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Monday, 09 July 2007 19:00


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Author - Claude Jones

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What, no power, no lights at all?

We'll be right out, thanks for your call

A glance at the clock, gosh it's two at night

There's thunder and rain, and lightning so bright

I call my partner, his number I know

I hear him say, "tell me it ain't so"

It's true I say, open your eyes

This ain't the bullroom, I'll tell you no lies

Who hid my jeans, my shirt, my boot

They're all over the house, and I've got to scoot

That cloud sounds bad, my wife's awake

"It's too bad to go, stay home for my sake"

But I'm on duty, it's my turn to go

So I'm out the door, boy, feel the wind blow

Ten miles to travel, to get one house back on

It's sure wet and slick, hear the tires moan

The radio crackles, and I bet I know why

Lightning is flashing, just look at that sky

The three phase is dead, I bet the sub just went out

Should we run try the breaker, or ride the line and scout

We'd better take a look, it is probably a tree

Or it could be a pole down, or maybe two or three

We better call some help, we'll need it I know

We'll have to flash the line, to make the fault show

The weathers getting worse, we'll be out all the night

With hard hat and rain suit, and this old flashlight

We'll work however long it takes, to get the power hot

It want be simple or easy, and we'll really have to trot



We'll ground the line, and work safe and clear

For there is no second chance, to be found out here

Climb poles, cut trees, splice and sag the wire

We've got to get it right, so there's no fire

It takes dedication, a quick mind and strong arm

Teamwork and communication, work without alarm

We'll get the job done, whatever it may take

Keeping in our minds, it's our own lives at stake

Now the line is back up, and we're in the clear

"Line is hot and holding, is what we want to hear"

We'd now like to go home, to eat and rest and shower

But it's time to go to work, it's our regular hour

Though sleepy and tired, our feelings we will hide

And still do our work with the same care and pride

Here the verse must end, but really there is no finish

There is always the duty, and the lines to replenish.


Claude Jones

Pontotoc Electric Power Association

P. O. Box 718

Pontotoc MS 38863

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