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Monday, 30 July 2007 19:00


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A Very Close Call

I was working for a contractor in eastern Wis. the crew consisted of 2 lineman 1 Forman 2 apes.we were string one span of 2 acsr wire from a 25kva line to a pot head pole. we softsided the primary on the main line and had one ape up in the bucket at the pot head pole. We had a traveler on the pot head pole,and were pulling the wire up when it got hung up on the cotter key of the neutral. The ape on the ground pulled hard on the wire (the rope that was on the end of the wire was on the ground and the ape had the wire in his hands with no rubber gloves) at the same time the ape in bucket shook the wire and it let go. the shoe of the pri came with in 10 in of the 14,400 line. a very close call. ALWAYS ALWAYS PLEASE WEAR YOUR RUBBER GOODS. WE ALMOST LOST A APE THAT IS GETTING CLOSE TO TOPPING OUT.

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