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Sunday, 29 July 2007 19:00


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Lost friend

On Oct.21,1996 A friend and a good lineman lost his life in an electrical accident . He was working out a single phase dip pole out of a linetruck bucket. He had transfered the primary and was in the process of hanging a crossarm to mount the switches on . The ground man had mounted two 15 kv switches on the arm as requested by the lineman in the bucket. When he carried the x arm up to the position to mount which is about 11 inches below the dead end bells , he picked up on the arm to slide it in the hole . It apears that he raised up on his toes for extra lift his shoulder came in contact with the dead end shoe and the xarm was against his stomach and the bolt came in contact with the pole. He was gotten down and given CPR and was pronounced dead at the Hospital. He did not have a line hose on the primary. There is not a day that I don't think about him . 1 mistake was all it took . DON'T TAKE SHORT CUTS .

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