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Sunday, 29 July 2007 19:00


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Author - Unionman

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Leveling Cables


I work out of a 1 man material handler by Altec. My Co. rebuilt the truck approx.18 Months ago. When they rebuilt the truck they did not install the bucket leveling cable properly.The cable was rubbing against a pin rather than riding on the pulley that it was designed for. The bucket never
operated funny or gave any signs of having a leveling cable problem until it began to lean forwards. We sent the truck in for repairs and they said that the bucket had a hole in it and the leveling cables apeared to be stretched. We explained that we had do nothing to have stretchted the cables so they just tightned the cables to level the bucket back up. They did not look or inspect to see why the cables had stretched.! week after the truck had been repaired the cable broke dumping me out onto
the ground. I did not have my belt and layard on. If your bucket begins to lean ground it until you yourself are satisfied that the cables are ok. You do not want to go thru the pain and suffering that I have experianced. As for full body harnesses you will never come to appreciate them unless you've take a fall and live to tell about it. Be safe and try not to bitch about the harnesses they may save your life.

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