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  1. Default PG&E ALP and interview

    Featured Sponsor

    I'm seeking some advice on the Alp test as well as the interview PG&E conducts for pre apprentice lineman. What kind of questions do they ask for the interview? And how soon after the interview do you know if you have been selected? I am a NLC grad with 5 months of experience being a ground hand for building transmission line and 5 months of building distribution line (minimal hot work experience). All the work I have done has been for general contractors. While I Enjoy my job as now a lot I'm looking to get into the union. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. Default PALW interview

    The ALP test is just to make sure you can follow directions and work at heights. There is a test preparation guide online. The following directions test failed a few guys out. Take your time and ask them to repeat the instructions if you aren't clear. This ain't NLC, you aren't being timed. This is important to remember especially if you are offered the job and start your basic climbing class.

    You will have two interviews with two panels of interviewers, one is from the electric department and the other is from HR. They will ask you 3 questions in each interview and expect you to answer with the STAR method. Look it up and practice. Basically you want to tie everything back to safety. Having stories thought up before you go in will help you immensely. They will ask you when you saw something unsafe how did you respond, what you did when you had a problem with a coworker, one about diversity, that's really all I can remember.

    Don't mention the hot work. You won't be touching anything hot for more than a year. Pg&E has probably the best Lineman training in the world but there are some things to consider. As a pre-apprentice there is a lot you aren't allowed to do, you won't be allowed to drive a truck, work anything hot, work at heights (climb or ride in the bucket). You are on probation for a year during which you can be fired for anything, then you enter your 4 year apprenticeship. You can get through an apprenticeship faster elsewhere. If you get stuck in a crap yard or G.C. you will be stuck there for 2 years after you top out before you can bid out. So 7 years from when you start.

    Good luck to you and don't get discouraged if you don't make it the first time. It took me two interviews. Some guys in my class interviewed 5 times before they got on. You should hear from the recruiter in a couple days. Anything more than a week and start checking your email for a rejection letter. Stay positive in your interview and tell them about how you always work safe.

  3. Default

    Featured Sponsorr

    Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to tie everything back to safety.

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