you have been a busy since I rattled the web. Thats cool. Your grandmother probably made you move the line just so she could watch you rebuild it.

Hey you should have gotten a Right of Way or told her now way I have eminant domain aka squatters rights.

Keep up the good work.

I got transfered a few months ago. Now that I have a good camera and computer I can finally send some pictures of the junk up our way.

Hemingray Insulators
01-01-2006, 10:17 PM
heh heh, right of way? I tried that once, but she wouldn't buy that story, however, once long ago when I was 9, I started making contracts for her to sign lol, she's like I "Don't like it when they are so high, Why can't you make them 5' tall" when it's like DUH, unless you want to get shocked evrytime you go in the back yard I'm not making them any shorter. she also doesn't like the cutouts and arrwstors "Because they are heavy". My My, when will I ever hear the end of it, but at least she will let me build it, now my parents and a line in the backyard? Im not EVEN gonna get into that :D

BTW, Nice to hear from you again Lizzy.

01-01-2006, 10:50 PM
riverhog14, if you do it right, you can do both. go thru your apprenticeship at progress and take classes on the net if you want to go into managment. it isnt that hard, but you won't have a lot of time. and just because you apply here doesn't mean you'll get a job, keep a job, make it thru your 4 years,or even like the job once you start doing it. it looks all nice and easy when your watching someone who has been doing for a few decades, but belive me, it can be very frustrating if you think you can do something, and your lineman gives you a shot, and you set a field of grass on fire.you feel like an ass. but if you have it in you, by all means, apply and give it all you got. this trade needs new blood,and you my like the work so much you won't want to climb up where the sun doesn't shine.hahaha.

Hemingray Insulators
01-04-2006, 05:38 PM
I replaced the eye bolt I had before (tiny kind from the hardware store) as I had run out of eye nuts before, with a DA bolt and eye nut retrieved from the Dumpster, and pulled out the slack in one of the outside phases, now I just got to resag the center phase.



Hemingray Insulators
01-04-2006, 05:40 PM


Check out all that slack that was in the wire before, it must have settled, because when I first put the wire up it wasn't nearly as slack.

Hemingray Insulators
01-04-2006, 05:45 PM


While I was inside geting a few tools, I come to find the isulator broke because the 12yr old next door shot it with a bb gun. had to float the phase to change the insulator, as there wasn't room for my "Home Made" wire tongs.

Hemingray Insulators
01-04-2006, 05:53 PM
another shot of the floating phase.

me being crazy, grandma didn't like all the heavy stuff (cutouts, arrestor etc. she thought it would make the pole fall.) so I proved to her that it wouldn't fall, if anything would make it fall it would be me sitting on the crossarm before the "Heavy stuff" would make it fall.


Hemingray Insulators
01-12-2006, 07:21 PM
damn gust of high wind took out one f my poles today, snaped it just above the neutral, had to do a bandaid fix, a few 2x4's and some rope, I had just finished puting in a new neutral, and no more than 5min later, a damn gust of wind camethrough and tookout one of my poles, started a small fire where the line went into the tree. Today has no been a good day :mad: I guess I was proven wrong, I didn't think I needed a guy for the secondary, as the other guy was 6" below primary, and only 1 1/2' above secondary, and I don't tension the wire that tight anyways. :mad: I guess a pole breaking was bound to happen sooner or latwer though, but it's not like I have a stock of extra poles, but at least it's 50 degrees here now, so the grounds not froze at the moment.


Hemingray Insulators
01-12-2006, 07:22 PM

01-17-2006, 11:37 PM
Whoa, leave the cursing to the adults. The enthusiasm is great. Guys, i think we may be doing Hemingray and ourselves a disservice by trying to dissuade him from being a lineman. If linework is his love leave it at that. Why would he want to be behind a desk if all he's gonna do is dream about being on the right of way? He can shift gears after he tops out and have more real experience than most engineers. Our industry would also benifit from more linemen who are this passionate. Every once in awhile I run into a guy like this. Always asking about this one bank hook-up thats only done in one factory, or knows just what percentage copper conducts better than aluminum. These guys are the ones who make us elevate our own games. I wish our helpers had one tenth of his enthusisism. He's just like this one kid who used to come around a town I was working in. We were doing a conversion and he asked what we were diong with the old glass. I thought he was asking for his father who would take them to an antique store but the kid wanted them for his collection. i asked him what he already had. He rattled off about twenty different brands and types of glass.I can't even tell you what type of glass I'M hanging on any given day, and he's naming brands from thirty years ago. Then he says,"Are you done with that four spool rack?" The kid's for real. This kid wants to be a lineman while the average adult thinks a lineman plays football. Keep up the good work Hemingray! I'm sure you'll do well where ever you go. RTTW

