Great idea Drifter!
I am NOT a powerlineman, journeyman, or even in the field! I'm also NOT a teacher.I live in FloridUH with the Boss, who is my husband and happens to be a powerlineman.
I'm also a GATOR FAN.
GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s have a thread to introduce our selves seasoned to new members….so the newbie can get to know the seasoned members and so the newbie can be welcomed.. I'll start
I am a construction Journeyman Lineman living in Hartford South Dakota, my home local is #55 located in Des Moines Iowa. I did my apprenticeship from 1972- 1976 , topping out in June. Still working in my tools!
Great idea Drifter!
I am NOT a powerlineman, journeyman, or even in the field! I'm also NOT a teacher.I live in FloridUH with the Boss, who is my husband and happens to be a powerlineman.
I'm also a GATOR FAN.
GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by LostArt; 08-29-2009 at 01:43 PM.
Ummm I am a Journeyman Lineman retired from a utility and now doin work as a contractor ( construction). I have worked UNION all of my life with the exception of 6 months way back in 1975. That six months taught me that Non union work was not for me. I spoze I am on my way out as I am now kinda long in the tooth, But I am gonna do linework until its no longer satisfying or My body hollers uncle. I kinda maybe promote the union cause on here.
I am a proud member of local 84 (GA) 4th step apprentice. I have worked with some great Lineman, and hope to one day be one.
I am a IBEW journeyman lineman, 17 years in the trade, alway's worked union, utility and construction, I am here, just cause, talk to me if ya want to, or ignore my post's, no hard feeling's, don't bash my union, it has done more for the trade than you can understand. I have enjoyed coversing with people here so far, alot of positive energy here. Honch.
So easy, a Caveman could do it.
IBEW NJATC trained started the trade at age 16 been doing this shit for awhile... I spent most of my life as a construction JL... spent the last 8-10 years as a power company puke... I've done a little bit of everything and burnt up more than my fair share of shit.... I've lived and loved this trade all my life.... my middle son makes 5 gens in this trade he's a JL that won't listen to his pop...guess I was the same way with mine....
hope you young cats get something form this thread I like it...
For what it's worth
first step outside line apprentice out of IBEW local 1245 in California. just went through Cal/Nev JATC climbing class and became indentured on 8/27/09. proud to be a union member, proud to finally get in the outside line as an apprentice and just proud to be in this trade. the journey begins.![]()
Journeyman Lineman for a Municipal for 18 yrs. Crew leader for the past 2 yrs. Small company about 11.000 meters with alot of industry. work all aspecs from tranmission, Dist, URD and services. Love the job and life itself!!!
My name is Dave.. I am a 2nd year apprentice with SCE&G based in Bluffton, SC. I grew up in Vero Beach, Fl and before getting into linework I spent 7 years with comcast cable.
I attended SLTC and then went to work for a rat contractor in Nebraska, where I learned two very invaluable lessons.. a crew full of apprentices do not a safe situation make.. and dont date the chick in the front office.
Having grown up in So Fla , I am a fan of the Miami Hurricanes, Dolphins.. and the Atlanta Braves ( new addition ). I like putting my camera to work , and catch things and post them on the picture thread here. Also add to that list, fishing, gaming, and traveling of things I like to do.
This is by far the most challenging job I have ever had.. and not just because of the work , but because of the people I work with. I am though confident I will outlast any problem ( person or object ) I come across here. Even though we do distribution work , I have been up a 110ft river crossing ( which fell over two days later ) to fix lightning damage. And to date have avoided knocking heads with stingy district managers and difficult J-men. Whats next? bring it on
Last edited by Doggboi; 09-04-2009 at 07:16 PM.
local 398
Mike-work for Consumers Energy in central MI. Started as a tree rat on the wrong side of the fence and got into local 17 in the "MOTOR CITY"(NOW A WASTELAND). Did my whole app in East Detroit until "01" then went north. I hired into C.E. Miss that old delta system!