Author - Mike Burns
Submitted By -WIRE WIZARDS
We take so much for granted,
we expect things to always work,
But when storms arise and lights go out
Reality hits with a jerk !It's then we pace the floor
And say , What shall we do ? !
Things are going to spoil ,
And we'll miss our weekly stew !!
But while we're getting flustered
The trucks are on their way ,
Whether it be night or whether it be day.
They climb the poles
and mend the wires,
While getting soaked and blown
By our unrelenting showers
We count the minutes and complain
Though we do not realize
They're working as quickly as possible
With lightning flashing and menacing skies.
It cannot be an easy job
For they know every minute counts ,
They fight with slippery tools and poles
With dangers we totally discount.
Yes , they are "wire wizards,"
Fixing things we may not understand
Because it's their job and in troubled times
They do their job , as per scheduled plan .
If they do their work quickly
We never pat them on the back ,
And if it goes more slowly
We cut them down with our tongue axe .
But without them , consider , friend ,
Just where you and I'd be
If a storm came up and the lights went out
And there were no "wire wizards"
To climb that "electrical tree !!
This poem was sent to KGE line crews in Wichita KS. thanking them for there
storm restoration efforts this summer.
Poem by MIke Burns KGE customer.