LAMartin, I am a Journeyman Lineman for--yep you guessed it--CVEC. I work in Division III in Palmyra, Va. I have been here at the co-op for almost 6 years now but had worked as a contractor for 11 years prior to. I have a mixed background that includes transmission,substation and distribution. I am strictly a REC lineman now but I will never limit my options. I strive to better my self trough any training opportunity that arrives whether it be formal, though interaction with my direct supervision, or with interaction with other Journeymen. I take my craft very seriously however, I try to enjoy it also!
I toughly enjoy this site and enjoy reading posts from many of you. There is alot of knowledge that can be gleaned from here and I do my best to learn from that as well.
thank you gentlemen for your insight and work safely,
Journeyman CVEC
There's no such thing as "The End Of The Line!"
If you think you are worth what you know, you are very wrong. Your knowledge today does not have much value beyond a couple of years. Your value is what you can learn and how easily you can adapt to the changes this profession brings so often. -- Jose M. Aguilar