Author - Brew
Submitted By -Accident In Alaska
Another electrical contact in Alaska. Two men in substation was burned Monday October 9. One was treated and released and the other lineman has second degree burns over most of his body. He's still in critical condition. Also on the same date contact was made at a different location in Alaska. Two men were setting pole and got it in a phase. I don't know any other details concerning these two seperate accidents. As soon as I find out, I'll post the reports here. Also, earlier this summer there was a fatality with the same company as the the substation contact. I've read the reports on a few other accidents in Alaska at this site Brewski
More on electrical contact. Happened in Palmer, Alaska. The journeyman had 18 year experience in the trade. There were 3 in the sub but he was alone at the time of the contact. He has second degree burns over sixty percent of his body. This is still under investigation as to what happened. Work safe guys. Brew