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Sunday, 08 July 2007 19:00


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Author - Erik Peden, TECO

Submitted By - Erik Peden, TECO

Up these poles went 600 men

But only 8 made it to climb down again.


 I looked at them boys and what did I see

But their hooks had done broke; their belts done had done choked,

and they cant do line work like me.


Let me tell ya something to be true


When your wires down will come to town


And will work as hard as the day is long

Justa jack’n on that old come along.


Watch that wire above your head, cause that 336 will kill ya dead.


At the end day, when our work is done

Will look back with pride at the line we strung.


Men of energy are but a few

With out these ones you couldn’t do.



I wrote this song about my apprentice class  " The class of 8" as we are called after we were hired. We were chosen from over 600 guys that applied for our job. We sing this and other songs while we climb at our training school.

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