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Submitted By -Hand Line
Hey guys! I'm a lineman of 4.5 yrs and have just started with a new employer. I've been here with this city for 6 months now. To be honest with ya. I'm already getting shook up at some small, but to me serious bad work habits here that I see from my fellow crew members. Now I know each company does certain things a little different in some cases. But as for lineman. When it comes to safety. We all should have that common bond with safety habits. (so what I thought). The case that bugs me most is: When a man or two are up in the bucket truck working with high voltage. They have the habit here of leaving the hand line dangle from the bucket to which the end of the hand line is touching the ground. There are many times that when the men are over and around phases, that the hand line will actually come in contact with a hot phase, and in some cases more than one hot phase. Now, the last time I've seen this happen. The hand line came in contact with a phase and also with the system neutral. There was no flash or smoke in each time I've seen the practice happen. But I did make the mention to the foreman a few times before, about each incident. And his reply was actually NOTHING said! I came to find out that he also has done this a number of times in the past. So when I yell up to the man in the bucket to get his hand line up and into the bucket and not let it dangle. I get criticized! And its usually by the lead lineman. But of course its not to my face. But to others on the crew. And the word finally gets down to me. Its just to bad to think that these guys I work with put that much faith in their rope hand lines. Me personally, I leave the hand line hung down below of all the primary. Just for the fact that it is away from high voltage. And when the groundman send up hardware. The hardware won't come in contact by mistake. Let me know of your thoughts on this small matter.
I would love to hear from you guys on my issue and even some that you may have of your own!
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