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Thread: Old(er) newby

  1. Default Old(er) newby

    Featured Sponsor

    Hey guys,

    I'm 35 and have begun the process to right a wrong in my life. In high school, I was hell bent on getting in to a trade. Auto mechanic to be precise. For a few reasons such as friends parents telling me that trade school is inferior and University was being hyped as the "possibility' of making more money, I bailed and went and got a useless arts degree.

    I had been at 'a Canadian bank' for 10 years and woke up. I am miserable. I have always been fascinated with electricity and was researching it when saw 'lineman'. I was immediately hooked. I am a rock and mountain climber and know this trade is for me.

    So, 1. Am I too old. I have called a few companies and such and they seemed receptive. I am getting my truck license and am polishing up on physics (which I didn't ever take)

    Any suggestions for a seasoned guy like me. Also, with Toronto Hydro taking a hissy fot when they didn't get their rate increase and cancelling all contracts, flooding the market with 1000 out of work linemen, what other suggestions are there to stand out and get an apprenticeship?

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    South East Texas


    Ummmmmm Its never too late to try and realize your goals

  3. #3

    Default yes never too late

    You might have to try harder but never give up..........Id guess your chances are better with a contractor than a utility,with some of the people I have seen ,Id be happy to hire an older guy........they are usually dependable,it might take awhile but Id say go for it.....good luck.

  4. #4


    I'm 33 and have just started in the trade up here in B.C. I thought I was getting close to an unspoken "cut off" age but the outfit I work at has started apprentices at ages 36 and 39 in the last few years. Apparently there has been one or two apprentices in the province recently that were late forties or even early fifties. I'm sure those are VERY rare situations, but it still gives a guy some hope.

    This: "You might have to try harder but never give up", probably sums it up.

  5. Default


    All great answers. Feels good and confirms I'm making the right choice. The thought of this job is already making me proud of possibly being able to do it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by climbguy View Post

    All great answers. Feels good and confirms I'm making the right choice. The thought of this job is already making me proud of possibly being able to do it.
    Anything can be done,somethings though cant be un-done.................for me the hardest part of this trade has to be the weather.........i can deal with the heat...............but long hours in freezing temps is kinda tough for me.

  7. #7


    Thanks Batwoman

  8. #8


    I was 37 when I got a spot in an apprenticeship and I'll be topping out in just a few months.
    If you want it bad enough, you can do it...
    Mouth shut, ears and eyes open and work hard!
    Good luck!

  9. Default


    I bumped into 4 senior guys from the local municipal utility. The largest one in Canada. One is a trainer at the apprentice class. He said they won't be hiring for the next year, and their class is hard. Need to get 87 or better in every year. No worries.

    But, he did say, keep applying, keep calling and show I want it. Exactly the same advice you guys have given. Must be something in the water.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    Featured Sponsorr

    Yep , keep trying. Most utilities in Ontario are going to retire about half of there men in the next few years and they are not hiring apprentices at nearly the same pace. There is lots of opportunities.

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