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Submitted By - Uncontrolled PhaseWhile changing a three phase straight line pole there were two lineman holding the phases back one had one phase and the other two .. Well I was operating the digger truck .. The lineman holding the two phases only tied one of them off while holding on to the other.. He sneezed and let go of the center phase it fell and arched on the boom of the digger only a few feet from the operating platform .. It arched three times before it kicked the breaker at the station .. I was a just a grunt then so not knowing what to do i watched the phase and when it went back up into the air I jumped of of the truck and ran like hell .. That was the worst sound I have ever heard .. A few months later they made the same lineman a foreman and put me working with him .. I just started my apprenticeship and I am trying to get a transfer .. Luckily know one was hurt but could have easily been if someone was in contact with the truck .. Be safe, rubber up.. tie off .. and always work in between grounds if possible to kill line .. If you can kill it don't think twice just do it ..