Hemingray Insulators
01-18-2006, 01:08 PM
Whoa, leave the cursing to the adults. The enthusiasm is great. Guys, i think we may be doing Hemingray and ourselves a disservice by trying to dissuade him from being a lineman. If linework is his love leave it at that. Why would he want to be behind a desk if all he's gonna do is dream about being on the right of way? He can shift gears after he tops out and have more real experience than most engineers. Our industry would also benifit from more linemen who are this passionate. Every once in awhile I run into a guy like this. Always asking about this one bank hook-up thats only done in one factory, or knows just what percentage copper conducts better than aluminum. These guys are the ones who make us elevate our own games. I wish our helpers had one tenth of his enthusisism. He's just like this one kid who used to come around a town I was working in. We were doing a conversion and he asked what we were diong with the old glass. I thought he was asking for his father who would take them to an antique store but the kid wanted them for his collection. i asked him what he already had. He rattled off about twenty different brands and types of glass.I can't even tell you what type of glass I'M hanging on any given day, and he's naming brands from thirty years ago. Then he says,"Are you done with that four spool rack?" The kid's for real. This kid wants to be a lineman while the average adult thinks a lineman plays football. Keep up the good work Hemingray! I'm sure you'll do well where ever you go. RTTW

Where ya from? coulda been me asking for the glass :D , but i do know of other collectors that'd do the same.

Hemingray Insulators
05-21-2006, 07:16 AM
now I have a slack span up to this pole, which is now the riser, as I moved it from the other end pole.



Hemingray Insulators
06-22-2006, 08:00 PM
hey all, My family and i are now back from our week at disney world (save that for later) and i got some short videos coming of me doin routine maintenance on my line, however, you must forgive me for not having on sleeve, and only wearin leathers as I gon't own sleeves or gloves, and I was doing it fast, because the dig. cam. only has a bout 2 minutes of space for each video, so I tried to fit it all in, and even so some of it still went over after the time was used up. of course I wouldn't rush like that at a job when I'm a Lineman or Apprentice. i did this hot, 120/240.



Hemingray Insulators
06-24-2006, 10:19 AM



Hemingray Insulators
06-24-2006, 10:20 AM



just say no
06-24-2006, 01:48 PM
dude, you are ate up!!!!!!!

06-25-2006, 12:23 AM
So YOU wanna be a cowboy??????????? Why do you think I, ME, would say anything to you??? Think about it kid, then answer up for your misdeeds. Bear Boomer P.S. I give you this chance to speak the truth Boy.

Hemingray Insulators
07-02-2006, 11:07 PM
the power company took my line from me :mad: because someone told Detroit Toledo Edison about my line, and they investigated, found it wasn't their problem, and told Consumers Energy about it, and then they investigated, and found me, and they had a supervisor come out and look at it, and he siad it looked pretty good. this supervisor is a great guy, and knows a LOT about linwork from what I can tell by talking with him, and the guys say he is a great guy to work for. then 2 day later, the sup. and the Company Legal guy came, and the legal guy said the line needed to be removed, and then they called the closest crew to come remove it. well, the crew showed up, didn't know why they were called, and wen they went into the back, I think I heard on of em say "you want us to do WHAT?" everyone was impressed with my line, and didn't really want to have to take it down, from the legal guy, and sup. to the linemen ordered to take it down. I'm glad the linemen respected my line, and took it down pretty carefully, they took everything but MY stuff, my insulators, my streetlights, and the poles I built. I'm suprised they didn't take the wire i burried to feed it, because that was their concern was there was a way to energize it, and through the grape vine I heard they thought I stole a 1kVA xfmr, and was backfeeding it, when what they really saw was my coffee can "transformer". the legal guy took quite a few pictures, before, during and after, and said he'd mail copies to me, but don't ask me to post em. I liked having the chance to work on my line, side by side with real linemen, but I didn't like the job, having to remove it. I asked the legal guy "When the company throws sumthing away, isn't that abandonement, which means the company has yeilded ownership, and that it belonged to no one, until claimed as their own?" and the answer was "when we throw something away, we mean for it to be destroyed, because they aren't careful, when they remove it, and something could be defective, and you could get hurt. Collecting it (ie insulators) is ok, but putting it back together, and energizeing it is another thing, and we won't have any of that" well, I am pretty disapointed, but when they were done, the linemen said it was an honor to have worked on MY LINE, and to call them in 2 years for a job. they also said it would make for the funiest call ever lol, and would probably STILL be going around by the time I got there. the sup. said the same, and I asked if this would hurt my chances of working for Consumers, as now they knew who I was, from the linemen to hight up people, but he said it shouldn't, so i guess we'll see. he also said he could tell I knew a lot about linework, by talking to me. So, I have found a Supervisor who IS a good guy, and is knowleddgeable about linework, Contrary to what most of you think.
Over and out

