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Submitted By -Induction
I was working on a 3 man crew once and we were going to cut a set of switches in a 4kv line. This was to be done by hanging an arm and mounting cutouts on the arm and cutting bells in each phase for the line side and load side. The line was denergized and the foreman and I climbed the pole where I installed a set of grounds and hung the arm. This line underbuilt a 57kv transm. line and so had quite an induction hazard. While I was hanging the arm the foreman decided he would cut the bells in the line etc. He used a small steel cable hoist and after he had installed the first set of bells he attempted to remove the grounded end of the hoist and when he succeeded in removing the grip this put him in series with a pretty good charge of induction. He began to scream my name and flail around. When he finally got loose I commented to him that if he didn't ground that shit it would knock his dick in the dirt. He then pulled off his gloves and it had blistered his fingers. I suggested he go to a hospt. and have a Dr. check it out. He climbed down and left and I finished the job alone except for the grunt. The guy was ok but they kept him overnight and released him the next morn. As you might guess I didn't!t have much regard for him or his abilities. Anyway that induction sure got his attention