Im glad to be a member of the group.Im from the Ballsbrige area of the city of dublin, Ireland.Been a linesmen for decades.Going back to work for my ole company,National grid.Nice hearing from other chaps.
Im glad to be a member of the group.Im from the Ballsbrige area of the city of dublin, Ireland.Been a linesmen for decades.Going back to work for my ole company,National grid.Nice hearing from other chaps.
Welcome Oliver ! Good luck with the grid... as we call em here.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
Welcome...... Where I'm at, we call them National Greed.......
"It is not the critic who counts:The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena" Teddy Roosevelt
THANKS GUYS....It was meant for Bren..I always get him on April Fools day....guess he was watching this year....I knew he would respond,but he didnt.........guess two out of three isnt too bad
....anyway happy April fools day ........
I'm David. I'm an engineer and I'm very interested in hunting, survival and outdoors activities. Besides, I know about chainsaw, table saw, drills, tools, etc. If you want to know something about these themes, don't doubt to ask me.
Hi, I'm Max. I started learning linework 46 years ago by following Com Ed overhead crews in Chicago after school or summer break. Back then the water cooler was filled with cans of beer in the summer and the crews could get away with having a 14 year old kid in the work area. Those guys taught me a lot. They nurtured my interest in the trade. 'never got hired by Com Ed. It took a while but I joined IBEW local 9 and worked for the contractors for 27 years doing mostly overhead distribution Ironically, mostly on Com Ed property. I traveled a bit. 'worked storms in Detroit, New York, New Orleans. Spent a couple of years on Mid Am property in the Quad Cities. A couple years ago I retired. I always loved doing distribution. The things we do with the power on. Reconductoring, replacing poles. Building/ rebuilding big transformer banks. Paralleling banks. Jobs get done and the lights don't even flicker.....well, most of the time. I never cared for transmission. My career total is two 165ft 345 towers from ground to goathead.
The work takes it's toll on a lineman. Carpal tunnel, arthritis, rotator cuff, Knees, hips, eye cancer, finally a heart attack....had to retire early....couldn't be productive on a 3 man crew. In the old days They would give me a four man crew and utilize my experience. But that doesn't count with management these days.
Journeyman Lineman Living In New Jersy 38 years in the trade .Outside local some years Utility best years outside. Worked all phases of linework. Been to the top of the ladder in supervision. I have my Masters Degree (MBA). The times have changes since I started. I am on the down stroke with this journey.I am on the forums to share some stories and to give help and to share knowledge if I can