07-03-2006, 08:23 PM
When I was a kid I had a few electronic gaming machines in my bedroom for fun. To cut a long story short My parents house was raided by customs and excise on the basis that the machines were "available for public play" (In my bedroom!!!???!!!) and made me disconnect the payout mechanisms.


07-03-2006, 08:31 PM
Hey Hem... It's time to build the MKII line with new improved features. :)

(Stick to low voltage and they can't raise safety issues.)

07-03-2006, 11:14 PM
were are you getting the material?

Hemingray Insulators
07-03-2006, 11:18 PM
well, I got all of it out of the dumpsters that would sit around for monthsa fter a job, ie a reconductor or a line put undeground etc, and they would just sitt on a vacant lot or where ever there was room. excepts my buddies had given me some old glass insulators before. then I got some of it, what they had to leave, from an insulator collector friend from missouri that owns a utility scrap yard.

03-08-2012, 10:05 PM
now for the disaters I've had :D
This happened around 2am, we had heavy winds, and I heard one of my poles snap, the wind took the pole down, and I went out there at 2am and fixed it, and much to my suprise the lightbulb didn't break, and everything was still hot, lyeing there on the ground. I just put in some ropes to temporarily guy it until mornig when I was more awke, and could fix it better. This was really the only disaster I've ever had.


Pretty neat Hemingray..............guess your the first one to arrive on a call-out,Ive never seen anything like it before...................good pics and a great story.............when the power company got involved.................so where are you from...............almost looks like Washington State WITH THOSE TREES.

03-08-2012, 10:29 PM
Ummmmmmmmm Reppy Hemi wuzza wanna be that built that stuff in his backyard outta scavenged materials.Eventually he got into an apprenticeship program and I am gonna say he is just about to turn out anytime now.He started teaching himself and done a darn good job of it.

03-08-2012, 11:03 PM
Ummmmmmmmm Reppy Hemi wuzza wanna be that built that stuff in his backyard outta scavenged materials.Eventually he got into an apprenticeship program and I am gonna say he is just about to turn out anytime now.He started teaching himself and done a darn good job of it.

YEA,he did.........kinda cool that a kid reached his dreams..........I was thinking his father might have beena lineman..........we had a guy that collected everything...........old skinning knives.......you name it ..............even old union contract books........i would take hours writing down what this guy collected...........he could give any company or museum a run for their money............they wound up putting all that stuff in a long..long glassed case..........old keys to pole top switches.........he had it all.....and the case still lives.

03-09-2012, 07:36 AM
Oh Jeez! You're diggin' deep in the archives Reppy. Brian went on to become a lineman some time ago and must be either fully there or close to it. He's also got another passion now.... His cars.

03-09-2012, 07:41 AM
Its quite a shame to see that line get torn down, but how can they legally come into your backyard? Besides there are lots of private lines out there. And how can they prove where you got your material from? I'd say they overstepped their authority, or they are going to assume responsibilty for line on private property, which means they would have to buy all the private line, I think.

03-09-2012, 08:33 AM
It was live line, albeit at secondary voltages, and there was a bit of a height issue. :rolleyes:

That said, it worked out fine for him in the end, although I bet actually getting a job as a lineman took the glamour out of the job somewhat. I wonder if he tried telling his foreman how to do his job. :D

03-09-2012, 09:47 AM
It was live line, albeit at secondary voltages, and there was a bit of a height issue. :rolleyes:

That said, it worked out fine for him in the end, although I bet actually getting a job as a lineman took the glamour out of the job somewhat. I wonder if he tried telling his foreman how to do his job. :D

.........thats what you really call customer owned distrubution.............he must have ran out of PT's............CT;S