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Thread: work

  1. Default work

    Featured Sponsor

    hey anyone know of any db or transmisson jobs going on anywhere. couple of guy i know just got laid off and they are looking to hit the road and work. they are union hands. does anyone have any info about the job going on in nova scotia?? so if anyone knows about any union jobs going on out there or where there is work going on let me know please, its really slow up here in the north east. thanks brother any info would be appreciated

  2. Default

    so there is no work anywhere

  3. #3


    Nope. A big "thanks" to Barry.
    Living my life and loving it!!!

  4. Default barry

    who is barry??

  5. Default


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by tramp67 View Post
    Nope. A big "thanks" to Barry.
    Big thanks to "W", who caused this recession.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    where the work is, trying to stay in western us


    and one more thread dergades into useless bickering.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by tolex42 View Post
    Big thanks to "W", who caused this recession.
    Many utilities had a lot of work planned and scheduled for this spring and summer, and contractors were getting geared up for the strong construction season. Then along came Barry's "stimulus money" for utility infrastructure upgrades. The utilities, being the greedy entities that they are, pulled back most of their work in anticipation of the government paying for all, or at least part, of what is their normal maintenance, upgrades, and new construction.

    A fine example: You, being the good homeowner that you are, notice that the shingles on your house are starting to curl, maybe a few are broken. You have the money in the bank to pay for a new roof, and get a few bids. Then you get a letter in the mail from the government, a new spending program where the government will pay to replace your roof, if it qualifies for the new "Roofs Over America Money" program.
    You think to yourself, "Hey, if I can get my roof replaced for free with the ROAM program, why not try for it? I can put off replacing that old roof for another year, it's not leaking yet, and if it doesn't qualify for the ROAM program, then I'll just replace it on my own next year."

    Exactly what the utilities are doing. They aren't hurting for money, the cost of maintenance and upgrades are figured into their rates, and IOU's - investor owned utilities - are guaranteed to make a profit. If the shareholders aren't making money, the utilities go to the government body that regulates their rates and they apply for a rate increase.

    Bottom line - there's no line construction work going on due to a combination of Barry's unnecessary policies and corporate greed, not due to a recession. So, a big "THANK YOU" to Barry.

    Have you noticed all the repaving being done on the Interstate system where the existing road surface is only a few years old, and the big signs "Patriot Reinvestment Program"? If Barry had a clue, those billions of dollars could have been funneled into higher unemployment benefits, which would have "stimulated" consumer spending, in turn creating more demand for products, which would create more jobs, rather than lining the pockets of a few road contractors with lots of political clout. Resurfacing a road doesn't create a lot of jobs, the big winners in those projects are the owners of the paving companies.
    Living my life and loving it!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Burbs of Chicago and Anywhere beyond

    Red face Regardless of who's in charge.......

    All politicians care about are themselves. The American people continue to take it in the ass while they(politictians) continue to get paid and take vacation at our expense. Business as usual, their lives aren't affected by anything that has happened, neither are the bankers or wallstreet.
    Tramps take on the ute's is correct. No work for the most part, nationwide. Our work has always been cyclical, good times(lots of O.T., storms, etc..) and bad times(no work, no storms). Granted, this recession is cutting deeper and harder than any we've felt before.
    The stimulus is a joke, if you ask me, haven't seen shit. I know, it takes time, right? Whatever?! No relief in the near future(6 months at least), in my opinion. As for creating new jobs? That's a joke too. New paving of roads always going on(what a racket), new jobs there? Nope, same ole scoundrels making money repaving roads that were paved only 4 years ago. Tolls and taxes continue to go up, for what? Greedy SOB's!! China is laughing all the way to the bank, with our money. Politicians have all the answers, just none of the right ones.
    Work for you and me will eventually come back(hopefully sooner than later) when the economy comes back on it's own. Until then, all we can do is tighten the belt and hope for better things in the future for our kids. I hope I'm wrong about the stimulus but it seems like pissing up a rope.
    If I wanted to go to work, I would of answered the phone!

  10. #10


    Featured Sponsorr

    Glad to see I'm not the only one out here who is paying attention to what is really going on. Politics as usual, the Demorats are in charge now, a new set of wheels to grease and pockets to line. Of course, the working class takes it in the @ss again, as usual. The "recession" has nothing to do with the lack of work for line construction. The "stimulus package" is a joke. If Barry would have taken half of the money he's spent so far, and divided it up among the people that filed tax returns last year, there would be a lot more spending going on, which means buying more goods, which means more manufacturing going on, which means more work and jobs, which means more spending.....
    All Barry is doing is taking money away from taxpayers, making the rich richer, and allowing China and other foreign countries to obtain a bigger stake in the U.S. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that one.

    Back to the original post, no, there is practically no work out there right now, and with the thousands of linemen on the books all across the country, you might as well tell your friends that now would be a good time to take a vacation. Latest rumors I've heard indicate that things won't start picking up again until this fall, probably October. Good luck, I'm waiting too.
    Living my life and loving it!!!

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