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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Broken Bow, Nebraska


    Featured Sponsor

    My Name is J.D. I am a Journeyman Lineman for Custer Public Power in Broken Bow, Nebraska. I was a contractor for several years until I decided to jump to the utility side. I am married to a wonderful woman named Natalie and we do not have any children yet; still got a few more goals to achieve before we get to that stage.

  2. #22

    Default me

    im the best lineman in the world well my world anyway i love working on the
    lines an cant imagine doing anything else been in th job 20 years and hope to be doing it another 20
    engineers aren,t god,s

  3. #23


    Been in linework since 84, worked everything from 345 to the meter and I'm an electric crew leader. Worked it all at the same company and union. Working in the town I grew up in and get called at home when the lights go out because everyone knows where I work. Still a point of pride to keep the lights on and get em back on.
    Still learning and trying to teach the things that I've learned and pass on the good stuff and none of the bad.

  4. #24

    Default What a job, all this and a paycheck too!!!!

    Coming into my 25th year. 15 @ 2 corp's, 8 contractor. All of that union. Last couple @ a non union muni, GOD forgive me! Need to stay close to home for awhile. Still keep my traveler current. Best to all!

  5. #25

    Default Chong from Idaho

    10 years trampin rat highlines in the 80s union since 92..outside construction,just comin off a three year jag as a utility puke..wasnt so bad,home every night (when the pager didnt go off} back outside now,lookin to maybe find some old pole partner on here someday. nothin Id rather do for a safe..look long

  6. #26

    Default transmission whore

    39 years IBEW local 1249.

    Loved the job, hated the BS. But wouldn't have it any other way.

    transmission 98% did some distrubution during storms and what not, but really just a pole monkey most my years.
    My only regret was not being able to sell the trade to my son. I'm sure you all agree there is NO greater reward then providing the one thing that keeps this country functioning.

    MI... your stickers pecking out.

  7. #27

    Default Transmission and Distribution

    Been working for Hydro One, utility for the province of ontario Canada for 7 years. Mostly did transmission work, barehand up to 500 kV (it needs to be renewed), sticking 115 and mostly just line construction of new tower and pole lines.
    Did 3 years of distribution in three of our major areas, Guelph, Orangeville and Thorld. Also been a health and safety rep for a few major projects.
    Just a young guy, started at 19, just going on 27. Union member of Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW).
    I am thinking of going to a local utility try that out, see what challenges can meet me there. Had a bit of city work, but most is usually in smaller towns and rural area. Anyway, here's from north of the border. I will try not to stir the pot anymore than I already have
    We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Thumbs up Live Better Work Union

    Started apprenticeship in May of 1976, topping out in January of 1980. L.U. 51 is my mother local but have also been a member of L.U. 57 and L.U. 1245. Majority of my career has been spent on construction but have worked for a couple of IOU's when the outside work hit the skids (family to feed you know). Linework is all I know and would not trade the friendships and experiences for anything. It's a rare breed that make up our Brotherhood and I am proud to have been associated with the men and women of the IBEW for 35yrs.
    Last edited by wudwoker51; 04-18-2011 at 08:28 PM.

  9. #29

    Smile 40 yrs. and counting!

    been with Ohio Edison since 69. stint in the US Navy., came out & went into line in'73.been there ever since.dist,trans.maint.,and hold the pos. of 'Lineleader" since '94.been offered co pos. numerous times but kept my sanity and remained a Union man. hold an elected pos. in UWUA 126.maybe gone next year!

  10. #30

    Default Union Till I Die...

    Featured Sponsorr

    I'm a Journeyman Lineman from IBEW Local 104. Went threw Neats apprenticeship program and topped out in 2001. Can't think of any other work I would want to be doing. Wish I got in early than I did...

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